
Back To Retro

“Retro” an old MMORPG game that came out in the year 2014. Despite it being popular way back then, it started gradually losing its popularity over the years, and many of its supporters began to dwindle. “Retro” was an open world game, based in a fantasy world of magic and swords, the interesting part about this game was there wasn’t a limit to what you can achieve. No level caps, no bugs, no rules, just you, your friends and your imagination. Demons, gods, and many more species existed within this game. But over time people began to be drawn to the newer games and systems that came out, losing its appeal and becoming irrelevant and forgotten to most. Except for Mikel, a 16 year old young man who still plays the game today. Ever since this game came out, all he did was play it. After school, outings with his family, and even during his summer break. But even after a while Mikel started to feel bored of the game as well. He even considered dropping the game after so long, but one day something interesting happened. January 12th, 2022. Mikel got a strange notification when he logged into retro. ‘Thank You For Your Years Of Support! We Here At Nedstum.Inc Thank You For Playing Our Game After So Long, Please Accept This As Our Last Thanks and Goodbye’. A box appeared with the words ‘Accept Gift?’ Mikel smiled shrugging hi shoulders and hit the word ‘yes’. Suddenly his room filled with a bright flash of light, everything got engulfed within the light especially Mikel. But soon after he regained the ability to see again, Mikel realized something was off, he wasn’t in his room anymore. But within the game itself. Now stuck in a that was no more than an old game to him, Mikel makes his way through the vast and complex world he finds himself in. And …he might not be alone either.

Iamjustjay · 奇幻
1 Chs

Author Words

Hi, it's nice of you to read this story it's literally me just reliving my days back when games were a bit misdirected. For example some videos games back that had a one thought out line of a generic story, generic graphics, generic characters, Ect.

I'm only telling this story in a more fantasy based way, cause that's how I imagined myself during that time playing those types of videos games. Anyways, I won't ramble on about the pro's and con's.

I'll even give you guys a hint as to what the MC looks like.

Mikel(insert pic here)

Anyways thanks again for dropping by and taking the time to read this story it means a lot to me, honestly feel free to check out the other series I'm working on as well.

Anywho remember to drink plenty of water, stay hydrated. And let's hope this year coming up we all have an amazing time.