
Asteria De Auburn

A College age girl gets reincarnated as a noble lady which is the side antagonist of a novel. She must get married to save herself from being imprisoned by her father and be killed by her ex fiancé

Adilstar618 · 奇幻言情
1 Chs

Ch 1 the rays of sunlight

A 6-year-old girl wakes up from her sleep in the morning and the sunlight shines on her face as she gets up off her silk-covered bed. The first thing she sees as she wakes up is a woman with hazel eyes with her blonde hair tied into a bun, around it is a thin black ribbon she was also wearing a black dress

"Good morning lady Asteria!"

She spoke with a warm smile on her face, as she moved the red velvet curtains.

"Morning Alexandra."

Aster mumbled as she yawned.

" Let's get you dressed and ready for the day now M'lady ,"

Alexandra turned around and held Aster's hand and guided her to the closet to change out of her nightgown.

As you may think Asteria or Aster (as she likes to call herself,) is just a little girl but in reality in that mind of that little girl is a lonely and bitter-sweet 21-year-old woman who reincarnated into a noble lady the side antagonist from a novel who is mistreated and ignored by her father the Royal Duke Eidin, the main antagonist and only blood-related family she has, because Duchess Althaia her mother, died few minutes after Asteria was born. Asteria, later on, gets engaged to Prince Velter of Region Ultimately the engagement failed which causes Edin on a rampage and imprison his only daughter. He tries to kill the whole Oragion empire but failed because the antagonist of the novel Princess Athanasia had stopped him and killed him on the spot. After finding Asteria imprisoned Princess releases her from her cell and takes her back home but then she poisons the princess's younger sister Natasha and attempts to murder Athanasia who is now engaged to Prince Velter. She gets killed by Prince Velter for her treacherous crimes.

Aster puts on her summer dress as today was very humid and hot. Her dress was white which was a bit below her knees with ruffled sleeves that were shoulder length and a huge baby blue bow where her chest is, to go along with the dress she tied her wavy amber hair with a baby blue bow.

Once she was done getting dressed she entered her bedroom to what she liked to call "play" For a bit she opened the huge door, once she entered the bedroom. The door behind her had opened, it was one of the maids

"M'lady Ms. Alexandra wanted me to tell you that breakfast is going to be done in a bit, therefore you can spend the time playing in the garden whilst I tidy up your bedroom." stated the maid.

"Ok please wait Aster will bring her crayons and paper downstairs,"

Aster said with a fake smile plastered on her face to make herself more innocent and more childlike.

"Very well M'lady,"

the maid said and gave a bow then gave a cold stare and closed the door with a huge slam.

"Why did she have to give that cold stare?!"

Aster thought as she gathered her pen and crayons and her plain paper book, she placed them into a basket,

''Her cold stare kinda reminds me of the stares that I used to get when I was in college but why am I getting them in this life, I guess that's because Lady Asteria was considered as a cruse child or as a outcast because she was the main reason why Duchess Althaia died''

thought Aster as she went down the marble stairs with golden railings slowly to admire the paintings on the wall of the king and queens and went through the door to

the garden. The garden had a small lake with koi fish in it and rose bushes surrounding the area of the garden it also had a small outdoor table with chairs, she sat on the chairs and started writing, A plan to escape execution :

" Plan A : Not ever meeting Eidin and not Interacting with anyone "

" Plan B : Try to win Eidin's heart and affection so he doesn't forget about me!"

" Plan C : Try to steal the gold and luxurious stuff and run away"

Aster went inside as Alexandra called her in for breakfast, the dining hall was narrow and had a fireplace, the table was long with a total of 20 chairs. For breakfast one of the maids served Asteria savory porridge with a fried egg on top.

"Thank you Blaire, '' Aster said with a smile.

" Your welcome M'lady" Blaire gave a bow and smiled and left Asteria in the dining room.

As Aster was done eating her stomach started all-overish she ran to the bathroom as she felt as if she was going to throw up. "Gosh, I should've skip breakfast if my eating disorder was going to act like this" Thought Asteria as she opened the door slowly and looked around the hall making sure that no one noticed.

After breakfast they went to the royal flower field to pick some flowers and afternoon tea. Aster and Alexandra had finally arrived at the field filled with the most beautiful flowers in the world. The colors were soft andgradient,thanks to the clear sky with the perfect amount of clouds and the bright sun. It felt like a dream as Alexandra was setting up the picnic blanket and the items while Aster had already picked up the flowers to her contempt.

" l bet I can run away and sell these flowers. I don't know when I'll meet Eidin but at least I'm living a decent life plus, I'll meet him when I'm nine after all or I at least I hope,"

she smiled with a nervous grin with her amber hair shining in the sun.

"Alexandra, can Aster go play in the fields"? Asked Asteria

Sure thing M'lady but call me if you need anything"

Alexandra called out, as Asteria ran into the fields.

"I'm glad that M'lady likes the flower fields."

Thought Alexandra as she took out the cup for the tea.

Later on, she was tired and found a spot to rest under a huge old tree near a pond with the sun glistening on the clear lotus flowers. It looks like blue but it isn't and the breeze was so calming. Asteria couldn't resist taking a nap under the old tree. While she was sleeping she dreamed of a woman with the same amber hair as hers and green emerald eyes. She was wearing a white gown that made her look like an angel humming a familiar tune.

"Who is she, a nymph, an angel or a goddess?"

Wondered Asteria as she was sound asleep. The woman the suddenly turned around and smile saying

"Follow the stars" on repeat

"Wait, who are you? And what does that mean?"

Aster yelled as the mysterious lady went further distance each time she blinked.

Hey, this the The first chapter of my first book and I hope you guys liked it I will update it and plzzzzz do give me advice

Adilstar618creators' thoughts