
Back to Feudal Japan

Mark had always been fascinated by history, but never had he expected to experience it firsthand. He was a successful businessman, always busy with work and hardly had time for himself. But one day, everything changed.

Infant_Immortal · 玄幻
25 Chs

Chapter 21: Onsen and Hot Springs

One of the things that Mark enjoyed the most about feudal Japan was the onsen or hot springs. Takeshi took him to various hot springs, where they could relax and enjoy the natural beauty.

Mark was amazed by the therapeutic benefits of the hot springs and how they could promote relaxation and healing. He also learned about the etiquette and customs of visiting an onsen, such as washing before entering and wearing a yukata.

He realized that the onsen was not just a place to relax, but it was also a way to connect with nature and to promote physical and mental well-being.