
B.U.D.D.I.E.S. : Origins

Evil rises on another planet, but a young man finds his way after losing everything on earth. This is a story of one man finding his place in a galactic universe where he seems destined for suffering.

Gene_Johnson_9742 · 奇幻
4 Chs

Moving Mountains

I don't know what his problem is, " thought Danny as he headed down the path, not thinking that the way the old man had gone only led to the compound. The journey was quiet as he traveled for the rest of the day. As he set up camp for the night, he could already see the moving mountain in the distance. As night fell, Danny laid down for a restless night of sleep. He hardly enjoyed sleeping in the forest alone. No one could blame him for all manner of creatures running through the forest at night. He had built a proper fire before nodding off to ensure the animals would leave him be.

As the night dragged on, he had a dream...

"ah, Mr. Chan. So nice to finally meet you. I have watched you grow from a young boy into the man you are today. I hope the Dragon plays nice with you and all your dreams are fulfilled." a crazy-looking man said, but the comically large sedge hat obscured his face. Danny felt like he had met the man before but could not be sure.

"Mr. Chan, HELLO. Will you complete the challenges for me after you speak to the Dragon?" the man asked.

"What are the challenges?" Danny asked in confusion

"Well now, Mr. Chan, if I tell you that, how can I have any fun?" the man asked, laughing to himself.

As Danny was trapped in confusion, he awoke from his dream, and there was old sedge hat himself drinking tee by his fire. Danny knew there were some odd spirits in these woods, but this one was a little different.

"First, you are in my dreams, and now you are sitting by my fire, or am I still dreaming.." pinching himself," No, definitely awake now. What do you want?" Danny cried.

"Ho, Ho, do you often dream of old men in sedge hats," the man replied, looking at him.

"What, no, of course not. I dream about women, sexy young women." Daniel exclaimed.

"Oh, now you like 'em old and young. I do believe Mr. Chan, you are quite the pervert." laughed the old man.

"That is not what I mean. You are confused. Let's start again." Danny cried.

The old man continued laughing as he slowly disappeared into the woods. Danny realized that his pack was open and the tea he always drank in the morning was gone. He then remembered the older man had been drinking tea.

"What the hell was his problem," thought Danny as he was thinking about how crazy that just was. He decided to tell his Dad about it when he returned to the compound.

Danny got up and grabbed his pack, and kicked dirt on the coals of his fire. He decided to move on even the though the sun was beginning its journey in the morning sky. As he headed down the path in front of him, he noticed that the mountains seemed closer than they had been just a few short hours ago. He wondered if he was making better time than he thought or if it was just due to fatigue setting in, and he imagined things. Mountains cannot move, he thought to himself.

He continued to think about the two crazy guys he met after leaving the dojo. One is angry and disgruntled for seemingly no reason. The other one is pleasant and annoying, so how could he meet two people in a place where there was nothing but mountains and forests for miles? It just did not make sense. All he wanted to do was get the blessing and go home and receive wisdom from someone much older and wiser than him. The ancient forest felt different, now more powerful somehow.

He made camp again that night, and this time, he set up a few tripwires to alert him if someone or something had entered his camp. He sat down and meditated while his dinner was roasting over the fire. A chicken he had brought from home smelled good; he struggled to concentrate as the juices flowed from the chicken and dropped into the flames below, making a pop and sizzle sound. He waited a little longer with a bit of saliva rolling down to his chin and dripping off. All of a sudden, he did not hear the sizzle anymore, and he thought no way the chicken was already dried out.

He saw a sedge hat man sitting with half of his chicken already gone.

"My dinner," cried out Danny as he saw his dinner disappear into the mouth of the old man.

"Mmmm Mmmmm Mmmmm, Mr. Chan, that was delicious. If only you had some tea to offer me." Sedge Hat said to Danny.

"You drank my tea this morning, and now you have eaten my dinner; what are you doing to me?" yelled Danny.

"Ho, Ho. Mr. Chan, that is just good manners to share with your guest, no?" said Sedge Hat.

"A guest, maybe, but for the second time in two days, you have disturbed my peace and taken what was not given. We may have to settle this by the code of fists." Danny said, trying to remain calm.