
Pet status explanation

"Name": refers to the name of the beast, (vill show it's species name in case of that it is not named.)

"species": shows the name of the beast if it has a name.]

"element": shows the element/elements the beast poses. (For example fire, ice, vater or air.)

"species rank": shows the power of the species, wich means that it will be more powerful when compared with a different species oft the same level but lower rank. (The ranks are (low, intermediate, high. Wich are incredibly weak and won't be seen often) and then superior, elite, commander, king, overlord, monarch, ancestor and finally god.

"species level": the species level refers to the cultivation level for beasts, (although humans also have the same levels for their cultivation.) within each of the levels it's split up into low, medium, high and peak and the levels are awakening wich is before anything else and is level 1-10 and then continues with I, II, III, IV, V, VI (referred to as the king tier for cultivation NOT species rank), VII (overlord), VIII (monarch), IX (ancestor), and X (god).

"species skills": Shows the special skills the beast has mastered.

"species potential": The species potential will show how talanted the beast is, (does not equal to its power only its cultivation speed, how quickly it masters skills and how easily it can evolve). And these ranks are from low to high blue, green, yellow, orange, red, purple, white, gold and finally rainbow. In these the sub-tiers go from f tier to sss tier, (orange f for example is still better than yellow sss though.)

"details": shows information about the beast, (for example it's habitat.)

"preferences": shows what the beast enjoys doing, (mostly used to discover what is useful for taming.)

"status": shows the beasts current state, (both its emotions and if something has happened, for example if it's poisoned.