
Chapter 1 Emmet's Plan

It was 2060, day dated was 03/03/2060

The era was changed, humans have progressed too much by this time. They have robots and automation working in nearly every section. The scientists have put on great efforts to make lifestyle much easier and modified.

The humans of this era have solutions of nearly every possible disease the lifespan was increased and 80-100 years living was normal for this 2060's humans.

The weaponries are much advance. They have now mechanical operated robots with heavily armed weapons. No one preferred war. As they knows doesn't matter who wins both countries would suffer serious damage including the resources and humans.

And the World is peaceful and prosperous more than ever.

All was going well, everyone on Earth was leading a good life, happy life and peaceful life except 08/08/2060. The date which changed everything, the date which bring down this prosperous Earth and its beloved humans on the verge of their extinction.


The area was shattered from all the places, it looks clearly worn out. The collapsed buildings were all you can see here, and some rusty remains of weaponries and crashed AI's with blank eyes.

"Huff-huff." Small worn out boy hiding inside a collapsed building remain.

"What's the matter why are you wheezing."

"Shh!" The boy close his lip "They are coming." Staring at hole which reveals almost everything about what's going on in outside.

"No way, but why they come I mean they don't know we are alive they thought all of the humans of this site are dead." He suspiciously gaping at the worn out one.

"You are right they thought we are dead, but they saw me."

"Why the hell did you go outside, despite of knowing what's going on in the city."

"Because of an emergency."

"Because of an emergency?" Other one was bewildering at the worn out.

"As you see we don't have anything to eat we are out of our stock we don't even have enough water. And more often those two on which we are so much relying for protection were starving in hunger for two whole days. They require strength, to cope up with these merciless creatures."

"I know but they tell us they will manage the food don't you trust them?"

"Well, I just thought if I could help. Even a little."

"Thanks. You help greatly." Pointing to the left window. "The results of your help. If they were here, they would give immense gratitude for the help."

The worn out boy focused on the window.

The three creatures, whose blue colored skin cover by red colored soldier outfit. All were carrying machine gun in their hands.

All have render medium body type and height. They have different hair stereotypes. One have hair tied in a small frank ponytail other have spice type. And the third well he was bald.

Whole three looks different but the thing which is common is they all are aggravatingly annoyed.

"Gupsa Tumche Sumka." Bald one spoken off.

"They must have to be somewhere here." Replied the ponytail one.

"Semee Yoka Amachie." Bald one glaring at the ponytail.

"Why I was talking in English." Gaping at the bald one.

Bald one nodding in acception.

"Well because our head forced us to grasp English don't you know, and besides I was worrying about you too. Why would you talk in our language."

"I don't know why he let us force to learn English and other native pathetic Earthling languages." The one with spice hair replied.

"Fumbt Askel Zac." Bald checking the Ammo's of the gun.

While other two goes on laughing like mad aliens.

"You think he is mad and stupid." The ponytail yet can't able to stop his laughter.

"Ruma Sema".

"You think it as too." Flashy Ponytail smirking lightly at two. Then diverting himself to the light blue sky.

"Well, he is not mad even not the stupid. He let us force to learn Earthling languages because its easy to communicate with them. As we know, those humans even fail to learn their all Earthy languages like Indian knows Hindi, Roman knows Roman, Japanese knows Japanese. They all are humans. But still can't able to talk in other country languages like Japanese can't speak Hindi, Indian can't talk in Japanese. Its just like this. If they find their own languages difficult to master then how can we expect them to learn our language even we forced, it takes at least a year for them to master our language". He was ogling.

The two were perplexed. Although the ponytail was right, it was the actual case why their lord force them to learn Earthling languages and more often make English compulsory because it is the local language around the World, the only language which most of Earthlings talk to contact with each other at International level.

"OK! I apologize for making fun of our lord."

"Glad you realise your mistake Festo."

"Yeah! But I always wondered why Festo's garden is destroyed and why new weeds never grown on it."  Waxier was caressing on deserted top.

"Stop teasing me."   Slapped off the caressing hand.

"Stop joking, we have to find that human child." Ponytail waling at two.

"Sorry Roomie." Festo replied.

The three were begin to investigate the place in hope to search that kid or other humans.

They went off to the right. Searching in the metal pipes, expecting mere Earthlings hidden inside.

But to their surprise they don't find any humans. They nearly investigated every possible place on this site. But fail to found anything. Not even something which might or may hint the presence of human.

"They are not here." Festo's eyes were focusing on Waxier.

"Don't ask me Roomie is the one who said he ran here."

"He do ran here." Genuinely said Roomie.

"So where is he?" Waxier with slight loud voice.

"I don't know but he is here somewhere." Roomie's eyes were rolling over the site trying to detect that child.

"No-No-No." Spotting different places. Gaping on another. "Not here". Roomie take off his eyes. Which seems dim as they lose their moral of finding the child. In these dim interval he spotted a building. A worn out white colored collapsed building.

"Hey! Do we check that building." Roomie's eyes were straight focused to the building.

The two who were trying to search the boy in their own way interrupted they diverted their searching eyes to the building where Roomie was pointing.

"No I don't think we searched this one."

"Are you sure." Roomie still unclear about it.

"No. He is right we haven't search it." Strained Festo commented boldly.

"So let's do it." Roomie strolls in to the building.

"Yup. Who knows maybe we could find him here."

The three walk on towards the building were about to strike inside it.

Two poor child who were still hidden beholding view of three coming towards them.

"What we do now?" The blue shirted boy gaping at the worn out T shirt.

The worn out boy himself looks baffled although he don't know how to cope up this problem. On the other side their footsteps becoming clearer and clearer moment by moment.

"We have to think of something."

"But what."

"I have an idea."

"Tell" Boy optimistically looking at the worn out boy.

"They enters from East the only opening which the building has from front".


"They are moving forward and forward and forward."

"And they caught us and shoot us." Other thrash down his anger on the worn out boy.

"No they shoot us if we stay still." Worn out boy crossing his arm grinning.

"What you mean." Other one was just thought too much weird about the series of piffle.

"As I said before they are entering from the East—"

"They already enters don't you hear the footsteps."  Worrisome boy cried with little shout.

"Yes! I hear the footsteps, and please don't shout."

"Alright then how the hell we should—".

"Enough talking. Now listen, what I planned". Worn out boy grabbing the mouth of the little one, with such a force that not even a slight air could dare to come out of his mouth.

"Now listen, this building has two openings one East the entrance and the West exit". Showing him the west exit. "Now, if we keep on moving towards the exit. We can get out of the building and then we might ran off behind the three collapsed AI. As they are not that big, but enough tall to cover likes of us".

The small kid's eyes were shining like a star. Realizing this the worn out boy slowly lowered his clutches.

"So now let's run." Vivid boy facing at the small feared one.

"Let's go." Finally small one was now able to gather some courage to let himself handle the situation instead of running and hiding behind elder ones for the solution.

Both dash on to the West, the worn out boy staring at little one. 'He doesn't get scared nor do he relied on those two nor did he hid behind me crying about the situation'

"Look we are about to reach just little more Emmet." The little one cried aloud.

"Micah finally you grown up." Smiled Emmet scampering further.

The boys were about to clear the runaway constantly striving to reach the Sunrays, which were shimmering brightly.

"Emmet" Small kid heaves few breathes.

Bend postured Emmet have his both arms glued on respective knees, "We made it". Anxiously chortling at Micah.

Tactical eyes searching for place to hide.

"Micah that place looks best."

"They can't detect us there."

Both were sprinting to the North Right, where a huge dump of dead AI's waiting to protect them.

"Now no one can catch us, we are safe." Relaxed Emmet continuously proceeding further.

"Nice place to hide didn't it."

Both focused on the figure, the appearance of it make them high struck.

"You-you three were going in building so".

"Yup we are but while walking one of our friend suggest a worry..

'Hey what if they goes out and hide on with other location.'

'No why should they'. Waxier was little bit annoyed about Festo's doubt.

'If they are in and detects that we are coming then surely they would try to get out of the building'.

Waxier was now begin to worry about the doubt. 'Alright then two of us check on the building and one will stay outside guarding the area'.

'Good plan'. Festo said.

'Even if they run out then also they can't able to save themselves'. Bold Roomie face off to Waxier. 'I agreed'.

…..So you see that's why I am here". Evil Festo cackled down.