
Mental unmatch

" Yes my father didn't ask my consent for marriage and have done my engagement with Ujjain prince, I will reject the marriage, and then I don't want to be married at early ears, I am only nineteen now", said Ragini sitting on the couch."If you don't mind may I say the highness something ", said Hassan

" Continue "

"Princess I think your father-the king is concerned about you, you were kidnapped by the goons and then saved by a village young man, it may damage your reputation, others may speak ill about you, I feel your father have done the right thing announcing your engagement and moreover Ujjain Kingdom is very prosperous and have strong military base, strengthening it's relationship with Iravati is beneficial for Iravati and Prince Shashank is the only son and also is very handsome, Strong... "

" Wait stop, inspite of being a body guard you think politics like a prince, hunh I knew what my father did is purely politics for the benefit of Iravati, you men can only do politics with women and we women are like puppets in their hands" , said Ragini angrily

"No it's not like that princess I am sure your father loves you from the bosom of his heart and is very much concerned about you that's why he took such decision quickly and couldn't ask for your consent" , said Arjun and tried to calm Ragini. Ragini very furious, she didn't expect Hassan to speak boldly like that and that too against her wish, she expected Hassan to support her and give her a plan so that she can cancel the engagement or she even thought in the extreme case she will run away with Hassan to escape the marriage. She didn't know why she thought of that but she felt that the only person she could trust completely in the palace is Hassan. It was her fault she thought she was too close with Hassan, shared her thoughts with him and thought that he would help her, she felt fully frustrated angry on herself and Hassan, tears rolled from her eyes . Arjun noticed that and immediately started trying to cheer up the princess.

"So princess What's in the gold bottle, did you come to Hassan to give him your special recipe secretly, is it you want to feed him water with your own hands or is it wine to make him drunk mmhhmmm?" " Shut up Arjun", both Hassan and Ragini yelled at Arjun and they all were surprised that they said it together. "Oo oo oo I see I am sorry, please forgive me as an apology you can slap me or kiss me, as you wish" pleaded Arjun with a smile from the princess holding her hands, Ragini gently removed her hands from Arjun, she is used to such kinds of flirting behavior from other princes before.

However Arjun was successful in elevating Ragini's mood, she stopped shedding tears and was smiling to herself by such idiotic talks of prince Arjun 'Slap him or kiss him? how shameless is this prince, have no respect for his family and Kingdom, birds of same feather flock together' she thought. "Actually I was carrying special wine in this golden bottle, i have wine after sunset", said Ragini, actually she came to make Hassan her drinking patner and befriend Hassan although she knew that Arjun was here too, she thought it was better to share her wine with these two men, she thought she got two friends, her own brothers are too younger to her to share a teenager emotions, her dad mom are always busy, her maids are too concerned about her "Come let's drink together, let's have a drunk evening with our honored princess Ragini", said Arjun. Arjun felt it was minimum ethicate he could show to the palace owner where his family is guest in, although his father and Ragini's father are good friends, but he never got too close with Ragini before as he thought this princess is very shy and like to live on her own, remaining aloof from other princesses . "But I don't feel like drinking now", said Hassan suddenly