
Chapter 6

Lydia held her bag full of art supplies as she exited the museum. A few minutes ago, she was studying a painting at her local art museum as a final was coming up. This was the last test of the year and her last test ever for college. After that, she can only hope and pray that she passes. Lydia sighed as her nerves shook her up. Though the thought of the final was killing her, the thought of Yuna asking her out and helping around town was nice and made her smile. Lydia hopped into her car, turning it on.

Her car coughed as it tried to get enough energy to drive Lydia home. Lydia made a face, disgusted by the sounds her car was making. "God, I don't have enough money to fix this hunk of junk.." Lydia insulted.

She tried to back out but it couldn't muster up the energy. Lydia groaned, realizing that her car was now officially dead. Miles away from home with no friends or family to help her. Lydia stepped out of her car, taking whatever was in her car with her as it was no longer useful to her.

Yuna threw Kenji into the car as he pouted in annoyance. Yuna poked her head from behind the car door to see a girl on her phone with worry. "Is that Lydia?" Yuna asked herself. Yuna left the car, leaving Kenji behind. "Hey! Where are you going?" Kenji yelled as Yuna walked further away from the car. Yuna waved to Lydia, trying to catch her attention. "Hey! Hey!" Yuna shouted as she waved her arms.

Lydia looked up to see Yuna, putting away her phone. Lydia made her way to Yuna, now face to face with her. "Hey! You didn't leave yet?" Lydia bantered. "Heh, yeah. But, I saw you over there in your car for a while. It seems like it doesn't work."

"Oh yeah. It's a wrap for Ol' Reliable, haha!" Lydia joked with a warm smile. "Well, I can drive you to your home if you want!" Yuna offered. Lydia's smile becomes wider as she nods. "Thank you so much!" Lydia commended. Lydia jumped up and hugged Yuna.

Yuna felt her cheeks grow warm and red as she heard the compliment. She couldn't help but blush, feeling embarrassed and flattered at the same time. Her mind raced, trying to think of a response to the kind words. "N-no problem!" Yuna stuttered. Yuna could feel her chest and hers press against each other once again, her body warming up. "Well, we should get going, I don't want to waste your time any more than I already am."

"Oh! Y-yeah!" Yuna stumbled. The two walked to Yuna's car and they picked up the conversation. "So back to the whole exploring the town thing, is there any place or idea that you're thinking of?" Lydia asked as she opened the car door for Yuna. "Thank you, and yes I do. Like venues and restaurants." Kenji looked at Yuna with a broad smile as she nudged her. "Oh! Sorry, how rude of me! This is my manager and friend, Kenji Aoki."

Lydia gushed as she extended her hand to him. "Lovely to meet a friend of Yuna!" He said trickly. Yuna shot a nasty glare at him while maintaining a smile for Lydia. "Anyways, there are many venues, restaurants, and a lot of tourist attractions. So you'll have a lot of things to do." Yuna tapped the chauffeur as he was drifting off or seemingly out of it. Drifting off to space, going into his own world. "Excuse me! Can you take my friend here to her home first before dropping us off?"

The chauffeur snapped out of whatever trance he was in and nodded. "What's the address, ma'am?" Lydia told the man her address and the man nodded once again. "Alright, here we go." The car began as they pulled out and started their journey to Lydia's apartment. "I don't mean to be a gossip Gary but! Yuna did tell me about you before~!" Kenji commented. "R-really?" Lydia replied nervously. Lydia felt her nerves beginning to get the best of her as she thought of all of the things that Yuna could be saying behind her back. Her hands were shaking ever so slightly, and her heart was racing.

"Don't worry about your pretty little head! All good things of course! " Kenji laughed. Yuna blushed as she pinched Kenji's arm. "Ouch!" Kenji whispered. "Don't mind him, even with all that money and power he's still a dumbass.." She said with hatred in her voice. Kenji rolled his eyes and sighed. "Anyways, I can pick you up around 2:30 if that's fine?" Yuna suggested. "That's fine! I promise you, I'll find one thing you'll love about this city, pinky swear!"

Lydia stuck out her pink finger in front of Yuna. Yuna smiled softly at the ginger and hooked her pink finger with hers. Lydia smiled with glee as she softly shook their hands. "You better keep that promise, Miss. Lydia!" Yuna teased. Kenji smiled as the two girls giggled with each other. It was so refreshing to see Yuna find someone for her.

The group reached Lydia's apartment complex. "Okay, this is my stop! Thank you again, Yuyu!" Lydia said as she hopped out of the car. "Oh, you gave me a nickname?" Yuna taunted. "Yeah! Do you like it?" Yuna chuckled and nodded her head. Lydia grinned as she left the car, leaving Kenji and Yuna behind. Yuna waved from inside the car as she watched Lydia climb the stairs to her apartment.

"Well well well! You and your little girlfriend seem to be getting along!" Kenji taunted mockingly. "Shut your damn mouth up!" Yuna snapped.

"Okay! Okay! Sorry! But, seriously. She's just so cute! Look at her! So adorable and soft! Just for you!" Kenji pointed out. Yuna smiled as she remembered Lydia. Her smiling and the pinky promise she'd made with her. Her adorable personality was just to die for! "Look at you! Smiling and whatnot! That girl is YOURS!" Yuna sighed and rolled her eyes as she pressed her head against the window.

Yuna and Kenji sat quietly in the car, the sounds of the highway traffic lulling them into a meditative state. Yuna broke the silence, her mind racing as she tried to figure out a way to tell Kenji about her crush on Lydia.

"Kenji," she said softly, "I hope you won't judge me for this, but I have to tell you something. I think I might have a crush on Lydia."

Kenji, his face expressing dullness, let out a low whistle. "No way. That's amazing. I never would have guessed..."

Yuna frowned at Kenji's reaction but continued on. "I know, it's kind of crazy. But she's just so smart and funny and adorable. I can't help it."

"I get it," Kenji replied, his voice now warm and understanding. "She's an amazing person. And you should definitely go for it."

Yuna's heart raced at the thought of admitting her feelings to Lydia. She knew it would be difficult, but with Kenji's support, she felt like she could do it. "Thanks, Kenji. I really appreciate it."

The two friends sat in silence for a moment, lost in their own thoughts. Yuna knew that, with Kenji's encouragement, she could find the courage to approach Lydia and tell her how she felt. She just had to work up the nerve.

Yuna arrived at the hotel after a long day out. As Yuna climbed into the elevator, her mind began to wander around Lydia's perusal. She couldn't stop thinking about her and Lydia's chests pushing and molding against each other. Her breasts are being swallowed by Lydia's bigger set. Yuna blushed as she thought about it, her body gaining a new sensation.

Lydia's hand on her thigh, almost squeezing it. Her legs began to feel like jello, her mind churning into glazed butter. The thought of that girl touching Yuna drives her crazy and insane. The ding of the elevator woke Yuna up as she sheepishly stepped out of the elevator into her room.

If Yuna was being honest, she was getting sick of seeing the same exact floor plan every day. Not to mention the loud couple that bangs each other every night. She wanted a place to call home, a place where she can just live. And no moaning and strange noises coming from every direction.

Yuna stepped into the steamy bathroom, feeling the hot water pounding against her skin. She let out a contented sigh as the tension flowed out of her body, leaving her feeling relaxed and refreshed.

She moved slowly, enjoying the sensation of the water running over her skin. She closed her eyes, letting her mind wander as she let the water wash over her.

The steam filled the air, and she breathed deeply, feeling like she was in her own private sanctuary. She reached for a bottle of shampoo, squeezing some into her hands and working it through her hair.

The scent of the shampoo filled her nostrils, and she savored the smell. She washed her hair thoroughly, feeling the suds run down her body. She then rinsed out the shampoo, enjoying the feeling of the water coursing down her body.

She picked up a bottle of conditioner, massaging it into her hair before rinsing it out. She felt like a brand-new person, and she smiled to herself as she wrapped a towel around her body.

She stepped out of the shower feeling refreshed, invigorated, and ready to tackle whatever the day held. As she looked in the mirror, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment for taking the time to care for herself. She felt powerful and beautiful, and she knew that, with the confidence she gained from taking care of herself, she was ready for anything.

Sorry for not posting yesterday! I had a plan social event to go to so that's why and sorry for it being so late during the day. At least for my timezone. Stay tooned for the next chapter!

archipelago_devilcreators' thoughts