
Life on Vampa

Sadalla landed on Vampa on September 17th, Age 670. Vampa had only a handful of lifeforms, but there were two main ones of interest to Sadalla. The first was the weird giant antlike creature that didn't pose much of a threat, but was found in such large quantities that it basically acted as a mobile food source. The second was a gigantic doglike creature that from a distance just looked like a normal field of grass. When prey stepped onto the field, its long neck and vast head would eat them whole. If prey resisted, then its sharp tear could rip through Kachin, a material that could resist the force of Super Saiyan 3 Goku during his fight with Kid Buu, like paper. The only thing that would prevent it from potentially just killing Sadalla was that it was slow and predictable. It was these traits that made the Field Dogs a perfect training dummy for Sadalla. It was capable of hurting him significantly, but also not so dangerous that he would constantly at risk of death.

Vampa also had one other advantage. It was mountainous. When combined with its similar gravity to Planet Plant, and its ten times gravity difference to Earth's, Sadalla could progressively make use of terrain to improve his strength, and use the Field Dogs to improve his speed and combat sense. The ants would be his food source, along with any normal vegetation he could find.

So it began. For the next decade, Sadalla would wake up, jog around a bit to warm up, hunt a few ants for breakfast, and then lift weights until noon. After eating more ants for breakfast, he would challenge the field dogs with weights dispersed along his body in various places to simulate injuries to those places, or just to train those specific muscles. Occasionally, he would allow the dogs to injure him slightly, gaining small Zenkai boosts. This nearly ended in disaster one day in his second year, as one dog bit off a large section of his left leg. Luckily, he could use his ki to fly away and recuperate, but he had to wait nearly a year for his leg to completely regenerate. That Zenkai boost was massive though, as when it was combined with the one-legged training he did, it brought him from a power level of 3,000 to 5,000.

By Age 680, Sadalla had made significant progress. While he started at just a power level around 2,000, he had gotten to nearly 30,000 in just a decade. This brought him from the power of a strong low-class saiyan, to near the power of the strongest elite saiyans of all. If he wanted to, he could now snap Vampa in half by himself. 

Sadalla began to make preparations to leave Vampa. He had made a lot of changes to the landscape of Vampa, and didn't want to leave any traces when Broly and Paragus ended up there in Age 732. Sadalla only planned to interfere with the saiyans to save Bardock and Gine, whom Goku had apparently described as being very good people. It was a family legend that Goku's feelings of love for Bardock and Gine may have been the source of his pure heart.

Sadalla used his ki to destroy all of his weights and then rebuild the natural geographic features that he had wrecked. He also eliminated all of the traces his ki had left on the planet. The only thing he couldn't do was eliminate the memories of him from the creatures of the planet. He could only hope that they wouldn't hold grudges against other saiyans for his actions against them.

On December 31st, Age 680, Sadalla left Vampa. His destination was Jupiter, in Earth's Solar System.