

You look terrific for the camera, especially with your lights placed just so. No surprise there. The excitement in your voice and manner belies any last-minute qualms about the time machine.

You've rigged the Land Rover to play a loud one-minute warning before the time window opens. It blasts through the garage and probably wakes up half of your suburban neighborhood.

Brett's a wide-eyed bundle of nerves—who can blame her? On impulse, you grab the silly duckbill-dinosaur cap that she gave you and put it on. The hat makes Brett smile.

As you settle into the driver's seat and buckle up, your pulse is racing. With a trembling hand, you run through the preflight procedures. The flux navigator's green lights glow steadily. The time machine keeps humming. All systems are go. Brett confirms it. You press the launch button, and…

The Garage Disappears