300 years before the arrival of (Al-Nahhas) junior Princess (Aynur), Princess of the kingdom of Kandor to regain the floral throne in the Roses City, after her uncle the emperor Behrouz usurped it, the witch Korra Kalak helps him, and faces the witch's curse, using her enchanted weapon (Soma).
When the commander of the Catapult Corps received the order to open a breach in the western walls, huge stones sprang forth to strike their mighty blow.
After making a hole, the rams and pestles began to complete the work and expand the opening, while a special suicide combat squad prepared, and took out their swords to confront the internal dwarf army, among them a special fighter, who did not carry a sword.
A fighter with a melted face.
The emperor's shriek, preventing the soldiers from harming (Wishtah), stopped the attack at the last moment.
He was aware, in his wisdom, that she would continue to fight after being hit with spears with double ferocity, and that her resistance might cause his Pavilion to be crushed himself, and he did not wish that history would remind him that he was the emperor who was crushed by the feet of a negress woman. he said to her:
"What do you want, negress?"
(Wishtah) said in her strong voice, moving her head toward the voice:
"My name is Wishtah, Kandori."
- "I am Emperor (Behruz) ruler of the kingdom (Kandur)."
- "Kingdoms are ruled by kings, not false emperor, or are you planning to annex Washin to become the property of your so-called empire?"
Behrouz was astonished by this brazen audacity, this blatant response, and even this correct guessing of his future plans, and he was confused for a moment before Munthir asked her to save his emperor:
"What is your request, (Wishtah)?"
She was seeing clouds of darkness, but in the daytime, when she raised her face to the heat of the sun, she saw a brown speck in the midst of the thick black. she answered:
- "You will not kill the princess who pleaded with me and allied herself with me, just as the floral throne belongs to her."
Behrouz asked her sharply and angrily:
- "And what has she promised you in return for your alliance? Since when do Negroes enter their rotten heads into the politics of the walls, kingdoms, and empires within Orioum?"
Postama cunningly said:
- "They do not, but if any of the Orioum races knew what (Orioum) and its limits and treasures, they are the Negroes, the only ones among all creatures, who were able to cross the great continent on their scaly elephants, and see it from east to west, and they certainly know where those treasures and how can they be obtained."
Her speech seemed quite different in the eyes of Behrouz, who had suppressed his greed in regard to the matter of Aynur, to escape a new trap of her as she had done by stealing Kandor's gold, but he had not suppressed it to any other opportunities, and the talk of treasures turned his head, and asked her:
- "Treasures like what?"
Realising she had hit her target, said Postama,
"Negroes can have anything, and they seldom fail to complete any task, their only problem is that they need Owls, so the beautiful (Wishtah) has replaced me with them. I am not an Owl for her, for I am her friend, who I lead through her perpetual darkness, but I am closer to the natures of small human beings than she is. Among those things, they can access the (Fates Range), for example."
Behrouz gasped and said:
- "Where the Illicit Plateau... and in its heart is the Silver Fountain. But how do they cross the Trench of Caution?"
- "They dug it...that's easy."
She turned his head with the idea, for the wise Novio became immortal with a few drops of Silver Water, as history says, so what if he drank a full gulp?