
Baby amidst turmoil

After being treated like a maid by her foster parents and excluded by her other pack members, coral didn't see a future in staying once she turned 16. She fled escaping after being rejected and almost assaulted on the same day. She was drugged years later and had a one night stand with a stranger who turned out to be her true mate. Her life began from there, she gained a wonderful family as the pack they started grew. All of them placed together by fate must work together to fight against a powerful entity who is after coral and Jackson 's unborn child. Years later Jackson found himself slapped in the face by his own wife and child.

Esmo_Rey · 现代言情
16 Chs

Decisions to make

" You know you can't keep avoiding me forever right?" Mike said to Macy.

" I know, as long as you stay three feet away from me, we'll be fine." Macy said. Sweat could be seen on her forehead.

" I can do that, are you okay?" He asked.

" I am okay. " Macy said before falling down. Mike was quick to react and catch her. Sally saw what happened and asked him to send her to her room.

" Stay out of the room for a moment. I need to wipe her body" She said. Mike although confused chose to comply.

" So mind telling me what is going on?" Sally said as soon as she came out of Macy's room thirty minutes later.

" She just fainted, what is wrong with her and is she okay? " Mark asked repeatedly.

" She has a bit of a problem when it comes to the opposite gender. Any male that comes close to her causes her anxiety and most importantly she ends up fainting or worse. It's a psychological disorder. The rash was because you caught her and as a wolf, your pheromones got attached on her. This disorder only acts on males." Sally said.

" How far can we stand from her and since species especially wolves naturally release hormones or pheromones, how badly does it affect her" Luis asked.

" Very badly, the last time she was in the presence of a very strong male specie, she was in a coma for a month and her body reacted harshly to that. She had to be put on life support. That's how bad it is and we still don't know what it is. Well in medical terms that is but we believe that she is cursed or something but we can't verify it " Sally said.

" That's intriguing, can i see her medical report?" Luis asked.

" Why would you want that? " Sally asked him as they walked towards the long table where baby raven was. Raven loves anything to do with kids hence the reason why she is studying to be a teacher.

" I am a doctor by profession. I've never seen a case like this before. I know a friend of mine who's a renowned psychologist and a wizard. He loves taking a case like this and i am more interested in learning about her physical reactions. Luis said earning a growl from Mike.

" You will have to ask Macy about that. She is very sensitive about such things lately. It might have to do with her fated?" Sally said as she looked at Mike.

" How does that have to do with me? " Mike asked thinking he did something wrong.

" It has nothing to do with you but because you met each other, she might be sexually frustrated." She said making him choke.

" But we hardly spoke past two sentences before she ran away from me. I am even scared that she might reject me in a way " Mike said obviously disheartened.

" She might reject you but it's not because of that. How should put this..... You know attracted you wolves are to your mates? A Vampire 's fated is more like an aphrodisiac to them, More so for women. They are immediately entranced by your pheromones and the only thing in their minds are on you locking them in a room where you can go all out. It's like feeling a need that can only be fulfilled by you alone. For wolves, you want to claim your mate so you can feel full but for vamps, the need that physical touch to feel complete. I heard that the feeling is amazing especially for newly met fated.

It's getting weirder and weirder. More than hundreds of species have been paired with different species lately. This makes me feel uneasy " Sally said.

" How does that make you feel uneasy?" Luis asked feeling scared of what she might say.

" Nothing, don't mind me. I'll go play with the beautiful little girl" Sally said as she ran towards raven. The way her eyes lit up when she saw her made Luis heart tremble. He does not like kids but looking at her makes him wish he could give her one. He knows that it's the mate bond speaking.

Luis remembered the reason why he initially wanted not to have any kids. Life in the pack was miserable especially for orphans. They would raise you until you are independent to do everything on your own and then you are on your own. He was already a little old when he was sent there. He remembered how the young once were hit because of not knowing how to take care of themselves.

He was at first beaten beyond recognition while Mandy was a house slave. As soon as turned five, she was taught how to cook, clean and everything she needed to know in order to take care of the orphanage. The young Mandy was the one who rescued him when he was almost beaten to death just because he had gotten better than the caretaker's son.

From then on the two became friends. Mandy is two years older than him and he treated her as his sister. The two met Jackson and Mike when the two rescued most of the young children discreetly. They took that chance to get out of that place. The former Luna was the one who provides them with a place to stay. He sighed as he followed her as if he spell bound ignoring his two friends who were snickering behind him.

" He's hooked" Mandy said.

" He totally is. I hope he doesn't mess us everything because of his fears. You saw how Raven 's eyes lit up." Mike who was still worried about his mate said.

" I hope so too" Mandy responded as they followed them.

Back in the master bedroom, Jackson looked at his beautiful mate who was in deep thought with a frown. He was scared that she wouldn't want a child under those circumstances. He wanted to know so badly if she hates him for what he did during his vulnerable state. He so badly wants to be in this child 's life but he knows that he or she would have been born in...

He laid down next to this bed that looks like it hasn't been used in a long time. He took a moment to look inside this huge bedroom. It was big, there is a king size bed in the middle with a big white headboard. Next to it where two beautiful modern night stands with a cool looking lamps. The thing that stands out the most is the big bay window overlook the beautiful mountain views. You can see the lake and the green landscape.

This the biggest bay window he has ever seen. He had seen the whole layout of this side of the big mansion. It's like a four storey apartment inside a mansion. There is also the security measures put in place this side that makes it harder for anyone to get in. He was curious about that reason but he wouldn't ask. This whole place seems so serene that it feels unreal.

He looked outside and kept thinking about what he could do to protect this place and the woman who built it. There is also a possible son or daughter. He does prefer daughters to boys. He knew that it was his natural possessiveness kicking in. This is his mate after all.

" It's beautiful isn't it?" Coral asked looking at him.

" It is. You've done a great job with this place" He said.

" This place has always been beautiful, just a little remote that's all. It stretches miles and miles away from here. There's an old vineyard across the mountain. I just bought it and haven't decided what to do with it. It's also beautiful and i guess it has a sentimental value. " She said.

" I'm sorry for what happened that night" He said.

" Why are you saying sorry? I don't know what would have happened to me if you weren't there. Plus the mate bond was somehow involved in what happened. I believe that it's the reason why my pheromones were nearly released. " She said.

" I see. We do have decisions to make regardless. I don't know how to make it up to you. It was your first time after all. " He said.

" I guess it was. I wouldn't have remained that way for a long time anyway so i am thankful that it was you that time " She said.

" I wouldn't say that if i were you " Jackson said threw gritted teeth.

" Getting possessive aren't we" Coral said with a laugh.

" Do you not like kids?" Coral asked.

" I do, i just didn't have time for them" He replied vaguely

" I see, thank you. This is the best sleep i have ever had in ages. It's usually normal for me not to sleep for days. " she said.

" Me too. I haven't slept this peacefully in years. Thank you i guess. I just want you to know that i support you in whatever decision you make. I didn't have time for Raven because of the circumstances surrounding her birth and things that i cannot control. I had a friend of mine there take care of her when i wasn't there. If it wasn't for her, raven would have died a long time ago. She's an omega and there is not much she can do. I tried but i had to stay away from home to protect her. My father just basically ignored her existence, the only reason why he hadn't done anything is because he wants to raise her as a bargaining chip." he said.

" He wants to use her as a marriage deal or should i say that he wants to sell her to the highest bidder?" coral asked.

" Yeah, you know how it is. " Jackson said.

" Why did it take you so long for you to get here?" Coral couldn't help but ask. Due to their wolves, Jackson expressed in a moment of desperation that he wanted to go to her.

" I had to scheme so that man would let me go. He wants my property or the property my mom left for me. I had to use my maternal grandfather as a threat. I needed a valid reason to take Raven. The council is getting out of hands these days about kids. I don't know what Sam would do to her if i leave her behind " He said.

" I see. We should take a walk. I feel dizzy just laying down plus i need to go over more details about the lay out of the new housing. Sally rescued a couple of people from The red mountain near the council territory. They are currently being treated and i don't think my house is big enough to house them until we figure out what happened to them. The thing is that eighteen of them are pregnant and they don't know who the father of their kids are. From the state she found them in, they were either illegal breeders or forced prostitution. We will only know once we talk to them. They will be here in a month after making sure that their pregnancies are stable." Coral informed him.

" Wow, things are getting tense. I know you are voiding the pregnancy topic " Jackson exposed her.

" I know. I want to keep it but i don't know if my body can with everything that's going on. My powers aren't stable and it can be harmful to the baby. You know how it is for vampires during pregnancy. Don't forget that wolves are usually very weak during pregnancy." She admitted.

" Like i said, I will be here for whatever decision you make. I can protect you and since you are building a pack, do you mind if some of my friends join. With everything going on, most people are distancing themselves from the Royal council. They are male and because of the way things are in my pack at these moments, they decided to leave. I think it's about a total of thirty. They wanted to follow me but i don't want to make their lives hard for them with my current identity" Jackson said.

" What's your current Identity?" coral asked making him laugh.

" Let's go take a walk and talk." He said as he helped her stand up as if she was a fragile person.

" Hey guys " Sally who was carrying Raven said as soon as she saw them.

" Hey, what happened to Macy?" Coral asked.

" Just the usual fainting " Sally answered.

" Stay with her. She saw those two again." Coral said and Sally quickly understood what happened.

" We'll go take a walk." Jackson said as he gestured to his mate who seemed too focused on his best friend. Yes, he is jealous.

" Okay, don't go too far. We need to be careful with the extra embryo in your stomach." Sally said as she gushed over raven.

" Okay, I will take extra good care of her." Jackson said. He took her hand and went out fearing that someone might steal her attention again.

They walked for god knows how long and explored every part of the land. They both have alpha blood and as wolves, nature is their playground. Although Jackson was worried about the health of his wife. He kept an eye on her the entire time which annoyed her a little bit. It was awkward at first but they soon got used to their presences. Jackson didn't know if it was the mate bond 's doing but he knew at this moment that he would do anything to protect this young lady.

" Coral, will you marry me?" He asked while they were enjoying themselves on cliff looking at the spectacular views.

" Huh?" she asked not sure what she was hearing.

" I want is to get married. I don't know where to go next but i want to be close to you. I know you and i just met but i want to give this a chance." He said nervously.

" Why would you want marriage or let alone think about that?" She asked.

" I want to give the baby a home . I don't know what that means because i never got to really experience it but I want that for her. I want her to be protected and you know how the current situation is especially with unmarked female alphas. I don't want anything to happen to you and you can't keep running or hiding away from whoever it is you are hiding. Allow me to protect you and our child. We should also mark each other. We might need to in the end due to the recent tension. " He said.

" Getting married is okay and her?" she asked.

" Oh, don't you think Raven is cute. I can already imagine what a little girl who looks like me and you would be like. " He said making her laugh.

" Even though i desperately want to keep it, my body might not allow it" she said.

" Because you are a hybrid?" he asked.

" I am not a hybrid " She said.

" What do you mean?" he asked not sure what she was saying.

" The others don't know yet but i used to believe that until a year ago when I grew scales. The more the curse grows weaker the more sides of me i discover. The only other person who knows is my mother and Jacob who is searching for answers at this moment " She said.

" Wow. " He said.

" Okay, that is a great cause for concern and i don't know what people will do if they find out about it. We have to raise an army to protect you and the baby if need be. You know the situation with our society and i don't know what I will do if something happened to you " Jackson quickly said. His mind drifting towards his former friends.

" Don't worry about that. My aunt placed a barrier on this land before i built anything. If my powers break out, no one will find about it. Thanks to her, i ran here every time they get out of control. " she said with a sigh.