
Extreme Training in Extreme Circumstances

Six hundred-fifty million pounds. That's the weight experienced when living under Jupiter's atmosphere. The Earth has a total mass of 125 billion pounds, so Sadalla was now living under one two-hundredth of the Earth's mass in air pressure, with extremely little heat to boot. Jupiter was at -234 degrees Fahrenheit, which is about 320 degrees below a human or saiyan's body temperature. Oh, and there's no solid ground at all. 

Sadalla set his base on Jupiter's moon Ganymede, which had a solid core with similar temperatures to Jupiter itself. Sadalla was here to train his survivability in austere environments. Sadalla didn't have a fancy goal or anything. He wanted to reach Super Saiyan again. He wanted to relish that feeling. Enhancing his destructive power wouldn't mean much if his own body couldn't handle it. His old body couldn't withstand what he put it through, but his new body certainly could. 

Sadalla spent just five years on Jupiter. He trained to separate toxins like carbon monoxide into useful components like carbon and oxygen, forming breathable air and glucose. He gathered materials like iron, potassium, calcium, and sodium from the terrestrial moons. His body's durability increased significantly, and he could resist the cold much better. Sadalla also perfected his flight skills. Jupiter's winds were above 300 miles per hour, and Sadalla initially had a lot of trouble sustaining a constant position above Jupiter's center. After five years though, even ten times Jupiter's winds couldn't faze him.

Sadalla also trained for five years on Venus, doing the same things, but with a hot environment instead. He would've preferred Mercury, as it could give him a chance to train against the Sun's gravity and heat, but Sadalla thought that was insanely dangerous even for him. 867 degrees Fahrenheit was hot enough for him, and it was still 92 times the air pressure of Earth.

It was now Age 690. In just ten more years, the saiyans would declare war on the Tuffles, destroying them completely. Sadalla was now nearing a power level of 100,000, and he could easily stop the Saiyans if he wanted to, but there was something more pressing already approaching Earth.

Shortest chapter so far, and mostly just a leadup to the next chapter, but since this is a period where little of relevance happens with the Saiyans, and it wouldn't be Dragon Ball to not have any kind of fighting, I figured that I'd just release these two together and see what happens.

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