
Be my guest

Fate fell into Zach Pedigo's lap. Unemployed, lack of funds, a bad reference from an old boss, nearly homeless. Sad thing was Zach was one cool dude, athletic, Tom Hardy looks, smart, you name it. Evicted from his apartment in one breath, KNOCK KNOCK! In walks Heidi Baker, young, gorgeous, crazy. There to answer a vacant bedroom ad that wasn't even Zach's apt. Last ditch idea he suckered her in. Best thing to ever happen to him. Good kid! Daddy issues but a sweetheart. Boy was she a handful! Genre: Erotica Book by:SZENSEI

Lomon3 · 现代言情
25 Chs

Eviction noticed 5


Both girls point at him, and he looks down to see his erection, tent poling his sweats in tall order. Zach was hardly small down there. Turning his back to them he shakes his head, "I GIVE UP."

"Chill out, Old man." Heidi smirked, "You order food yet?"

"Fuck! No, I haven't had time. Let me grab my cell." He darts away toward his bedroom where it was charging.

"That dick is huge." Kayla expressed awe.

"Go fetch."

"Wish I could. Mom is probably reporting her car stolen already."

"I'll be home later."

"This is home."

"I'll be home, home, later."

"Okay. I'm visiting you a lot."

"You just want to jump Tom's bones."

"I would too."


A kiss on the cheek Kayla crawls from the floor and steps cautiously across the hall to Zach's opened bedroom door. Leaning both hands to each side of the threshold, she looks in to see him on the phone making a delivery order. Catching him off guard she witnesses him fondling his erection from the outside of his sweatpants. Staring at him with a hunger lust she wanted to waltz in and help him out. That of course was interrupted by Heidi scaring the holy hell out of her by sneaking up and reaching around, under her halter to squeeze her breasts. A loud squeal lets Zach know of their intrusion and he looks back at Kayla's bouncing breasts while Heidi made them shuffle about from behind.

Ignoring the erotic display at Kayla's expense, he coughs up, "Lo Mein? General Chow's Chicken? Broccoli and Beef over white rice sound alright?"

"Yep." Heidi removes her hands from Kayla's shirt and nudges her shoulder to shoulder. Hearing Zach complete his order, Heidi calls out, "EXTRA FORTUNE COOKIES." He abruptly stops the restaurant on the other end with the request. Hanging up he found both girls sweaty and laughing. "BITCH GO BEFORE YOU GET TOWED."

"FINE! Bye Zach."

"Nice meeting you Kayla. See you around."

"You can't see around that Heifer." Heidi laughed hysterically. As the front door closed life calmed down. Sizing up Zach's room she realized he was into sports heavily. A hockey stick was mounted over his queen size bed. "Nice stick." Zach in turn looked down at his crotch. Eyes rolled at his response, she shakes her head, "Not that stick. Old man you have a one-track mind."

"Probably so. You're not helping it any."

"So, you're into Hockey?"

"Played when I was a kid up in Vancouver. Moved down here when I was your age."

"Wow! I'm originally from Vancouver too. Small world. Mom moved here to get away from my real dad once she found out she was pregnant. I don't even think he knows I exist. Someday maybe."

"Met my ex-wife Shea here in Seattle at 22. Married up until three years ago. She found someone better and we split. Been single since." He plugged his cell back into the charger and folded his arms. His erection was still a problem, but she chose to ignore it. Casual glances at best to realize it wasn't going down. "What about you? Boyfriend?"

"Yeah, right! I date, but nothing serious. We all know what guys want." She fidgets a bit.

"My hard on bothering you? I can pour ice cubes down my sweats. Probably the only thing that's going to cool it down. No offense."

"Your apartment too. Be yourself, I will."

"If I was myself, you would run off like lightning."

"Why you say that? Thought you weren't a pervert."

"I suppose I'll have my moments. Can you blame me when you look that good?"

"Nope! I turn myself on." She snickers. "I'm going to go finish unpacking until the food gets here." She starts to turn away then halts in step. Turning back, she reaches into her cleavage and removes a folded-up check from her black bra. "Before I forget, here's rent."

"Perfect. Thanks Dove. Oh!" He turns to his dresser and picks up her apartment key, "Might need this tomorrow in case I'm out job hunting."

"Awesome." She accepts it, "Hanging up my clothes now. I just realized you don't have a washer and dryer."

"Every floor has a set. Six doors down by the pop machine."

"More money." She grumbles. "Saves on our water bill I guess."

"It all evens out. Let's just make the best of it. I'll do whatever I can to help you out, you do the same. Deal?"

"That depends on what you want help with." She chuckles with a squinted eye, using her pinky to point at his erection.

"Not even remotely what I was getting at. Stop looking at it, that's not helping."

"Yup." She turns and returns to her makeshift bedroom to unpack what few things she had, mostly clothing, a small lamp without a shade, single cereal bowl and one set of utensils. He left her to herself and went out into the kitchen. Zach made a bit of room in his cabinet for her, in doing so he realized just how much crap he had.