
Assistant Hero

Death was always close to me, and death only proved to be the beginning as I awakened to a reality far more sinister than the one I left behind. Assigned the title of the 'Assistant Hero', my destiny is bound to a chosen savior, a hero who does not have knowledge of my existence. My purpose? To serve the selfless role of helping him from the shadows while he's oblivious to my existence. I must aid them from the shadows, ensuring their success while remaining hidden, for revealing my existence would make me a target, just like the hero. ***** Disclaimer: Disclaimer: This novel contains depictions of various views, beliefs, and ideologies that are solely for fictional and narrative purposes. They do not necessarily reflect the personal views, beliefs, or opinions of the author. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real events, persons, living or dead, is coincidental. The author's intent is purely to create a work of fiction and not to endorse or promote any particular viewpoint or belief. ***** Created a Ko-fi account: Any dono is appreciated: ko-fi.com/perseus_silver

PerseusSilver · 奇幻
66 Chs

Chapter 64: Reluctance (2)

*1 year later*

3rd Person POV

As tensions continued to simmer between the Southern Empire and the Western Kingdom, the fragile peace that had hung over the realm threatened to shatter once more.

One year after the dragon's devastating attack, the Southern Empire made a fateful decision: they declared war on the Western kingdom, citing the kingdom's failure to meet their demands as justification for their aggression.

Suspicions and conspiracies also began to circulate, especially regarding the dragon. insinuating that the dragon had been staged by the Western Kingdom itself and that Mage Rivel, known for his grievances against the nobility and his desire for greater autonomy, may have played a role in its creation.

Furthermore, the sudden appearance of Archmage Ashford within the Western Kingdom's cause was seen by some as too convenient.

In the eyes of those who harbored such suspicions, the dragon's attack was not merely an act of nature, but a calculated ploy designed to tip the scales of power in favor of the Western Kingdom.

By painting themselves as victims of aggression, they could rally support from their allies and position themselves as the indefinite superior nation, surpassing the Southern Empire. They thought that the snakes were too small of a nation to have the resources to stage such an attack, only a nation can.

They even added that the only reason why the kingdom isn't in a position of the superior nation is because the attack went wrong as they couldn't control the dragon.

The declaration shocked the world In a desperate bid to avert bloodshed, officials from Centralia offered to mediate between the warring factions. However, the Southern Empire swiftly rebuffed their efforts, insisting that unless their demands were met, the Western Kingdom bore full responsibility for the coming war.

The Northern Republic and the Eastern Kingdom chose to adopt a cautious stance, electing to watch from the sidelines rather than putting themselves into the conflict.

Opinions within the Northern Republic and the Eastern Kingdom were divided. Some argued that the Western Kingdom should comply with the Southern Empire's demands in order to avoid further bloodshed and instability in the region.

Others, however, believed that the Western Kingdom should stand firm in the face of aggression, refusing to yield to unjust demands and threats of war.

Even with the intervention of Cedric, the hero himself, the Southern Empire remained steadfast in their demands, the new king, his elder brother disregarded his opinion, refusing to back down unless their terms were met. The nobility of the empire agreed with the decision and Cedric's reputation fell.


Perseus POV

[Level 29]

[Rank: Apprentice]

[Role: Assistant Hero]

[Status: Normal]

[Abilities: Water breathing, Night vision, Enhanced Poison Detoxification, Damage absorption, Chant-less cast, magic resistance, Eye of Ra, Eye of Horus.]

[Quest: Help the hero thwart the first wave of demon horde invasion in 2 years.]

[Side quest: Help de-escalate the war.]

I stand on the tiny island amidst the endless sea that stretches out before me, the 27th floor of our tower. Water, as far as the eye can see, surrounds me on all sides. It's both mesmerizing and terrifying, this ever-present reminder of the worlds that exist in the abyss dungeon.

Occasionally, small islands like the one I'm standing on appear or come up, providing every adventurer with fleeting moments of relaxation from the constant threat that lurks below the surface. Here, amidst the chaos of the flooded floor.

And yet, despite the dangers that surround us, there's a strange beauty to this submerged world. The play of light on the water's surface, the gentle sway of the currents, it's all so mesmerizing, so otherworldly. In a way, I do enjoy the water, but Elpis and the others don't, maybe it's because they can't breathe under there.

Most people had air crystals, mana crystals filled with condensed air from magic, and bit it in their mouths to help them breathe underwater, they also had to buy these goggles enchanted to help them see, something that I certainly don't need.

The declaration from the Southern Empire has been in my mind lately, quite a lot after hearing it from the squad, but...even if I technically helped cause it, while some may be consumed by guilt, I find myself surprisingly unaffected by such emotions.

Not something that A-san or Elpis and most people would approve, however, I can't explain it. The only guilt I felt was the fact that I didn't feel guilty for helping the 2 nations spiral down into such a situation.

"Do you guys feel unhappy that I helped start this war?"

[A: Yes, but in a way, I'm supposed to support you...should I have answered no?]

"Yeah, maybe also ask the gods to send a beautiful girl to help soothe the chaotic turmoil of emotions swirling in my heart."

[A: Please stop talking like that, I'll go there and smack you myself.]

"Why can't you be like Elpis? She supports every one of my decisions even if she disagrees with it."

[A: I'm doing the same thing, except I include occasional insults.]

"He is the assistant hero, we must support him with all of our hearts." Elpis said, "Even if he makes you angry and you want to yank his ear off of his head repetitively and make him heal and relive the pain over and over, we must be positive."


After arriving at the base and submitting most of the things I'd gathered, I went to Lind, the last time I saw her was about 3 months ago when she sent me on a mission, but otherwise, she had the others to give me her orders as she was busy with something.

I've done my job well and so most of my requests are usually accepted by her or the other division of this organization when I ask to do other things that can help benefit this organization.

"Well, meeting Cedric and helping him help de-escalate this war can be useful." Lind said


"Both of the nations have been less accepting of visitors lately, and that would affect us since we rather have a smooth-flowing passage to travel around easily, it should be good for you too since you can't just dress heavy and look suspicious all the time."