
Go to The Garden With Celine

The next day, Wijaya, who received new support from his mom, began to make his snack business even bigger.

Taking advantage of the fact that he now had additional capital of 200 dollars, Wijaya then chose to make at least 600 packages of snack foods.

Where from that amount, if divided again he had to be able to make 15 large packages of snack foods that he would entrust to 15 nearby shops around his house.

And of course to meet all of these targets, Wijaya could only do it slowly.

Until after he helped his father, then immediately he went back to the market to buy snacks for his merchandise.

After considering several aspects, Wijaya basically decided this time he added two new types of snacks.

Like cassava chips and also spicy fried macaroni, which after he finished his purchase.

As before, he waited for his father to go to trade first, before starting to wrap up the many snacks that had been purchased.

Taking advantage of the experience he had, this foot Wijaya managed to complete half of the target that had been set, which was 300 packs of snacks.

Then he stopped, because he felt tired and it would soon be time to pick up his younger Siater, Celine.

That day it could be said that Wijaya was quite tired with his light snack business activities.

Because the amount this time was more than double the previous one, even so Wijaya felt he did not need help at this stage.

Because he wanted to feel clearly, the feeling of tiredness in pioneering the business that he had just started.

Don't forget, this time he made the packaging for the introduction and name of his product much better, by designing a little writing from them the name of his snack.

Which he then photocopied into many to be attached to the large plastic where he stored the small snacks.


In short, a new day passed, and once again Wijaya was busy in his efforts to finish wrapping his light snack food.

And finally he finished it, because he didn't spend time buying snacks at the market so he had more time to wrap.

Until finally half an hour before it was time to pick up Celine, he managed to finish all the snack wrapping process that he had.

Moreover, then he also got an excess of wrapped snacks, at least there were 8 packs of snacks left.

And he did not intend to combine it with his trade, and would only let Celine and her family enjoy the snacks.

Now Wijaya started counting, with 600 packs of snacks x 50 cents = 30,000 then divided: 100 cents. In the end he got 300 profits which made him very happy.

Bullets remember Wijaya's capital this time was less than 150 dollars, because plastic and some items were still left over from the previous snack wrapping process.

So in the end the face only bought snacks, and a few extra candles.

However, Wijaya is also aware that there is a cut for the shop owner where he entrusts his merchandise, amounting to 10 cents x 600 = 60 dollars.

So by calculation he can get 300-60 dollars = 240 dollars for this merchandise.

And if added to the previous amount, namely 240 + 96 = 336 dollars.

Seeing this number, of course Wijaya is happy because this is the gross income he receives, if the capital must be reduced.

So 336- 220 (initial capital 80 + second capital 140) = 116 dollars which if multiplied in one week 116 x 4 = 464 dollars in a month.

Almost ¼ of the salary of an ordinary factory employee in Wijaya's city.

And keep in mind this profit will continue to increase, if Wijaya continues to add capital and make it bigger.

Of course this can all happen with the note, all the Snacks sold by Wijaya are completely sold out without any left.

If there is any leftover, or even unsold, of course Wijaya will suffer a loss.

But he didn't want to bother, because he was clear about the current situation, so he had a strong basis that the loss would definitely be small and that was acceptable.

Then taking advantage of the available time, Wijaya immediately cleaned up all the remaining activities from wrapping light snacks that he did in the living room.

After cleaning enough, he realized that he now only had a little time left to pick up Celine.

Not long after, the time came for Wijaya to pick up Celine and he rushed off using his family motorbike.

After driving for a while he immediately arrived in front of Celine's school, while waiting for Celine's return.

Wijaya checked to see if there was any news or messages on his cellphone.

Until then he realized that his classmates who were in high school were having a reunion together.

Thinking about this reunion, Wijaya decided not to attend because he saw the time it turned out to be very tight with the lecture schedule at his new campus.

So he apologized to his friend for not being able to attend, and promised that he would try to attend another time if there was a similar activity.

Not long after Celine left school, Wijaya immediately took Celine back to their house.

In short, they both arrived back home, and Wijaya who felt bored Not doing anything after picking up Celine thought.

Where should he go to find something to do, until then he remembered, wouldn't it be nice to see his father's garden this afternoon.

So then he prepared to go to his father's garden, but immediately he remembered that he promised to invite Celine.

"Celine, do you want to come with your brother?" Wijaya asked from outside Celine's room.

Opening the door, Celine was seen wearing casual sports pants with a green t-shirt with a floral motif.

Tying her hair in a ponytail, Celine looked very adorable.

"Where are you going, brother?" Celine asked Wijaya.

"To father's garden, do you want to come?" Wijaya asked again.

"Wow... brother wants to go to father's garden, okay Celine wants to come" immediately answered happily.

So then the two of them immediately went to their father's garden together.

It was currently 3:30 p.m. and the sun didn't feel too hot, with a few clouds decorating the sky the weather seemed so perfect for going out.

Moreover, when Wijaya and Celine arrived at their father's garden, they found that the breeze was blowing very cool.

This of course made both of them much happier because it seemed that nature was also accompanying them.

Going down to his father's garden, Wijaya then started watering the plants there using the sprinkler near the puddle.

On the other hand, Celine looks busy looking at the plants there with a face full of curiosity.

Until Wijaya was busy watering the plants, Celine's calling voice was heard.

"Brother... come here quickly... Celine found something good!!!" Celine's calling voice to Wijaya was heard.