
Edolas and Erathalia

After realizing that he might be in a distortion variant of his second world, Sadalla made clothing an even higher priority. He redoubled his efforts on Elemental Armor. After two weeks of living in the jungle, he was able to manifest some heavy scales reminiscent of dragons, but it was not exactly clothing, and if anything it made him stand out even more. Still, it was progress.

More importantly, Sadalla had refined his horrifically primitive clothing into something resembling true woven armor. He did this by infusing natural energy into living vines and making them weave themselves into true fabric. It still wasn't pretty, but the equipment now at least covered him thoroughly enough to be presentable. 

With his better clothing, he managed to enter the settlement that he'd found. It was a village only in terms of numbers. In appearance, it had a fully mud brick and adobe construction along two main boulevards and a few extra side streets. It resembled much more advanced construction techniques from larger civilizations like the Egyptian villages surrounding the Nile or the Pueblo culture along the Colorado River. He only counted roughly 100 people, and nearly forty residential buildings, and twenty or more extra buildings, likely of mercantile or governmental purpose. With no extra information, he could only speculate why. 

Upon entering the village, Sadalla found a merchant talking to a customer, and learned a bit more.

"So, how's the hunt been?" - Merchant

"Not good. Something large has been scaring the wildlife away. We may need to attack it soon." - Customer

So Sadalla was hurting their economy? Not much he could do about it, but he was going to leave anyways. He got in line behind the current customer and waited. Sadalla had brought a water stone to trade, but was unsure of its value since it was primarily used to evolve certain Pokémon. All he knew was that it contained an extremely pure form of water natural energy.

When he got to the counter, he looked around at what the merchant was selling. The merchant didn't seem shocked to see him, which made it clear that outsiders weren't uncommon, and especially that his clothes weren't particularly important to the merchant. The merchant had lots of clothes on display, so he probably dealt with people wearing crude or damaged clothing regularly. 

"So are you buying or selling?"

"I need three sets of clothes. Can you do that?"

"Easily, but you're fairly large, so it'll require tailoring. What are you paying with?"

"How about this?" Sadalla pulled out the water stone.

"Is that a Water Lacrima?!" All eyes were trained on them at this shout.

"That's what you call this? I just thought it looked valuable, so I picked it up."

"How the heck have you never heard of a Water Lacrima? This thing can get you three years' worth of water if you're careful! This is way more valuable than just three sets of clothes!" 

"Oh. Well, then how about ten sets?" 

"Well I guess it is your loss for selling it cheaply. Ten sets it is!"

Sadalla entered the shop for the tailoring. The merchant would need a few hours to tailor the clothes to his size, but in the meantime Sadalla was able to gather a bunch of information. It turned out that the residents of this world called it "Edolas", and this town, Hecatasus, was an outpost used for adventurers and hunters who were seeking relics from Erathalia, the "World in the Sky", where a lot of their technology came from. It also helped him figured out how he could escape Edolas. While he didn't assume it was quite that simple, he at least had a lead.

Sadalla took the clothes, but quickly realized that he had no place to store them. For now, he just purchased a simple box from a carpenter in exchange for some help chopping wood. Sadalla could chop wood with his bare hand using ki blades, so he got the requested work, twenty pieces of wood chopped into firewood-sized chunks, done in under five minutes. 

With a box to hold his clothes acquired, and a lead on how to reach Erathalia, he began his search for an escape route. He continued to chop wood in exchange for coins, roughly three pieces of firewood for five of the lowest value copper coins. It wasn't a lot, but prices on the frontier were pretty low, and didn't exceed 1 silver, or 100 coppers, per month for basic goods. He took up residence on the outskirts of Hecatasus, and used it as cover while he searched the skies. He also trained his use of gravity and wind energy while doing this. He wanted to replicate Giratina's phantasms and shadow manipulation to see if that would give him a clue to leaving. 

Three months. That's how long it took him to figure out how to leave. It was not the outskirts near the outpost where the portal was, but above a large metropolis that seemed like a capital. Sadalla was unsure why people would go to the outskirts for Erathalian relics if the portal was above the capital, but Sadalla had already seen what selfishness and corruption could lead to on the Pokémon world. He just assumed that it was a normal case of a government misleading its people for its own benefit. Either way, it mattered little to him, since he was now headed to Erathalia.