
Arabesque the City of Night

Zero didn't know what to expect in Arabesque. Merlin introduced it as the City of Night where the magic takes a physical form. The young doctor didn't quite understand what Merlin meant but he had quite the imagination. If magic had a form, Zero was expecting them to be like Robo Mike or in the forms of floating books. Wisps instead of candle lights and perhaps even a flying carpet or two.

The teenager wasn't disappointed to see the streets of Arabesque. Although it wasn't quite what he expected, it was close. Merlin smiled. Despite being in eternal darkness, there was a light of colours and lights that made the place feel festive and lively. The City of Night was bustling despite the lack of occupants.

"Is this where you live?" Zero couldn't help but ask. He thought that Merlin would be like Hua Tuo and preferred the silence over the hustle and bustle of activities.