
Batman's Adventures in Marvel

Batman arrives in the Marvel Universe after a fierce battle. He's younger, but doesn't have his money, only his quick wit and strong will.

Blibbert · 漫画同人
49 Chs

Dark Calamity

Damian's H.U.D. cleared from the portal's overwhelming light. When the helmet revealed his present situation he saw a sea of death and war! He saw a huge ship near him, it was one of the biggest. Its arrowhead construction brought to mind a single thought, "Imperious might!" 

It wasn't moving very fast, ships attacked it, but their attacks were shrugged away by powerful shields. Insects attacking a dinosaur. 

Damian checked his H.U.D., no one was within his range. Getting aboard the ship could allow him to use its powerful communication devices to make contact with the rest of the team. He thought briefly of his father.

Determined, he activated the boosters on his feet and put his arms at his side. He was like a missile seeking its target. 

It didn't take him long until he caught up with the ship. The shield didn't keep him out, a small being like himself wasn't a threat to this continent-sized threat. This was one toy the Waynes could never afford. 

Scanning the surface led to a maintenance hatch. He was able to unlock the hatch and climb down a long tube. He exited the tube at the first exit. He was in a maintenance room, and tools and gear surrounded him. 

The suit registered the air as breathable for humans. The suit reverted from space mode back to standard battlesuit mode. 

The room had computer terminals, he scanned clothes and the battlesuit took on the guise of a maintenance worker. The helmet used the photostatic veil mode to alter Damian's facial features. He looked like any other human. 

Immediately after disguising himself, he hacked the computer system and began to understand the ship he was on. He couldn't read the language, but he understood the blueprints and design information to create a map of the ship. The map was uploaded to his H.U.D...

He left the maintenance hall and kept to the corners as much as possible. His progress was helped by the emergency lights that were on due to the battle. Still, the ship was well-lit, but Damian's act of looking like he was rushing somewhere with his tools fooled everyone he passed. After all, they were rushing somewhere because of the fighting. 

He knew exactly where he needed to go, he needed a vessel to escape. He knew he was on a warship, and none of the inhabitants struck him as the kind of people you wanted to be with. He needed to escape and find the others, but first, he needed a communication terminal. He needed to connect with the others. 

"At eh tubo evLLi g'unechin evLiTto!" A man in scarred white armor yelled at a man in similar armor. The man caught Damian looking at him and shouted while pointing at the soldiers "Vaet non Gi ho nan Wwahay. DaDoc Nigamah!" 

Nodding, Damian ran up to the troop and followed them. No one had time to talk, it seemed Daimian's guess was correct. 

For some reason, he needed to follow these soldiers. They ran down a large tunnel filled with other soldiers, maintenance workers, and robots of all shapes and sizes. Damian pretended that all of this was normal, but he wanted to know where he was and who these people were. 

Unfortunately, the more he followed the troops, the further away from a communication terminal he traveled. 

They finally arrived and the commander of the squad motioned for Damian saying, "Goena mitzree davla gof, unnaguffa!" 

With no idea of what the man was saying, he could only look at what the man was pointing at. He walked over to the door console and examined it. He grabbed one of the tools from his belt, hoping no one would notice his random selection.

Unfortunately, the commander noticed and yanked Damian up yelling at him. When Damian didn't say anything in response, the Commander seemed to grow suspicious and then the others pointed their laser guns at him. 

Without hesitation, Damian threw down a smoke bomb mixed with fear gas. His cape shot up to the ceiling when then snake-like arms emitted plasma torches. The torches cut a hole into the ceiling and Damian transformed the plasma torches into tentacles with robotic claws at the end. He was pulled into the ceiling before the soldiers could react. 

Damian, now in the ceiling and moving away from his original spot, heard the screams of terror and the pew pew sound of laser guns firing. He could only shake his head. 

After some time of climbing through thick pipes and cables of the hidden world of the ship, he finally found an exit. When he came out, he found he was somewhere dark with minimal light. According to the blue prints, this should be somewhere near the front of the ship. 

"Golgamek dunnam, jento makpelah nokin! Hahahaha"

The hairs on Damian's neck raised as he turned to see a figure in a black robe gray and black tunic and loose pants with boots. Its eyes glowed yellow and a ferocious mocking snarl adorned his face. 

"Jag'dei menuwa! Hahaha..."

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