
Batman's Adventures in Marvel

Batman arrives in the Marvel Universe after a fierce battle. He's younger, but doesn't have his money, only his quick wit and strong will.

Blibbert · 漫画同人
49 Chs

Bat-Spiders and the X-Men

Batman examined the captured X-men. He inspected each prisoner, no one was hurt. Except for Legion, but one personality change would fix that. 

At Batman's command, Ned brought Professor Xavier's wheelchair. Peter placed the Professor into his chair and then Batman woke him up. 

"What...?" The Professor began. He looked around and saw the six bat and spider-themed people along with Goblin and Phantom Lady.

"Who are you, why did you attack my school?" Professor X asked. He saw his people in the prison cells. By all rights, they should be dead, if that's what these people wanted, the Professor realized.

"I'm Batman, these seven kids are my students. Today was their graduation test. As you can see, they passed," Batman said.

"You attacked my school as a test for your students!" Professor X was furious. 

"Yes," Batman responded. 

"I don't understand why you would do such a thing. Someone could have gotten hurt."

"If I thought the test was going out of control, I would have stepped in. They even managed to defeat your son Legion without too much trouble," Batman pointed at the imprisoned Legion.

Professor X couldn't hide his surprise. Legion wasn't easy to control or defeat. 

"Your professors and students went down pretty easily. Based on your firewalls and sophisticated anti-hacking software, I thought your real-world security would be similarly tough. Even these kids could defeat your security, and they've only studied with me for six months," Batman said.

"Is it your intention to mock me?" Professor X asked. 

"Not at all, Professor, if you can promise me that you can keep your people under control, I'll wake them up," Batman said.

"Why do you want to wake them up?" he asked. 

"I want you to understand why you lost, I am very sympathetic to mutants. All of us are mutants, you see. After my student, Goblin walks you through their plan, there's something I would like to discuss with you," Batman said. 

"Very well, no one is injured. Our pride is damaged, but we can recover from that. I can't promise the other teachers won't be angry, but you won't be attacked. I can promise that," Professor X offered. 

"That will do, Gwen, wake them up," Batman said.

"Yes, sir," Gwen went to each of the prison cells and woke up the staff. Wolverine was awake already, but he was so angry his face was red. He never stopped struggling against his restraints. 

"I'm going to open the cells, remember, these are kids obeying my orders. Control your people, especially the one with the claws," Batman said.

Professor Xavier nodded his head and spoke with his students telepathically. Everyone, including Wolverine, Clamed down. 

The cells were opened and the seven X-men walked out. Funnily enough, Legion didn't seem to be bothered by being defeated, he even seemed happy. 

The angriest was Wolverine, but he lit a cigar and puffed on it angrily. He stood off to the side and listened. 

"Perhaps we could talk in a place with screens. I've brought some data I want to show you," Bruce said. 

Professor X agreed and guided the group to a conference room. Professor X made Wolverine, Logan, put out his cigar. He hated the smell of the things and the idea that he and the others were getting poisoned by Logan's second-hand smoke. 

Everyone settled into their chairs, although Bruce and the Bat-Spider teens stood together like they were giving a high school presentation.

"Goblin, take off your helmet and explain things to the Professor and the teachers," Bruce instructed.

"But, you told us to never reveal ourselves to others," Goblin responded.

"Professor X is someone from whom it's hard to hide things. Besides, he's someone you can trust. All of them are. To gain trust we must give trust," Bruce said.

"Then why don't you remove your helmet," Professor X asked.

"Okay, but you'll be shocked."

Batman retracted his bat-suit into his utility belt. Standing before the X-Men was a fifteen-year-old kid. Bruce was right, they were shocked. 

"How old are you?" Wolverine asked.

"Older than I look, Harry?" Bruce reminded Harry who was shocked. Bruce was one of the most paranoid people he knew, why would he do this?

Like Bruce, Harry retracted his Goblin costume into his belt. Bruce looked at the others and nodded. They too removed their battle armor. Standing before the X-Men was a group of kids. The youngest was Miles who was 13, and the rest were no more than 15.

"You're all a bunch of children," Storm exclaimed.

"This is embarrasin'" Wolverine mumbled.

Why don't the rest of you take a seat at the table, there's no need for all of you to stand at the front. This was Harry's plan, so he'll speak. The others sat down next to the X-men. 

The X-Men were very kind to the children and smiled at them. Everyone, except for Wolverine, looked at Harry and ignored the others. 

"Tell them who you are and how you became like this. Let's start with Harry," Bruce said.

"Hi, I'm Harry Osborn," He began.

"You are the son of Norman Osborn?" Bobby asked. Harry nodded his head. 

"About six months ago, my friends and I were on a tour at Oscorp Plaza, we ran into a trap created by Oscorp scientists and executives to perform open human experimentation. They thought they could play it off later as an "accident." We shouldn't have been where we were, so who was really to blame?

They would take the lead and out of a good conscience they would treat us, while secretly studying us," Harry said.

"That's awful, shergah," Rogue gasped and became angry.

They trapped us in a room full of genetically altered spiders and exposed us to some gas. When we woke up, each of us had spider powers, and a little something extra," Harry explained.

Each of the teens took turns introducing themselves and repeating more or less what Harry said. 

"You took them in and trained them?" Professor X asked Bruce who stood next to Harry.

"Yes, it turned out I too was bitten and gained powers. It seems that the spider bites and the gas, what I understand to be Terrigen mist, activated our X-genes and made us mutants," Bruce explained. He handed a thumbdrive to Storm who plugged it into a terminal. She displayed the contents on a larger wall. 

Professor X and the other X-Men studied the information. 

"They learned how to manufacture mutants and even control the powers they manifest," Professor X said thoughtfully. 

"I believe that was their goal, but in addition to the abilities they wanted to manifest, the powers that would have manifested if not exposed to the spiders also manifested," Bruce added. 

"Eet seems he ees correct, Professor," Colossus added.

The Professor nodded. "Okay, then Harry, please explain how after six months of training you and your friends were able to take down my school."

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