

This story is about a boy who was chosen to lead the world by the world. His powers were stolen from him before he was born but he was still born with amazing skills. Read as he adventures to reclaim his title

Daze_tales · 奇幻
13 Chs

Chapter 12: The big stuff

In the simulation room

All of the students were already done with the simulation. They stood with their teacher in front of them.

" Congrats to those who passed. I think most of you got the essence of the simulation, survival. This is a good time to tell you that there were beasts with capacity of an upper ranked servant. So going on a killing spree is suicide.

Now you two have saved me a from an headache. From what you explicitly you both are the reason you failed so I can send you two to the class below without being worried about not being fair. Now off you go.

"You would meet their replacements tomorrow. Now that you have trained a little I better tell you what your training for . In the nest two weeks you would be taken to Ido outpost where you would have to survive alone for three days without any interference from teachers. You would all lead a team of four from each division below. The Ido forest is native to alanka wolves, the squirrels you faced in the simulation and few amin bears. You would be given a space bracelet of 3 cubic cetemetr to keep your spoils your lieutenant two while the last two one. I must rememid you that the weapons you are given ar. Just hard crystals with little durability (but still harder than diamond)

The best thing for weapons is the skins and bones of alanka wolves but top quality for you level is amin bears. So this won't be about only survival it would also be about team work, leadership for you and carrying out objectives. I'm telling you this so you can work out plans, backup plans learn the terrain, the weaknesses of this beasts and more. After 5 days you would be assigned your teammates. Class dismissed"


For the next week knowing that something important was gonna take place, the elite class were practicing more than ever even the shitty ones. They couldn't fail as all important events like this would be know to the entire region around narlah high.

Ms aramide was happy they were taking it seriously and weren't being over confident in there abilities.

" They look promising " the principal said.

" Well thats what happens when they realize anything can be out of control when you aren't powerful enough." Ms aramide replied

" What of our little friend?" He asks looking at a specific boy with blue flames revolving round him.

" Well, for one he doesn't cause trouble, and he has a special thing with the lighting God princess although they are just making out and aren't going for it" she replied.

" He's smart I can give him that. If he goes for it( you know what he means) it means he took the virginity of their princess and they weren't married. This could lead to his death and if he does have a "background" and doesn't die she would be treated like shame. Also dropping in status. It's well thought out."

"I get it, he is avoiding the big stuff. But, with his potential it won't be a long wait"

" Yes, but he has other big stuff to attend to for now." The principal smiled looking at a promising young lad.


Late at night two students were still traing ( sparring) with each other .

" So, how has your preparation been going?" Ayo speaks

" Great, since we're gonna basically be on our own they gave us lots of useful books on what we need to know"

" Yh, do you know who your working with?"

" No, you?"

"No but I heard the mode of selection is fixed as all classes have 1 to 20. So the ones will be grouped, twos, and so on. I think that's to avoid teachers giving students to other groups and to balance power."

"That's actually good. We should go back it's already midnight"

"Okay" she replies

They both go back to their dorms.


if you have any ideas you want me to add to the novel or you have insights drop a comment and a rate my book plsssssss. thanks -si

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