
Batman's Adventures in Marvel

Batman arrives in the Marvel Universe after a fierce battle. He's younger, but doesn't have his money, only his quick wit and strong will.

Blibbert · 漫画同人
49 Chs


The Ancient One looked at the Phantom Stranger and then at Batman. "Why would I want him in my universe? Forgive me, but this isn't a retirement home." 

The Phantom Stranger laughed lightly, "Does this fellow look like he's about to retire? Look around at this place."

The Ancient One looked around the Batcave, "He certainly likes his gadgets. He's as bad as Tony." 

She looked at Alfred for a moment or two, "Yes, just like Tony. Look, even his butler is an automaton with an AI spirit." 

Phantom Stranger looked at Alfred and laughed again, "Ah, this clever fellow must have brought all of his technology files with him. He's even got a low-level Superman Robot that looks like Alfred!"

"Superman Robot?" 

"Mmmh, Superman was one of the strongest and greatest heroes in our world. He and Bruce were good friends. He would help himself to Superman's fortress from time to time to find good tech. I think he investigated and got the blueprints for pretty much every major piece of technology on Earth. Let's see, he had the Amazon's purple healing ray technology. I don't know how he got that, they hate men and don't let them on their island.

Although he dated Diana for a while, he probably had her get it for him. Then there's the Atom's shrinking technology, all of Blue Beetle's tech, Steel, and Lexcorp. Cyborg was a good friend of Bruce's I'm sure he helped him hack into some places. I bet he could make a power ring if he wanted. 

He even snuck onto Apokolips once and replaced Desaad for a few months and stole a bunch of tech from there. Darkseid had no idea that the Desaad he had spoken with for months was Batman! I think he convinced him that the anti-life equation was in the source wall. Darkseid was stuck there for a couple of years," The Phantom Stranger reminisced. 

"Darkseid? These names mean nothing to me," The Ancient one said. 

"I'm sorry, Darkseid is like...ah, yes, he's like that Thanos fellow. Except Darkseid is immensely more powerful than Thanos. Thanos wouldn't have a chance against Darkseid. Even this Alfred Superman robot could clean Thanos' clock. Thanos might qualify to be Darkseid's pet.

Forgive me, it isn't often that I get a chance to use more of my powers. I'm so restrained in my universe, even my light heart must bear the burden of being mysterious and doom-bringing.

The point is Bruce won't be a burden to your universe, if anything, he'll bring you countless benefits," The Phantom Stranger explained. 

"Why do I get the feeling that you're trying to unload this guy on me?" 

"No, of course not! Bruce is a great man. I respect him, and even though he's only a mortal I consider him a friend, sort of. 

The Batman isn't someone who gets a happy ending very often. For all the good he's done the universe, Bruce Wayne deserves to be happy," Phantom Stranger said.

"Won't he miss family or friends in his universe?" The Ancient One asked.

"With Alfred dead, the only family he has is a son, Damian. I could always bring him here too," The Phantom Stranger said.

"You want to bring more people from your universe here? Do you see an "immigrants welcome" sign around her somewhere?

"Don't worry, there's a price to pay for transferring Bruce here," he said.

"A price?" 

"Yes, every universe has a certain "weight" if I place Bruce here, and his son, then I must take one or two people of equivalent value to my universe. If you're open to letting Bruce and possibly his son stay here, I'll take a couple of headaches off your hands."

"Like who?" The Ancient One asked. The Phantom Stranger looked through the roof of the cave into the greater universe.

"Ah, how about those two Red Skulls, a father and daughter pair for a father and son pair," The Phantom Stranger asked. 

The Ancient One took only a moment before agreeing. 

"Good, let's see what Bruce's opinion is on the matter," the Phantom Stranger laid his hand on Batman's head. He began to move and finally saw the Phantom Stranger.

"Phantom Stranger? Why are you here?" 

"I came to save you. You blasted through the multiverse and came here. You're suffering from the after-effects of traveling to this universe," the Phantom Stranger explained. 

"That's what's wrong with me? I feel like I'm being torn apart as I skip through time," Bruce said.

"I know. Bruce, the only way I can fix this problem is by either bringing you back to our world or leaving you in this universe and sealing it from our universe forever. 

This is your chance and your choice," The Phantom Stranger said as he gave Bruce a deep look. 

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