
golden opportunity

Battle of freedom

Chapter 2(golden opportunity)

Several minutes later, nanny allison announced food was ready, i quickly rushed to the dining and settled on my dad chair because i represent him when he isn't home, i have total control over all house workers, i even have the power to fire any worker. "nanny allison, i'm waiting"i said, she walked in with plates of assorted meals, "which would you love to eat miche?"she asked, "i'll take the pasta and meatballs, not too much tomato sauce"i ordered as she served me. I ate to my satisfaction because the meal was prepared by nanny allison, i took her as my own mother and i only have few golden opportunities to eat her foods, dad prefers chef styler cooking for me everytime but i prefer my beautiful nanny allison.


I finished eating and untied my napkin. "anne!, anne!!"i called, anne rushed to where i was sitting, "you knoe what to do"i said as she quickly packed the plates and took them to the kictchen to wash them.


In the evening, dad came back from work with one of his business partners so i wanted to use that golden opportunity to step into the compound once or if possible i could step even outta the compound.

Watch out for chapter 3

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