

" Where are you going?"

Steve asked as Superman put his gear on.

" To get another member for our cause. Robbie Baldwin aka."

Superman was explaining.

" Speedball. Are you sure that's wise?"

Steve asked.

" I can hear the boy crying out in pain Steve. Whatever they're doing to him it's torture. Robbie may have made a mistake, but he doesn't deserve to be punished for something he had next to no control over. So, I'm getting him out of there before they kill him."

Superman replied as he finished strapping on his boots.

" You sure about this? You know Jen will be there. Tony and the others will be as well. If you do this, you're going in alone. I can't risk the resistance."

Steve explained sadly.

" I never asked you guys to get involved. I'm doing this because it's the right thing to do and that's the only reason. I don't want to fight Jen, what we had... Was special to me. But I can't let this go Steve even if it means making an enemy of someone I love."

Superman said to the man before flying out of their secret base.

Steve watched the man leave and took a deep breath before sighing.

" All units be prepared! Superman's going to bust a few friends out for us. Be ready in case he needs back-up."

Steve radioed to the rest of the resistance.

Clark took off from the resistance headquarters and made a B-line for the prison holding Speedball.

" I really hope Jen's not here when I do this."

Superman thought to himself as he approached the prison.

Though he was soon drawn from his thoughts by an approaching shield Aircraft.

" Damn, these guys decide now to be on top of their game?"

Superman thought to himself.

" Superman, you are under arrest for aiding the criminal superhero resistance. Surrender now and we'll show you leniency."

Maria yelled over her microphone.

" Sorry, Maria! You're really beautiful and all but you aren't qualified to arrest me."

Superman joked back.

" Take him down!"

Maria ordered her troops.

Shield agents began pouring out of the ship on jetpacks and in fighter jets ready to engage the man of steel.

" Jets? Jetpacks? Please!"

Superman stated with a smile on his face as he rushed towards the squadron of shield agents.

Down below in the prison agents and guards were running around in a panic over the approaching hero.

" Guards. Guards. GUARDS!"

Jennifer yelled out to the guards drawing their attention.

" What is going on?"

Jennifer asked exasperatedly.

" We've just received word from Director Hill that Superman is in battle against shield agents above the facility."

The guard explained to the woman.

' Clark.'

" Damn it, Alright, get Robbie to his cell and get Stark on the line. I'll handle superman."

Jen barked orders to the guards as she tore her suit off to reveal her super suit. Jen raced down the hall opposite of the guards towards the front entrance, arriving in time to see Clark tearing through another fighter jet. She jumped into the air and slammed her fist into Clarks back knocking him into the air.

" Ugh! It's nice to see you too Jen. You're still as beautiful as I remember."

Superman joked as he regained his balance.

" Damn it Superman what are you doing here?"

Jen asked in anger.

" You called me Superman? Have you not?"

Superman was going to ask.

" Revealed your name? No, I haven't. I didn't want to force this on you. I was hoping you'd side with me because it was right. Because you loved me, but I can see I was wrong."

Jen answered the man

" Jen, I do love you. But this ain't right. I can see Robby, Jen. I can see how bad he's been beaten since he's been here. How can you come here and look that boy in his eyes and say what is going on is right? How can you do that?"

Superman asked in disbelief.

" That's the justice system. I can't protect him behind those walls but if he signs the papers and agrees to work with the government in bringing in those criminals then he'll be alright."

Jen replied.

" Jen, do you really think I'm a criminal? Me? All I've ever done is try to protect the innocent. And as far as those papers go. We both know that if he signs those papers then he'll be accepting the blame for all of those deaths. When the one to actually blame is Nitro. How is that fair Jen? TO make a young man take responsibility for something he didn't do? Can't you see how wrong that is Jen? How utterly wrong that is? I'd expect something like this from Stark, that arrogant cocky snide son of a bitch is everything wrong with the hero community. A fucking rich boy with too much money and power."

Superman ranted to the woman as he listed everything that was wrong with Stark and his registration act.

" And what about the kids? He tried to arrest the young Avengers. Not even just them. Small time heroes everywhere are being arrested, beaten and thrown away like yesterday's trash by Stark and his New Shield. Don't you see how wrong this is?"

Superman asked in pain.

" Superman, I know it seems bad. I really do. I understand what you're saying. But what is the alternative? We go against the people we swore to protect. We fight this battle and endanger their lives? Don't you see you're going against everything you said you stand for?"

Jen replied to the man.

" Jen, I'm leaving here today with Speedball, and I want you to come with me. Please Jen, I don't want to fight you."

Superman said to the girl as he held his hand out.

Jen looked at the man and for a second seemed to really consider the offer, but in the end she shook her hand and raised her fists ready to fight.

" I'm sorry Superman. I can't do that."

Jen replied

" I see. I'm sorry Jen. I love you."

Superman said to the woman.

" I love you too."

Jen replied before rushing the man.

Superman shook his head and sped past Jen easily leaving her in the dust. Superman rushed through the guards knocking them out with ease until he arrived in front of Robbie's cell. He grabbed the door and tore it off its hinges with ease.

" Robbie?"

Superman called out to the frightened boy.

" Superman? Is that you?"

Speedball asked in a panic.

" Yeah, kid. It's me. Come on grab my hand. I'm getting you out of here."

Superman said to the boy.

Robbie looked up at the man and cried in relief.

" Come on kid let's go. Stark and his goons are on their way here."

Superman said to the boy.

" Actually, we're already here Superman."

Stark said as he and the rest of his avengers walked into the prison hall.

Clark turned to face Ironman, Yellowjacket, Spiderman, Ms. Marvel, She-hulk and the thunderbolts.

" Hey, Stark. I see you brought the rest of the goon patrol."

Clark said to the man.

" We aren't the ones disobeying the law."

Spiderman replied.

" You mean the law that's prejudiced against superheroes? Let me ask weren't you all the ones who were against the mutant registration years ago? Didn't you all say it was wrong to force the mutants to do what you're making heroes do now?"

Superman asked sarcastically.

" This is different."

Ms. Marvel shot back.

" How exactly is it different?"

Superman asked.

" That doesn't matter right now. What matters is you're breaking the law and you're under arrest. Now, surrender peacefully or.."

Tony was saying to the man before he disappeared.

Superman raced towards Stark and ripped his face mask off and stared him right in his face.

" Or what Stark? If I really wanted it you'd be dead already."

Superman said to the man. He then rushed back to where he stood before.

" I'm taking robbie with me. If any of you think yourselves strong enough, by all means go ahead and try to stop me."

Superman said to the group of heroes.

" Why don't you try punching in your own weight class?"

Ms. Marvel asked as she and the others charged Superman.

" Sorry, but you're the one punching above hers."

Superman said as he drove his fist into the womans chest sending her flying out of the prison and out of the state.

The others all turned in shock as Ms. Marvel was one of their heavy hitters and she had just been taken down without any kind of trouble at all.

" Who's next?"

Superman asked the heroes as his eyes burned red.

" I didn't think so."

Superman declared before grabbing Robbie and flying off out of the prison.

" Dude, you just beat the Avengers by yourself."

Speedball declared in awe.

" Yeah, I did. Listen Robbie, I want you to know I don't blame you for what happened in Stamford. And I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you kids. We as adults failed you and I am sorry."

Superman said to the young boy.

" You're sorry? I was the one who led my team to their deaths."

Speedball exclaimed.

" You couldn't have predicted Nitro would do something like that. You made a mistake and yes innocents died because of it. But that's the paradox of being a hero. We can't save everyone Robbie. But right now, you have a chance to make up for it. Help us. Help the resistance take down this registration act."

Superman said to the boy.

" Hold on before you answer let me shake our friends in blue."

Superman said as Shield fighters and Iron man appeared to be chasing them.

" He kid, hold on tight and close your eyes."

Superman said to the boy.

When he was certain he had a good grip on the boy Superman picked up the speed and quickly left the pursuing Avengers in the dust.

" Sorry about that kid. Now, do you have an answer?"

Superman asked.

" Yeah, let's take these fucks down."

Robbie declared.

" Good Man!"

Superman yelled as he flew through the air.