
Chapter 10.

It has been two weeks since multiple important individuals have disappeared from Glory City.

The involved parties have already had a meeting in the City Lords Mansion, but even then they haven't really come to a final decision but most of them have already figured out what has happened.

The parties involved are the City Lord himself as his daughter has disappeared, the Sacred families Patriarch whose own sister has also disappeared, and the Huyan family whose heir also disappeared there was also Holy Orchid Academies Librarian who also diapered but he wasn't important and was only from a small family.

At the start when Ye Zong discovered the disappearance of his daughter he immediately investigated, he was able to discover that the only close person to her for the last few days was the boy Nie Li who also disappeared at the same time that the boy himself did.

It was only a few days later that Ye Zong discovered that he wasn't the only one who was searching for disappearing people.

It was many days later that they finally connected all the dots and found the culprit.

And that too was only because they found out about the Winged Dragons similar situation, as their Patriarchs daughter had also disappeared.

But even while knowing that the All-Heavens Store Owner was the one who took his daughter, he could do nothing. He had even special warned her daughter to not participate in the special deal as he was scared that something like this could happen. He himself also didn't participate and as far as he knows not a single other family head or elder participated.

After all the families learned of this information, they decided to attack the Store all together and to try and get the Kidnapped individuals back.

This kind of force could have destroyed one of the Glory Cities' major cities as the families gathered together multiple Black Gold rank demon spiritualists and Fighters. A dozen Gold ranked ones and countless Silver and Bronze ranked ones.

All families attacked simultaneously some from inside the store others from various Store locations. Ye Zong would like to say that this is only because of the anger of his daughter being stolen but that would be a lie.

He did mostly do it for his daughter but he knows that for Shen Hong and the other families that joined and weren't even affected due to not having anybody kidnapped from their families did it only due to their slowly losing their profits.

The Snow Wind family wasn't as affected as other families as they mostly focused on hunting demon beasts but those families that focused on Farming and Restaurants had their profits hit rock bottom.

At the start, they could still deal with the situation, but now that Glory City has more than a hundred All Heavens Store locations and it has started to seriously damage their profits.

And so most if not all of Glory Cities Families joined the attack and attacked the Store simultaneously. Their main goal was to bring out the Store Owner and then make a deal that would benefit them and not leave them with nothing.

They know that they can possibly beat the Store Owner as he is so strong that they cannot imagine and even if his presence had damaged the family's profits his Store has been a positive impact on the city and they can't lose his support of the city.

What they didn't expect was to not even anger or even meet the Store Owner. The battle was going splendidly, sure the Store had many powerful Cultivators that gained benefits in return for protecting the Store but they just couldn't stand against the combined might of all of Glory City combined.

That was the situation that they had outside the Store but inside it was the complete opposite. IT couldn't even be called a fight and not because they were overwhelmed but because as soon as they started to vandalize the Store they were immediately kicked out.

It's not that they are stupid and didn't know of this ability but they thought that with their overwhelming numbers, they could suppress the ability and vandalize freely.

After the people that were outside the Store locations defeated all the defenders, they tried to enter the Store. They couldn't enter but were greeted with the following message.

[All who participated in the attack on All-Heavens Store and their families are permanently blacklisted from the Store.]

After the battle, they returned with no results. They weren't even able to disturb the Store Owner and have him come out of the Store to deal with the situation which was their initial plan.

There were some that regretted their actions but the family heads weren't that affected as there were workarounds to buy things from the Store and one of them is by having another person buy the things and then give it to them.

Shen Hong has used this method to get various Pills from the Store even though he was blacklisted from the Stores very first day.

Sure, they will still be harmed as they won't be able to use the special cultivation rooms but they could still deal with it.

No, what the family heads were most affected by was their inability to initiate a deal with the Store Owner to Save their profits.

Their initial plan wasn't even that draconic and only involved the store having to actually pay a tax to the City and after that, the families could distribute it among themselves.

But they have failed and their plans needed to change. At least now they know that the Store Owner wasn't even interested when someone attacked his Store so most of them decided to completely ban the Store in their territories and don't allow a single person to enter the Store from their locations.

Sure, it did offend many of the Commoners but it wasn't like the families didn't allows them to eat or drink in practice they only increased the prices a little bit. Some Commoners even supported the families decisions as they themselves were store owners that have gone out of business due to the All Heavens Stores cheap prices.

What was even funnier was that some Families did gain the ability to tax the All Heavens Store it was just in a different manner than they initially planned.

These families had also completely shut down the All-Heavens Store in their territories but instead of not using it they instead still used the Store to buy things but then they sold them at a higher price in their own Stores.

Sure, they themselves couldn't enter the Store and buy things but they could still order someone else to do it and with an interspatial ring a single person could complete the entire shopping single handedly but the Families wouldn't allow just a random person to do it and the person chosen had to be extremely loyal and some families even held the buyer's families hostage.

This might be extreme but the person was walking around with hundreds of thousands of demon spirit coins.

And they didn't trust the buyer with such a large sum of money when they could just leave their family territory from another of the Stores exits.

Their ability to leave came from the last of the Factions that didn't restrict the Store at all and allowed them freedom in their territories.

The last faction was mostly filled with those too weak to participate in the fight or those that only focused on demon beast hunting and so their profits weren't harmed all that much it was even a plus as they didn't have to buy Pills from other sources and could only focus on their hunting.

And so, in only two months since the kidnapping of the City Lords' daughter, the situation in Glory City has changed completely.

The Factions were actually named by some people and they became common knowledge. The first one is just called the Ban Faction and it is compromised by all the Major Families and some Noble Families.

The Sacred and Divine Families joined this faction because their profits were actually harmed but the Snow Wind Family wasn't that affected and only joined due to the City Lords anger at the disappearance of his daughter.

The second faction is known as the Restrict faction and is mostly compromised of most Noble families and some of the strong Aristocratic families that participated in the fight and were thus banned.

The last and weakest faction was just named Free Use Faction and was filled with a large number of Aristocratic families and one Noble family that focused on Demon Beast hunting and didn't participate in the battle.

The system has been in place for only a few weeks but there has been no reaction from the Store Owner and so some of the Families that were still holding their breath and fearing the Owner's retribution relaxed. This was only mostly for the Restrict Faction as they were the most nervous but even the Ban Faction had a little wariness as nobody has actually seen the full power of the Store Owner.

But the faction that truly hoped that the Store Owner wouldn't react was the Restrict Faction as it was discovered that those who participated in the battle weren't just banned from buying things from the Store but actually unable to use them even when given by another person.

All the Pills that were bought and then given to those banned were useless and didn't work, the books and cultivation techniques that were bought were unreadable and unlearnable, the demon spirits were also unusable, the food uneatable and even when eaten didn't provide any sustenance.

These people couldn't benefit from the Store no matter what.

The Major families could still support their own needs but Restrict Faction needed a source of income to buy and develop their own facilities as in the long run if they didn't have any money they would slowly wither and lose their power.