


I looked at Caleb. I knew there was something going on between him and my sister. They'd barely said two words to each other since they’d arrived. I managed to twist his arm to go out for a couple of drinks so I could get it out of him. I knew a few drinks would get him to talk. ‘So Caleb I know we’re not close and it shocked you that we asked you to be the baby's godfather, but there is no one else I would want more to be their godparent.’

‘Are you sure you could always ask one of your friends? Me and Avery aren’t on best terms and I don’t want to drive a wedge.’

‘Would you like to talk about it.’

‘I just don’t know what to do man. I love her so much it hurts and she just keeps throwing it back in my face.’

‘I’m sure she doesn’t mean to.’

‘Well it sure as hell feels like it.’

‘Maybe she’s scared Caleb, have you ever asked her why she won’t settle down with you?’


‘Maybe you should. You’ve known each other for a long time Caleb you’ve lived together for two years and you’ve been together before and that didn’t go too well. Maybe she’s just scared it will happen all over again. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t feel the same bud it just means she doesn’t want to lose what she has with you right now. She wants to be sure she won’t lose you as a friend when she decides she wants more than what you already have.’

‘I can’t do this anymore it hurts to god damn much.’

‘You need to ask yourself if she’s worth waiting for and if she’s worth fighting for.’

‘I just don’t know anymore.’

‘Well you need to figure it out before you make your decision and end up losing her for good.’