
Chapter 459: The Golden Code?!

"In this gathering place, there are numerous formation patterns within the buildings, which clearly indicates that the inhabitants here must be legendary or even demigod-level powerhouses." 

"Only they could enjoy such treatment." 

"However… they didn't have the chance to transform from phantoms into physical forms before being killed by the Frost Giant." 

"They died in such a hasty manner…" 

A hint of sympathy crept into Sterl's tone. 

Those powerful beings didn't even realize their own deaths before being sent to the afterlife. 

Sterl also understood that if Alpha 8 were forcibly merged into another world, he too could suffer such a fate! 

"Then I shall avenge you," Sterl said calmly, muttering under his breath. 

Ahead, the giant summoned icy blasts, continuing to crush the distant phantoms.