
A Star is Born

A foreign soul in a universe not his own. A man who lived two lives, and died both times achieving the same goal. In his dead, the universe cracked, and the star he made was absorbed along with his soul by that crack. 

Within that crack, a soul slumbered for two million years. At last, it awoke.

[---System Active---]

<Name: Unnamed (Former names: Sadalla, Son Tao)>

<Race: Living Star>

<Age: 2 million>

<Planets: none>

<Lifeforms: none>

<Avatars: none>

<Remaining 25 Lifespan: billion years>

<Composition: 99.999% hydrogen, 0.001% helium>

<System 0 Points:>

<Newbie Gift Package Available>

[---System End---]

"A system? What? Am I... A star now? A living star? What... Never mind, it isn't going to make sense anyways. Let's just look at the gift package." 

<Newbie Gift Package Opened>

<Planet Coupon Obtained>

<Lifeform Coupon Obtained>

<Avatar Coupon Obtained>

"So I can just make a planet, give it life, and... form a version of myself to interact with them? Doesn't this basically make me some kind of god? Never mind, let's just use the Planet Coupon."

<Planet Coupon used>

<Planet templates available: Planet Plant, Earth, Vampa>

"Um... Let's start with Planet Plant. That way I can just make my lifeform the Saiyans, and my avatar my former body."

<Planet template selected: Planet>

<Planets: 1 Unnamed planet (Planet Plant Template)>

Sadalla used his ki to sense the area outside of his body, but the planet had been created beyond his sensory range. Sadalla wasn't entirely shocked, as he was never able to reach the speed of light, let alone sense nonliving things at interplanetary distances. He could only sense the frost demon because of his ki signature, which was both large and directed towards him.

"Alright, now let's use the Lifeform Coupon."

<Lifeform Coupon Used>

<Lifeform templates available: Human, Saiyan, Frost Demon, Dragon, Namekian, Majin>

"Let's go saiy... Wait. Dragons?"

Curious, he pressed the button, and saw an image of a great hulking lizard-like beast with thick, heavy scales and vast wings. The dragon was as large as a field dog, with its entire body as large as a city block or even a large department store on Earth. Scanning the image in his head, he was able to change the dragon's appearance to reflect any abilities that he wanted. In the template section, the race change from "Dragon" to "Elemental Dragons". Sadalla, a huge fan of strength, chose this terrifying race as his first lifeform.

<Lifeform Template Selected: Legendary Dragons>

<Lifeforms: 4 Unnamed Progenitor Dragons:>

"Legendary Dragons? Progenitor dragons? Only four of them?"

Unknown to Sadalla, these dragons would soon become known as Arceus, Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina. They would become known as gods in their own right, reigning over the very fabric of their new world.

"Alright. Last up was the avatar coupon."

<Avatar Coupon Used>

<Avatar created based on the primary lifeforms>

<Avatar created: Zygarde, the bringer of Order to a chaotic world>

<Avatar form: Humanoid dragon, Snakelike dog, Core, and Cells>

<Initiate Avatar?>
