
AUGUST 28, 2021

'Such a bad disco. If it ain't me.'


And that was what rummaged through my mind. The day I got betrayed. The day I got kidnapped by my "so-called" friends. It hurts me that they chose to do that to me. I mean I get why they did but why. Isn't friendship greater than some cult? Ehn?


'Rule 1, When no one asks of your health, breathe.'

'Rule 2, When you fear something bad is about to happen, breathe.'

'Rule 3, When something bad happens, breathe.'

I still sit cross legged and cross armed. Closing my eyes. I say the rules in a slow soft voice remembering a lot of things. The day I got kidnapped. The last night I had with my friends. The day my mum died. "I just killed a person."

"I took revenge !" I battle with my thoughts telling it that I did the right thing stabbing Camilla's errand boy. It wasn't my fault. Well it was. I shoved a knife through him. I remain unshaken in all of this. Remembering the last scoop I took in my mouth of the ice cream.

I was mingling with my thoughts before I got called in. 'Miss Wind.' I was still stuck in my thoughts. 'Miss Wind!' He got my attention now after yelling making another inmate to say, 'Keep it down will you. I am trying to sleep!' The guard just nodded in response to him while letting me out of the cell. 'Where am I going ?' He didn't even respond to me. He just pulled and dragged me along the corridors. "What's going on?"

I find myself being dragged through the same door I got dragged in. The entrance. I gave a pause jerking the guy who held me. 'What's happening. Am I not being convicted for murder again?' He responded. 'The guy you stabbed didn't die. He's alive and well. The doctor says it's just a scratch. So we have no reason to keep you.'

'But isn't that attempted murder ?' The guard just shrugged in response to me leaving me puzzled and going into the building. 'That jackass! 'What hospital....' The guard was nowhere near. 'Fuck it !'

I am in front of the police station at sunrise letting the sun kiss me good morning. I am confused. I took a taki heading home but later told it to drop me off by the roadside near Camilla's.

It took off immediately after I paid him his money. The sound of the car door slamming is still ringing in my head. Making me have a headache. I touch my left side on my head in response. 'Aish !'

I entered the building at past seven(7). 7:05 to be precise. Making my way to Camilla's office. Greeting all staffs I pass by so as not to seem disrespectful. I got to Camilla's office but I didn't knock before entering.

'Go back to do the right thing.' She says in a commanding tone almost as if she vexed at the sight of me. What did I do?

I turned around in a circle then headed for the door. I closed it then I knocked asking if I was allowed to enter. Then she said 'Who's there?'

"Really Camila." I answered nonetheless. 'It's Everest, your consistent patient.' She gave a smile. I noticed it as I walked in after she told me to enter.

'Camila...' Trying to sound friendly. 'What happened. The boy you sent...do you know his crime ?'

'Oh do you mean the boy you thought I sent but I didn't and you thought you killed him after he pronounced his wrong and now you're upset he isn't dead? Is that him? Or am I mistaking something?'

'He...is the one.' I answer shutting my eyes trying to maintain composure facing her from time to time.

'I have gone to meet with him. He didn't die. You should be happy you don't get to spend the rest of your life in prison. I didn't send him Everest. What have I told you about maintaining your calm when you're come across a difficult situation ?'

Camilla ended. There was a big pause. I waited for that long and asked if she wasn't going to continue and she tilted her head as if she expect me to respond. 'Oh, I thought it was a rhetorical question.'

Camilla got up not angrily but to get something. 'Think about the answer while I go get my morning coffee.' She walks out of her office leaving me in this huge space meant for two. She came back after a few minutes. 'Okay, I am listening.'

'I should breathe in calmly analyzing the whole situation before I take my action.'

'Yes and you do that well. You do what your mum told you to, the breath game which is very very VERY good. But you didn't do that at that very situation. You just acted without reasoning.'

I turned to face the other side in guilt before I asked. 'Who is he, that boy?'

'I have no idea. I'm not an investigator. You figure out yourself when you go meet...'

'What, I'm to meet with him? You can't be serious.'

'I am very serious right now and if complications occur you'd bear the responsibility. I'm not a lawyer plus you're old enough.'

'Complications, how? You said he's fine and healthy. I never said that. I said he didn't die and he is awake. There might be complications. The doctor said it's a miracle nothing bad happened but he has to be watched. I can't pay the bills for you and you..you haven't got the money for that. So I thought about it the best option is...' She paused a little sips her coffee like she was about to say something forbidden.

'Is....' I urged her to go on.

'For him to live with you.' She pressed against her lips sips her coffee again avoiding my eyes.

'For God's sake!' I stood up paced around in front of her. I let out a puff of air like she told me to when I'm faced with a situation too heavy.

I leaned up close to her to smell her breath. 'Hey, if someone sees they'd think something else. Please.' She says as she points to the chair. I sat down.

'So that's the best situation. For him to live with me and you think that's a good idea.' I say highlighting the last word. She leans in tells me to come closer with her gestures. I leaned in then she said.' Of course it is you'd be closer to him then you'd be able to do a better job.'

'Huh? Oh.' I understood what she meant I didn't think of that at all. 'Wow. You truly are the best.' She raises her cup of coffee feeling the hype I gave her.

"So I can kill him smoothly." I smile a wicked one as I approach him in the hospital. He lies in front of me with his eyes wide open. He doesn't seem scared. He just stayed watching me. I am sure he thought "What's she thinking that's making her smirk?"

He just laid on the bed. I got closer to him, sat on the space I could see then leaned to him. I smiled widely this time thinking that Camilla is truly a genius.