

The rest of the school year seemed to pass by in a blur, we continued to excel at what we do best; every fucking thing. The looks on the tester's faces when they saw the three of us hanging off of each other before our exam was sheer ridiculousness, they actually thought we were going to go easy on each other!

They decided to have us conduct a three way match and the gym was destroyed before they could utter a single word. Our match was supposed to be sheer destruction, as in we were supposed to go all out as if we were at war not a rescue. Class B had to use a different gym altogether, it was going to take more than Cementos to fix this mess but that's what UA gets for bringing in outside teachers to be the final examiners. So I feel zero guilt whatsoever.

"Pass," one croaked out and Dad Might opened his arms and we all jumped into them. He looked so tiny standing next to us, I was almost afraid that we would crush him. I looked at Deku and Icyhot and saw them grin, our whole class passed. We are now officially heroes, I mean there would be a graduation ceremony later but as of now with that one word we are Pro Heroes.

We picked up Dad Might and celebrated with him on our shoulders while class B watched looking pissed, well the Copycat Bastard more than the others but still.

"Dad!" Deku laughed when he grabbed a hold of his shoulders when he almost fell over trying to balance on all three of us.

"Dad, let's go out tonight! We can get Mom and everyone and we can just be happy?" Deku looked up with his killer puppy eyes and Dad Might basically melted before agreeing before we started cheering.

"Why does he keep calling All Might, Dad?" I heard Copycat fuming nearby. How should I burst his bubble?

"Yagi Izuku please come get your new license." I heard one of the examiners call out and Deku shifted Dad Might so we could put him down safely before hugging him and running off.

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I busted out laughing at the Copycat's breakdown and it didn't take long for us to all be holding up our new licenses and Dad Might was taking pictures and sending them to our parents.

Normally Dad Might takes being a teacher very seriously but since they brought in outside instructors to conduct the exam our usual teachers were basically off and were allowed to interact with us like any other adult. So... He was hugging Deku a lot and Icyhot and I kept getting grouped in with it too. There were actually a lot of parents here but most were not allowed on the testing floor until after their kid passed.

"Izuku honey!" Mama Inko called out finally allowed to join us and we all got bombarded with hugs and affection from the woman and the rest of our parents. The only one not here was fucking Endeavor and his ass wasn't invited.

When Mama Inko finally let us go, All Might had an arm wrapped around his wife while we all talked about our future plans and we finally told them ours. We had been hiding it because we didn't want to jinx anything but now that everything was done it was time.

"So have you decided which hero agency you all want to join? I'm sure you all want to join the same one, but be careful not to get distracted by each other," All Might smiled and Mama Inko gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"Um actually," Deku started rubbing the back of his neck nervously, he was fidgeting while Icyhot and I stood beside him. This is his dad, he kind of needs to be the one to ask/tell him. "We were kind of thinking about opening our own hero agency."

"That sounds great my boy! What will you call it?" Dad Might was instantly on board but the rest of our parents were looking at each other nervous. Shit. Please don't make this harder than it actually needs to be!

"Triple Might's?" Deku's nervous laughter even had Icyhot and I looking away. Okay we were all nervous as hell. I mean what if he said no?

"Izuku honey, that sounds like an amazing name truly it does but shouldn't you consider joining an already established hero agency for a little while? Until you learn more about the office part of the job?" Mama Inko asked stepping in front of Dad Might who looked utterly shocked. He was not expecting a name like that apparently, just how wasn't he?

"Inko is right," Mama Rei joined her, I guess the fact her flaming dog shit of a husband would have shown her exactly how difficult running a hero agency could be, fuck he probably made it out worse than it actually was.

"Brat," My hag said slowly looking at me, I kept my head up ready to hear how I wasn't responsible enough to run an agency but she surprised me. "I know you three can do it, at least together you can. Don't look at me like that, I've seen not only your grades but your hero reports as well. I noticed a long time ago that you stopped jumping in head first to the most active parts of the job and that you were actually doing a large chunk of paperwork. I thought they were punishing you or harassing you so I called to give them a piece of my mind. They told me how you were the one taking the interest. It will be hard work but the three of you have worked hard, just go for it."

I smiled and the fact that my dad just smiled nodding putting a hand on her shoulder helped a lot. I took a deep but slow breath, refusing to show that for just a moment there, I was worried.

"But Mitsuki-" Mama Inko started but Dad Might finally snapped out of his shock.

"You really want to name your agency after me?" He asked and we smiled nodding, okay the hag is long winded but she did great reassuring us that, yes we can do it. "I would be honored, and of course you three can run a hero agency. It's actually really easy so long as you have the right people. I can help with the business end of things until you have the people you trust that are needed." Dad Might added and we all  hugged him again. 

"The hero agency Triple Might's is ready for action!" Deku cheered and Icyhot pulled out his phone and typed a few things and Deku and I watched him hit send.

There was about thirty seconds before there was a response and it showed that the paperwork was approved. We literally had everything filed and ready to go, we only had to give them the agency name.

"We are now the founders of Triple Might's Hero Agency and the paperwork has been sent out to the people we had already screened and approved for signing on." Icyhot announced and I watched our parent's jaws drop, well everyone but Dad Might's, he just looked proud.

"Of course Dad Might we would be honored if you would help with the start up to make sure everything goes smoothly, or if you ever get bored of retired life." I shrugged only for Deku to elbow me. Okay that was staged, so why did he have to elbow so hard?

"Don't worry for I am here! For all three of you," He smiled and we all laughed, ignoring most everyone around us who were either shocked into silence or if they were like Copycat who was spitting and sputtering like a rabid dog. Yes this is great, it was like our dreams were finally coming true and we are all excited but now comes the hard part; Icyhot's phone started going off as he was bombarded with notifications.

"Now it's time to finish actually hiring them and assigning them their post and schedules," Icyhot sighed and Deku smiled.

"Way ahead of you," he pulled out his phone and sent Icyhot the attachments he needed and then they looked at me and I groaned pulling out my own phone.

"Like we haven't been working on this for months," I grumbled and I sent Icyhot my attachments as well. Our policy procedures and other required documentation for each employee to sign before they can start their shift in a few hours. Yeah, we had everything ready except for the name, hell we even had an office building already. Thanks to us pulling some strings while we were on our internships. I mean that is kind of what those are for, creating and building working relationships and connections.

"Oh right before I forget, I need to send Mei and a few other graduates their sign on paperwork." Deku mumbled and Icyhot and I laughed as Deku quickly sent more paperwork.

"Fuck what would we do without our phones?" I asked and we all laughed. I saw Dad Might tell our parents about us wanting to go out and celebrate tonight and they all easily agreed and Mama Inko placed a small kiss on her husband's lips.

"Sometimes you spoil them but it's one of the many reasons I love you," she whispered and he grinned like a mad man before kissing her back.

"Mom! Dad! We are still in the school!" Deku whined and we all started laughing again while Deku was blushing crimson.

"True but," I paused pulling Deku between Icyhot and I and he wrapped an arm around each of our waist at the same time I was, effectively trapping our Bunny between us. "That means we can too," I smirk before Icyhot and I lightly bit on an earlobe and we heard him whimper again for a very different reason.

"Now that I think about it, you boys should get ready at our house while we get a few things ready for tonight." I looked up confused by what my mom was saying until I saw her wink at me. Then dad was behind me and he handed me a small package that I couldn't see through.

"Don't open until you're in your room," he said before patting me on the back and walking back to mom's side, leaving all three of us confused.

I did not however miss the look on both Mama Inko and Mama Rei's faces as they averted their eyes trying to hide their smiles. I have a distinctly bad feeling about this...