
Battle partners

Battle with or their animals in the cities for money but in the villages they are used for warriors and one special one will help over turn the lives of the rich and poor

Derek_Scott · 奇幻
21 Chs

Bringing hell

Dj was a awoken to the sound of feet in his room. He jumped out of bed and grabbed his sword and hid behind the door. Dj heard the door knob turn and the door open. He readied himself to attack the intruder when he heard,"Hey dumb ass I know your there it's me Bear I'll be waiting in the living room" Dj let a sigh of relief out and he threw his sword on his bed and grabbed his gear and got dressed and grabbed his cloak and put it on, Dj exited the bedroom and saw bear looking at paintings on the wall of the hotel room. Dj said,"What are you doing here Bear thought you had some business to attend to?" Bear looked at Dj and said,"Got done with it early and decided to come back and help you search some more" Dj nodded and said,"Well I know who has all of our partners and I know who has my friends and family but I still need to do some scouting at the city of Greeks, and also why didn't you tell me that this world had multiple species?" Bear responded,"Well good job scouting out first and not being a dumb ass and to answer your question you never asked so that's why" Dj just looked at Bear and said,"Also I have made a few acquaintances who will be helping us also, but before we go I would like to get a few new toys" bear nodded his head and asked,"What kind of toys" Dj said,"I need some new weapons and this city has a law no citizen or visitors are allowed to carry weapons so let's have some fun I want revenge" bear smiled and said,"Let's do it then" Dj grabbed everything he had with him and placed it in his bag and he kept his sword and tomahawk on his sides and Dj and bear walked out of the hotel and they went to the weapons shop Dj walked in and looked at the weapons and he saw a two beautiful swords on the wall behind the clerk Dj knew they were twin katanas. Dj looked around at the different weapons and spotted twelve throwing knives with twin holsters and a claymore Dj walked to the clerk and pointed out all the weapons he wanted and he placed the two katanas on his back with his bow and arrows he put the claymore on the same side as his long sword and he put the twelve throwing knives on the back of both arms so when he crossed his arms he could grab a knife and throw it after he was done the two men walked out of the shop and went to the white haired women's shop Dj and bear crossed the city to the same shop as Dj went to the day before and the two men entered into the shop and found a person wearing a cloak behind the counter and Dj said,"I am looking for a white haired women can you tell me where I can find her" the person behind the counter said,"Their has not been a white haired woman her before" Dj already on edge said,"I'll give you one last chance where is the white haired woman who was here yesterday" while slamming his fist on the counter the person turn their head and said,"Their has not been a-" and before the person could finish speaking Dj drew his katana and held the point to their persons neck and slashed the tie causing the cloak to drop to the ground reveling a women with bright red hair and white eyes. Dj said,"Now I am done with the games I care not you are a woman I'll slit your throat and kill everyone else I find in this store you can either tell me where she is or what happened to her" as Dj finished speaking the door he entered yesterday opened and out came the white haired women with two black knights. Dj looked at the white haired woman and the two black knights and said bear block the exit our two friends don't leave. Dj sheathed his katana and said,"Hello ma'am" the two guards drew their weapons and said,"Hands up you are under arrest for open carrying of weapons and threatening an unarmed citizen" Dj smiled and dropped his cloak and ignored the knights and asked the white haired woman,"I never got your name and are these two of need for you" the white haired woman smiled and said,"Snow is my name and no they were collecting taxes so they are of no use to me" Dj said,"Well miss snow nice to make your acquaintance and sorry for the mess" the guards looked at each other and silently asked,"What mess?" Dj jumped and kicked the closest knight into a book shelf and knocked it over and the other knight charged and Dj punch him in his throat and shoved him back and refocused on the knight he kicked into the bookshelf and knight swung his Roman gladius at Dj's stomach causing Dj to jump back and was grabbed by the knight he punched in the throat. The other knight advanced forward and Dj kicked the knight in his chest and used the kick to pole-vault over the knight holding him and as Dj landed he drew his katana and held the sword in both hands and watched as both knights recovered and grabbed their weapons that were on the ground from Dj's onslaught. Dj drew his katana and said,"I'm done playing I have things to get done" Dj looked into the two knights eyes and charged and slashed through the first guards defense and Dj grabbed a throwing knife and shoved it into the knights neck and he grabbed another and threw it into the other knights head and the knights body fell to its knees and then on to its stomach and blood poured from its wounds. Dj sheathed his sword and collected the knife from the knights throat and cleaned it on the knights face wiping the blood off of the blade. Dj grabbed the other knife from the mans head and did the same and he sheathed both knives and turned towards the white haired women and asked,"Is there a back exit?" The women thought about it and said,"Yes, why do we need it" Dj said,"Well I bet some people outside heard the commotion from the fight in here and I need you and bear to get to the shop and get the animals back and I'll meet you in a day at the edge of the city and we will all go to the city of the Greeks" Dj looked at Bear and said,"Watch our for her" bear nodded and Dj grabbed one of the knights armor and put it on over his clothes and he hid the cloak in the back of the armor and he waited for Bear and snow to leave Dj opened the shop door to see the front was surrounded with a dozen knights with spears and shields locked together and spears sticking out towards Dj and he smiled and said,"Well boys your all about to die any last words" Dj heard the call,"LOOSE" and three arrows were fired from the building across the way Dj ducked and the arrows stuck into the shops door. Dj jumped forward and grabbed one of the knights spear and jerked it forward knocking the man off balance. Dj then grabbed the man and pulled a throwing knife a slit the mans throat, and grabbed his shield blocking three more arrows. He broke the arrows off sheathed his knife and grabbed the spear the man once held he charged the now weak wall and shoved the spear through an opening into an unguarded knights throat and Dj took the opportunity to run through the hole in the shield wall so he wasn't trapped like a rat Dj ran down the street when he found an unguarded carriage. Dj broke the horse free and rode towards the Greeks wall with the knights in tow Dj pushed the horse as fast as it would go as he needed the black knights to be in the shop. Dj turned on an alley and jumped from the horse onto the top of one of the buildings Dj pulled the cloak from the back of the armor and put it on covering who he was and Dj jumped from roof to roof until he got to the shop and he looked in the windows from on top of the roof of the building across the street of the diner. Dj watched bear and snow and Dj took off his bow and grabbed an arrow and watched three knights start making their way to the diner put the arrow back in the quiver and the arrow on his back Dj jumped from the building top and landed on road and he ran behind the building and found the back entrance of the diner and he opened the door and saw the same women as before Dj drew a throwing knife and he snuck into the building and hid behind the door waiting for the woman to walk back into the kitchen. The door open and Dj grabbed the person covering their mouth and put the blade against the person's neck and Dj looked and saw it was snow Dj let her go and whispered," what the hell are you doing back here" she looked at Dj and said,"I'm here to tell you they all are here let's put the plan into action" Dj nodded and said,"you and bear need to play hostage don't get into the fight no matter what and I need you to steal the partners and put them on me okay?" Snow nodded and she disappeared out the door again. Dj took of the cloak and hid it under the back of armor and opened the door and walked out from the kitchen into the diner and blocked the front door he turned and looked at the three guards and said,"May the god of this world have mercy on your soul" Dj drew one of his katana and the biggest knight stood and said,"If you want to live I suggest you drop your weapon and turn around and put your hands up" Dj smiled and said,"Do you know who I am or why I am doing this?" The knight said,"No I don't know who you are or why your doing this" Dj smiled and said,"Well I am the alpha's partner" while pointing towards the massive wolf on his forearm. The guard kinda paled and he recovered and said,"Well then I guess only one side will walk out of here you or us" the said while motioning towards his two friends. Dj then got a serious look on his face and said,"Give the partners to a person in here so if you die I can still get them" the knight nodded and he looked around and motioned to snow and said,"Witch come here and place these animals somewhere safe" snow walked up and said a few words in Latin and the animals disappeared from all three men, after snow walked away and was safe Dj said,"now who wants to die first" the other two knights stood and awaited orders from the third. Dj charged and used the back of the katana to sweep the first knights leg and flip him over Dj's back and Dj stood and blocked the first oncoming attack from the knight in front of him Dj jumped back and readied for the next attack Dj watched the three knights the one behind Dj reacted first and Dj turned and charged towards the knight and slid in between the knights legs and stood and swung his sword backwards and sliced the back of the leg of the knight causing him to be crippled and fall to the ground and Dj stood and grabbed a throwing knife from one of the sheathes and threw it into the leg of the other guard and he looked at the last guard and said,"I don't want to kill you three but I will if I need to I don't want to trust me because no matter what we all will die it might not be tomorrow or the next day but eventually and I want as little blood on my hand as I can but your choice" the third knight dropped his sword and said,"That does sound nice but we all have orders to kill anyone who goes against the city leaders so I am sorry for this" the knight pulled a small dagger and jumped towards Dj and Dj swung and cut the knights throat but the man stabbed Dj with the rest of his life force in his left shoulder and Dj let out a scream and Dj turned towards the two injured knights and said,"Your choice life or death chose now" the two knights responded together and said,"Long live the leaders" Dj swung his sword and took the knights heads and said,"Now I'll take those partners" snow stood and said a spell in Latin and she sat back down but not before the plan being secured.