300 years before the arrival of (Al-Nahhas) junior Princess (Aynur), Princess of the kingdom of Kandor to regain the floral throne in the Roses City, after her uncle the emperor Behrouz usurped it, the witch Korra Kalak helps him, and faces the witch's curse, using her enchanted weapon (Soma).
A month after the Battle of the Ten Trees Hills
(Noveo) check out Fossan and Arch. The fractures they obtained during their violent confrontation with the horse rider were enough to kill them, but they survived thanks to the knowledge of the respected sage with which he helped Marzouk's medicine, which made a noticeable difference so that they would need another two months of nursing to return to their previous era, and their bones completely healed.
Omid had received the management of the castle from him, and he was thinking of Fossan's constant claim that the one buried in the castle was not Ainur bint Rajal. He could stand on his feet, but the constant cold from the iceman's touch kept him wrapped in heavy clothes the whole time. The Ettorians had glorified him after his heroism in the battle and his ability to use the great sword of Rokoshta in an impressive manner, so that some of them declared him a prince in the place of Princess Aynur and before her Prince Mern Ator, but he refused strongly, and insisted that everyone belongs to the late princess, and that their name is Ainur.
The Viscount (Weigiri) counted his men after the battle and found them reduced to only 37 allies, after the losses of facing the doubtful warlord, from fifty men. And this morning the men gathered in rows and waited for the honourable wise to finish his farewells.
And when Al-Hakim went out to him with Umid, he said to him:
- We are ready, honourable wise, shall we return to the copper lands?
- Not yet, Mr Wiggery, we have one last and important visit to the Gentiles of the South. One might never be able to visit the Cancer Peninsula again, so the good chance it's there and perfect.
He was hoping to extract greater details of bone magic, especially since the wisdom of the silver water he had obtained did not provide him with the secrets of this kind of magic for some reason. Is it because it is not of this world?
He had discussed with the loyal men of Ainur, and deduced from them some details of the Battle of the White Bat, and realized that it was magic to be reckoned with.
It is dangerous that there is something in this world of such power without knowing about it what knowledge it can acquire.
And the people of the castle bid him farewell with great respect and were blessed with the handshake of the only immortal man known to the ruined world, and he rode his horse as he moved with the Viscount, and around them were the men of the Brass Garrison. They went south.
The new minister (Mishmon) entered the floral Throne Hall, and there he bowed before the new Empress.
She used her correspondence with Behruz, and her magic, and conveyed the imperial seals to order her appointment as an imperial viceroy, who had the right to administer Kandur in the place of Behruz if something happened to him, and presented her to the vizier who was heading the kingdom in the absence of his emperor during the ten wooded hills campaign.
In front of her tyranny and conspiracy, Minister Mashmoun submitted and handed her the pink throne.
To compensate for her losses and to prevent new wrath from the goddess Borkhish, Delges froze the idea of taking control of the castle of Aynur and directed her new project towards Wachen.
The remnants of the returning army have doubled, the conquest is in full swing, and now Candor will be part of a larger empire. A real empire.
I asked the minister:
- are you ready?
We await the sound of the crawling horn with your signal, my dear Empress Delgis.
She spent him contentedly, after telling him that she would very soon, and her dwarf Setra asked her after he left:
- But how did you guess, madam, that the murderer who would survive in the end was the heretic? He's not suspicious of any thorns and doesn't have any special abilities like the others Drops, Jova Hackam, and Iceman.
- Because he loves, and whoever loves is motivated by his soul to find the way for the beloved. He loved Seollu, and now the whole waste world is left to him but Wasnana, and Hazad have fled from the castle straight to the coppery Lands, to bring her back to his dark world so that she might enlighten him.
And she was right.