


The walls of the pit crumbled as Atticus slammed against them with force.

He staggered to his feet, every muscle screaming in pain as rubble crumbled from the wall he had been embedded in.

'So fast,'

Despite ramping up his perception to full throttle, Niall had punched him before he could even react.

Niall's eyes burned with an intense red, his fist already cocked back for another bone-crushing strike.

The next punch came, fast and deadly. Atticus barely managed to twist away, the force of Niall's blow shattering the wall where his head had been, jadded cracks snaking upwards.

'Fuck! He's really trying to kill me!'

Dust and debris filled the air as Atticus rolled to the side, manipulating the air molecules around him to speed his movement. He then retaliated with a blast of wind, whipping up a cyclone around Niall.