
The Bird Pt.2

"Hm? You know Vell?" Kana stared at it with a curious but also strange look in her eyes, as if testing it. 

{...No, it cant be, i was thinking of something else.....}

{'it can't be....that thing is alive?'}

It looked nervous but it tried to act like it was nothing but Kana was quick to catch on. "Don't play dumb with me, bird. You're clearly hiding something. If you know Vell, or even just heard the name before, spill it."

Jolly tilted her head slightly, glancing between them. "Wait, what's going on? Who or what is Vell? Why would that name make you so nervous?"

It ruffled its feathers, its nervous energy betraying the calm facade it was trying to maintain. {You two are far too inquisitive for your own good. That name… let's just say it stirs memories best left buried.}