
122. The Promise

King Valo was surprised to see Teba appear before him. "What the...."

"I apologize for surprising you, Your Majesty," said Teba, who had covered his face with a black mask.

King Valo looked at his wife and said, "Get out of here! Hide in a safe place!"

The queen complied and then immediately ran out of there. Suddenly some of her maids appeared behind the wall and followed her.

The king took out a sword and pointed it at Teba's neck. "Who are you? How did you get into my palace?"

"Calm down, Your Majesty." Teba lowered the king's sword with his fingertips. "There's no need to know who I am. I just wanted to convey a message to you directly."

"What's that?"

The king was still holding his sword tightly. If Teba got the wrong word or moved the wrong way, the king could easily slash his neck. However, Teba remained vigilant and cautious.

"Prince Ruga is still alive," said Teba to the king and made him by surprise.