
132. Always Be With You

Baron approached Victoria, who was sitting in front of her house hugging herself. Baron felt sad and couldn't bear to see her sad like that.

Then he sat next to Victoria and put his arm around her shoulder. He smiled at Victoria, but she didn't reply.

"Vic, I understand if you're sad."

"They're still going to get divorced. My mother chose to be with Aaron," said Victoria.

"Who is Aaron? Is he a good person?" asked Baron.

"Yeah, he's a doctor too. They work together in the hospital. My mother was definitely in love with that guy at the hospital. I don't really know him. He had come to my house several times. We chatted for a while. Yeah, he seems like a good person." Victoria shrugged her shoulders. "I do not know."

"If, Aaron is a good person, you don't have to worry about your mother anymore. She's gonna be alright," Baron said, trying to calm her down.