
A fallen king

*I was once a noble king. Loyalty was something that came in association with my love for the people, and I was cherished by all. *


*I had all the riches anyone could dream of, but riches couldn't satisfy my loneliness. A search for an item I could never have had already begun without my knowledge. *


*My body moved on its own, and my mind ignored the continuous bits of advice from my senators. It was quite troublesome to deal with, and in time they grew tired of the constant pestering. *


*A desire I kept to, and searched relentlessly. However it was all void, and I now understand these actions. Trapped in the past, my soul searches for a chance to redeem itself. *


*Perhaps a cure to the afterlife, yet none came. I was locked in the gates of the living, yet I could not relate as they did. A sad end for a glorified king. *