
B.U.D.D.I.E.S. : Origins

Evil rises on another planet, but a young man finds his way after losing everything on earth. This is a story of one man finding his place in a galactic universe where he seems destined for suffering.

Gene_Johnson_9742 · 奇幻
4 Chs


Danny Chan lived with his mother and father at the chan family home near the mountains in southern China. He lived with the Chan clan hundreds of family members lived there, as well as some outsiders that the Chans taught. One day the patriarch of the Chans called for Danny to come to receive a quest.

Then Chans had a large compound where they taught the Dragon martial arts from the Golden Dragon clan. There were many other Dragon clans, but the Golden Dragons were the kings of the Dragon clans.

"Welcome, Danny. I am glad that you are finally old enough to go and receive the blessing from the Earth Dragon, where you should be given immorality like the rest of our clan. However, you need to know that bladed weapons can still kill us if they strike us in the heart. So be careful, and you understand that we are happy, my son, to send you out as you will one day be our leader, like myself and my father before me." Riza Chan said.

"Father, I will protect our clan and complete my mission. I have already taken a piece of the dragon's heart this morning and will drink the blood of our dragons in front of the Earth Dragon like all those before me." Danny replied while on his knees in front of his father.

In truth, Danny was not afraid of this trip to the Earth Dragon. He had made it before, but as a group of fighters. This would be the first time he was going alone. But with his strength, there should be very little that could harm him in the ancient mountains.

He was to set out immediately, and it was a three-day journey to get to the Earth Dragon from the dojo and family compound. He was excited to be able to probe himself after his older brother had died before the blood ritual people were beginning to lose hope that the master of the clan would be able to retire as an elder.

Even Danny was afraid that if he did not go soon, he too might die on a quest to the outside world before he was given a chance to have immortality. He went to his room and grabbed a few Gis, and threw them in his backpack. He then headed over to the weapons hall and grabbed his black katana from the wall and two sais. He also grabbed a few bottles of healing tonic to ensure just in case something unforeseen happened, and he could save himself. The healing potions could heal any wound, and even if one was dead, as long as it was not longer than five minutes, they could be brought back to life.

Danny always thought it was funny because the organization that supplied this to his family called it "magic water," but as he thought about it, he could see how it would be considered "magic." Lastly, he headed to his mother's room to tell her goodbye, but she was not in her room, so he decided it was ok not to say goodbye since he would only be gone for three days.

He finally left the compound and made his way through the surrounding forest.


"Do you think your Uncle is still plotting against us?" Danny Chan's mother asked.

"I am sure, Lidia, that he is. He hates me for being with you. And for being made the head of the clan. But he had radical ideas and wanted to make us kings, but that cannot be our path." Riza sighed. He knew his brother wanted power, who didn't, but they had fought in the grand tournament and lost to the Dragon Lords. Since they could not transform into dragons, it was impossible to beat them. They had lost their Seat of Power and retreated to their old mountain home.


As Danny was walking down the path through the forest, he thought deeply. He didn't notice the older man on the side of the pathway before he knocked into him and pushed him to the ground. The man was bleeding from some cuts to his chest and arms and was weaker than he would typically be. Danny was brought back to reality all of a sudden and saw the man there bleeding. He apologized to the man and then brought out some healing tonic from his bag and smashed the bottle on the older man.

"What the hell was that for," cried the old man.

"I am sorry to be healing tonic, but it only activates when you smash the bottle for some reason. But it would help if you were healing now. I did not mean to hurt you," Danny said as he extended his hand to help the old man.

The older man smacked his hand away and told him that he didn't need or want his help and stormed off, clutching his cane. Danny thought he was rude, but again, it was his fault for not paying attention.