

After the grand battle at Las Noches, Ulquiorra thought he was dead and unfortunately for him he found himself in an completely different Earth with no hollows. A woman named Serafall Leviathan found him lying on the ground. Serafall revived him and became a member of her family. ------------ Tags: Action, Fantasy, WorldTravel, Gods, Angels, Devils, LateRomance, StrongProtagonist, PassiveProtagonist ------------ WARNING!! THIS COULD DAMAGE YOUR BRAINCELL!! ------------ You can also read it at my patre.on www.patre on.com/Lging08(Just ignore the space)

RuinKing0899 · 漫画同人
56 Chs

Old Satan Faction 3

Rias and the rest fought their way onto Diodora. They defeated his peerage and when they enter the house they saw Freed. Freed is the stray priest they fought before. He was in cahoots with Kokabiel.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Long time no see!"

"Freed!!" Issei exclaimed when he saw Freed.

"Yes! Yes! I'm really a tough cookie!" Freed said. "As you can see I'm still alive!"

"Why are you here?" Kiba asked.

"After that, I was collected by that shitty bastard, Vali!" Freed laughed maniacally. He looked at them with a smirk and said, "In other words, the Khaos Brigade picked up stray little ol' me!"

"And you became Diodora's knight?" Rias said.

"Knight? Hahahaha!!" Freed laughed as he held his stomach. He then looked at them with wide eyes, "I ate them both up!"

"Ate them up?" Issei said.

"That person has already given up his humanity" Koneko said as she pinch her nose.

"Hahaha!!" Freed laughed as his body bulk up. One wing sprouted out of his back, his skin turned brown, and there's some spike sprouted out of his body. Rows of sharp teeth grew out of his mouth. He said, "Since this is such a tear jerking reunion, let me tell you something good."

He looked at them with his big eyes. "All the girls you defeated from his household just now were all once famous sister or saints from various lands."

"What did you say?!" Xenovia cried out.

"It's that guy's hobby to bring down passionate holy women to the deoths of hell with his sweet words! Hahaha!" Freed replied as he laughed madly.

"Then, Asia... "

"One day, a spoiled devil boy found a beautiful holy woman that was totally his type. But the woman was treasured so much that he couldn't kidnapped her easily." Freed narrated them what happen. He continue, "And so, that maybe she would be expel if other holy people saw the woman healing an injured devil like him. After she despair from the church betrayal and hit rock bottom, he was gonna reach out and ravish her! Ravish her heart and her body at the same time! It's what that young master loves to do the most!"

"You bastard!!" Issei shouted angrily. He was about to charge at Freed but he was stop by Kiba.

"I will be his opponent, I will stop his dirty mouth." Kiba said as he slowly walked towards Freed.

"Hahaha! I got this pretty body because of you!" Freed charge at Kiba.

"It's better if you do not exist!" Kiba said as he slashed his sword a few times.

Swoosh!! Swoosh!!

"W-What? You're too strong!" Freed said as he fell down on the ground. His body was in pieces. He said, "Well, you guys won't be able to defeat the guys pulling the strings behind this one."

Kiba walked forward and finished him, "You should save your words in God of Death."


Finally, the group arrived at Diodora's quarters. Diodora decided to mock them and said that he was going to kill them all for Asia to lose her hope. He also said that he was going to rape Asia in front of Issei.

"You Bastard!!" Issei shouted angrily and he entered his balance breaker.

Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker!!

"President" Issei said as he walked forward.

Rias nodded at him giving him the permission.

Issei rushed toward Diodora. He throw a powerful punch at him.

"W-Why?! I have Ophis power!" Diodora pulled himself up from the ground. He couldn't believe that he couldn't take a punch from Issei.

Issei and Diodora fought and it's a one sided battle. Diodora didn't even manage to scratch Issei's armor.

"Hmm... I guess she's right..." Ulquiorra was in the sky looking down at them. He then felt something, "Serafall-sama's magic power!"

He glance one more time at Issei group before he enter the garganta.


Ulquiorra appeared before Serafall. This surprised her as she was looking at an opportunity to help.

"Oh!! It's just you, Ulqi-tan" Serafall said as she swipe her forehead. She looked at Ulquiorra and said, "Follow me, we're going to make it big."

Ulquiorra quietly stood behind her. He then felt Issei's aura skyrocketed. His aura grew stronger that he could even feel it at this distance.

He turned his head and looked at the direction where he felt the aura.

"Let's go, Ulqi-tan" Serafall said to him. She then flew to north.


"I am the true descendant of Asmodeus, Creuserey Asmodeus." A man with a long black hair that tied in pony tails said. His ears was long and pointy. He was wearing a black clothes with black cape

"So one of the great masterminds finally shows himself." Azazel said while looking at Creuserey.

"As a member of True Satan Faction, I will avenge Katerea Leviathan." Creuserey said as he push his arm forward and open his palm. A symbol with a serpent eating it's own tail appear. "Using the power I received from Ophis. We will destroy this world and create a new world for devils."

"Well, Fafnir. I'm going to have you help me out a bit." Azazel said as he took out an item with a purple orb.

Suddenly a red magic cirle appear in between Azazel and Creuserey. Sirzechs appear himself.

When Creuserey saw Sirzechs he snapoed out and pointed his finger at him. "You damned artificial existence! "

Sirzechs looked at Creuserey and said, "Creuserey. For the species known as devils to continue their existence, war in underworld is unnecessary baggage."

"A bastard who deals not only with fallen angels, but the angels themselves, has no right to speak as a devil!" Creuserey said loudly.

"I don't want to hear that from an unhappy misfit who joins a happy-go-lucky club like Khaos Brigade." Azazel said from the side.

Sirzechs closed his eyes and he opened them again. His eyes was looked like a ruby with his power swirling on it. He said, "Creuserey, as a Great Devil King, I will eliminate anyone who is against the current underworld." He opened his palm and a crimson ball appeared on it. It expanded and covered Creuserey.

"Th-This is?!" Creuserey looked around him as he was envelope by a crimson sphere. His arm fall off and it disintegrated in the air.

"Impossible!" Creuserey exclaimed as his body was turning into dust every seconds. He shouted, "Why?"

"W-Why must the real thing lose against a fake?" He said before he turned completely into dust.

"That's enough!!"

Azazel and Sirzechs looked up and saw the space in the sky opened like a mouth. Two person walked out of it. A man and a woman.

"Hehe~ I always want to say that when there's an enemy." they heard the woman laughed.

"cough... Now that I'm here I'm going to... Eh?! Sirzechs-chan" Serafall saw Sirzechs and Azazel and nothings else. "M-M-My grand entrance!!"

Sirzechs and Azazel smile wryly at her.

If you guys spot something wrong on spelling or grammar, please do tell me in paragraph comments.

you can also read advance chapter on www.patre on. com/Lging08(just ignore the space) up to chapter 48. I'll appreciate it very much.

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