
Astral Calamity

The Astral Calamity is a cyclic phenomenon that occurs every time humanity becomes too advanced too quickly. It is said the Astral Calamity is caused by an Avatar who is said to have some form of hatred against humanity for what happened 70,000 years ago. In the present day, humanity has split into different factions to combat the Astral or simply take advantage of it and abuse the sacred energy to create monsters known as Calamity Monsters and use the power to become a False Avatar. One thing is for certain, everyone knows how dangerous the Astral can be.

IndifferentLeo · 奇幻言情
9 Chs

True Calamity: War

"We've been getting readings outside the city about an S Tier Calamity Monster. It seems to be a humanoid knight being. I want it to be known that we aren't the only ones who spotted it. Another organization named the God Bringers have also been targeting this knight." Blaire said.

"A Calamity Knight? An S Tier at that." Azusa said as she smoked her cigarette and looked at the reports. "Seems like the adventurers outside the city have been chased away because of this knight."

"I have a request. We are strong enough to take on the knight. We can take them down with ease." Violet said.

"That is true." Blaire said.

"I have to meet Genesis at the park later today. I told her I'd be there." Azusa said and put out her cigarette.

"You're truly her Guardian huh." Blaire smiled.

"I've devoted my life to her. Unlike Yelt, she's actually sane on the inside." Azusa said then stood up. "If you need me, you know my number."

"Yeah." Blaire smiled and watched her leave.


I exhaled and felt my energy calmly flowing around my body.

"Good, we can't have you descending into madness again. Whenever you feel that you're losing control, just breathe and you'll be alright." Shella said and watched me.

"The breathing exercises seem to work with her as well. I still can't believe she has Primordial Tsukiyomi abilities. Lunacy isn't your average modern ability." Mao Zheng said.

"Yeah, I am actually glad she's on our side." Mitsu nodded.

Elyse watched me then heard the elevator door open and looked back. She noticed Azusa walking into the dojo.

Shella looked back and noticed Azusa walking to her. She listened to what Azusa had to say and nodded. "Vera, Mitsu, Mao Zheng, Elyse. We've got a mission!"

"Am I able to join?" Genesis asked.

"No you're coming with me. We actually have our own mission to go on. It's an important one." Azusa said.

"Oh! I'll be going with you? Okay!~" Genesis smiled.

Azusa and Genesis left the dojo and Shella looked at us. I looked at Shella and wondered what the mission was.

"Our mission is going to be near another city. An S-Tier Calamity Monster has been spotted in the Enemy Zones and we have to drive it away." Shella said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I don't even know myself, but Azusa said Blaire and Violet will be joining us. She also told us to be on the lookout for another organization named the God Bringers." Shella explained.

I looked at everyone else then looked at Shella. "I see...Well this time I'll be more stable and prepared for battle."

Shella nodded. "Alright team, let's go!"


Blaire walked ahead with Violet following behind. They had a few members from their Division come with them. Violet looked at the report and looked around.

"They said the Calamity Monster was spotted in the Titan's Heart. I actually wonder how strong this monster can actually be to give so many people this much trouble. Even the high ranking Adventurer's were scared off." Violet said.

"Has to be a high ranking S-Tier to scare off even the strongest of Adventurer's." Blaire said then summoned her sword and deflected a blade of darkness. She looked up then noticed a being in a suit of armor land on the ground.

"Mo...r...t..a..l..s." The knight said and flames began to appear on his body.

"What the hell..? The monsters are beginning to learn how to speak now?" Violet asked in disbelief.

"Hmph...It doesn't matter if he can speak or not. Let's just strike him down!" Blaire bellowed and readied her sword.

Violet summoned her scythe then her black wings emerged from her back. "Following your lead, Captain."

The knight dashed ahead and let out a beastly roar. He slashed at Blaire and she blocked the attack then grunted as she skidded backwards. Violet dashed ahead and slashed her scythe at the knight. The knight dodged the attack and kicked her away. He roared and opened a portal behind him then a blade of darkness was fired at her. One of the Sisterhood deflected the blade for her.

"He has Weapon Arsenal! This isn't a normal S-Tier Calamity Monster! He's one of the Four True Calamities!" Blaire yelled.

"True Calamities?" One of the members asked.

"These four beings are stronger than Calamities like Kohaon! This one is the True Calamity, War!" Blaire warned.

"Mor..ta..l..s..!" War yelled and his flames grew stronger. "Mortals! Mortals!"

"Prepare yourselves!" Blaire yelled.

War dashed ahead and slashed downward, unleashing a powerful flaming cutting wave at everyone. Blaire and Violet dodged, but some of the members were caught in the attack and died as they were cut in half.

"He's getting even stronger..! I can feel it..!" Violet grunted and looked at War.

War bellowed and slashed horizontally at Blaire. She blocked the attack and grunted. She groaned as she was blown away. I caught her and skidded backwards. Blaire looked back and noticed me.

"Thank you.." She smiled and got out of my arms.

"Blaire, are you okay?!" Violet asked.

"I'm fine. It seems our Astralite allies have come to our aid." Blaire said.

"What is this thing?" Shella asked.

"It's one of the four True Calamities. We are faced up against War. We can't win this battle unfortunately. We have to drive it away though. As long as it's in these Zones, this monster will keep destroying and terrorizing the adventurers." Blaire said.

"Alright, let's do what we can then. If we can't win, we make it retreat." Shella said then summoned her scythe.

I summoned my katana and got ready for battle. I noticed multiple black circles appear on the ground. War roared and dashed to us. We ran toward War as well and we entered battle with him. War overpowered each of us and used his aura to blow us all away. Mao Zheng bellowed and punched one of the black circles on the ground and a dark spire began to rise up, but War dodged it and opened multiple portals behind him and fired a shower of dark energy blades at us.

Shella spun her scythe in a circle and deflected the dark blades then dashed to War and bellowed. She sliced horizontally at him, but he parried her, knocking her off balance. She grunted as she noticed War going for the killing blow. Mitsu summoned a dark chain to wrap around Shella and pull her away from the attack.

Elyse infused her sword with her aura and dashed ahead to War. She slashed continuously at War and he blocked each attack. She bellowed and slid backwards and slashed rapidly, releasing energy waves at him. He repelled each wave and let out a chuckle.

"Everything we do is useless! He's just become too strong..!" Blaire growled.

"I'm not giving up!" I bellowed and dashed to War. I slashed at him, but he repelled me away with his aura. I groaned as I hit the ground.

"Vera!" Shella ran to me and helped me up.

"Mortals pathetic! Weak beings!" War laughed.

I glared at War and sheathed my sword and my Lunar Energy surrounded my body. I held my hand out at him and gripped my wrist. "I'll show you weak, you damned MONSTER!"

War looked at me and readied himself.

"Midnight Gleam!" I bellowed and unleashed a powerful lunar beam from my hand.

The beam struck War and I let out a roar, making my attack more powerful. An explosion happened and my slowly faded away. I watched the smoke clear away slowly then my eyes widened.

"Even after all of that...He doesn't even have a scratch on him." I said in disbelief.

"My turn." War said then pointed his sword at the sky. Multiple portals opened in the sky and his flames turned purple. He slashed down. "Void Raid."

A barrage of dark beams showed down at us. A golden barrier appeared around us and blocked the beams. We looked surprised and someone landed on the top of the barrier.

"Zerø!" Shella bellowed.

Zerø laughed and more members of his organization appeared. "Hello my darling Astralites and Shining Sisterhood. Sorry that me and my God Bringers took so long getting here, but your savior has finally appeared..."

Zerø floated off the barrier and the barrier shattered into tiny gold particles. War dashed to Zerø and bellowed. He went for an attack, but was blown away by a seemingly invisible force.

"What the-" Blaire asked in shock.

War stood up and dashed to Zerø once again. He roared and slashed down, but an invisible force blocked the attack and blew him away once again.

Zerø pointed his cane at War. A golden pillar surrounded him and Zerø chuckled. "Erase."

War groaned as his powers were erased from his being. War fell to his knees and panted. He looked up and noticed Zerø walking to him. "Who.."

"I am Zerø...and I will become the new Avatar of the World. The Universe! You will be a key in my dream!" Zerø laughed. He looked at us and bowed. "Thank you for weakening War for us. Now that we have a Calamity...we can finally create a Godsend strong enough to complete my goal!"

He warped away with War and his organization warped away after him.

"Did you see that..?" Blaire asked.

"He has the power...of the God Archive." Violet said.

"That's our concern?! He's got a Calamity! Creating a Godsend will for sure start another War for Humanity!" I said.

"It will, but we have to check back at our HQ!" Shella said then got a call from Genesis. A holographic screen appeared in front of us. "Genesis? What's the matter?"

"Grandpa is missing!" Genesis said in terror. "Is he with you all?!"

Shella looked at us then looked back at the screen. "No..He isn't with us."

Genesis looked terrified as she looked around the HQ. "Please don't tell me what Azusa said to me was correct! Don't tell me that! Grandpa isn't Zerø nor Ømega!"

"Unfortunately it's true, Genesis. Yelt Ottoman is both of those figures. You watched it yourself from the lookout. Zerø has the power of the God Archive." Azusa said. "Listen, all of you. We need you all at HQ immediately. It's time we all join forces and face against both the Calamities and the God Bringers together."

Shella noticed how disappointed Genesis looked. She sighed softly. "Okay. We will be there."

"Good." Azusa said.


Zerø took off his mask and sighed. "Finally...after 50 years of trying to finish a family generational long project. Project Godsend is a go once again! With our best ally with us, we can not fail."

A man wearing a red mask sat in a stool and smirked. "I am please to help you, Ottoman. After we succeed in this, our target will be Genesis. I am not finished tormenting her yet..." The man laughed.