
Assistant Hero

Death was always close to me, and death only proved to be the beginning as I awakened to a reality far more sinister than the one I left behind. Assigned the title of the 'Assistant Hero', my destiny is bound to a chosen savior, a hero who does not have knowledge of my existence. My purpose? To serve the selfless role of helping him from the shadows while he's oblivious to my existence. I must aid them from the shadows, ensuring their success while remaining hidden, for revealing my existence would make me a target, just like the hero. ***** Disclaimer: Disclaimer: This novel contains depictions of various views, beliefs, and ideologies that are solely for fictional and narrative purposes. They do not necessarily reflect the personal views, beliefs, or opinions of the author. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real events, persons, living or dead, is coincidental. The author's intent is purely to create a work of fiction and not to endorse or promote any particular viewpoint or belief. ***** Created a Ko-fi account: Any dono is appreciated: ko-fi.com/perseus_silver

PerseusSilver · 奇幻
66 Chs

Chapter 37: Elpis

3rd Person POV

In the aftermath of the devastating attack on the Centralia Academy of Light, Centralia found itself plunged into a state of turmoil and uncertainty. While the noble elite mourned the loss of their prestigious institution, it was the commoners who bore the brunt of the fallout.

As news of the attack spread like wildfire, rumors and accusations began to fly, casting suspicion on those who had long been marginalized and overlooked. The common folk found themselves under intense scrutiny, their every move scrutinized and judged by a society quick to assign blame.

If you were angry, you could have done it in a more civilized way, that was the collective thoughts of the nobles. They did not see the root of the problem.

In the days and weeks that followed, discrimination against the commoners reached new heights, with nobles seizing upon the opportunity to assert their dominance and reinforce the rigid social hierarchy. Acts of harassment and prejudice became increasingly common, as those in positions of power exploited the chaos to further marginalize those beneath them.

For Cedric, despite his efforts to bridge the gap between the two classes, the aftermath of the attack only served to widen the chasm.

Nobles, emboldened by the chaos and confusion, seized upon the opportunity to further oppress and exploit those beneath them, their disdain for the lower classes palpable in every sneer and condescending remark.

Commoners found themselves subjected to increasingly harsh treatment at the hands of their noble overlords, their rights and freedoms stripped away in the name of maintaining order and security.

But even as they faced persecution and discrimination, the common folk refused to be cowed into submission. Yet despite their best efforts, the commoners found themselves fighting an uphill battle against a system rigged against them from the start.

The nobles, secure in their positions of privilege and power, wielded their influence with impunity, their actions going unchecked and unpunished by the authorities who would overlook the incidents...even the commoners who were higher up in the system were simply too powerless as they were all outvoted and outnumbered.

While commoners faced increased scrutiny and oppression, slaves, especially the descendants of Sam Wyatt, their situations grew even more dire. Despite their newly acquired freedom, their lives were facing arguably even worse levels of discrimination.

Unlike the commoners, who at least had some semblance of a voice in the eyes of the nobles, the slaves were treated with outright contempt and disdain. Their freedom did little to change the deeply ingrained prejudices that had long defined their existence, and they found themselves subjected to brutal discrimination at every turn.

In the eyes of the nobles, the former slaves were little more than second-class citizens, unworthy of the most basic rights and dignities afforded to their noble counterparts.

They were denied access to education, employment, and even basic healthcare, forced to completely rely on Cedric, who is currently too far away to help with every situation they're facing.


In the depths of the dungeon, on the 4th floor, the atmosphere took on an eerie yet oddly enchanting scenery. Large tree roots snaked their way across the floor, intertwining with the wooden walls that encased the whole floor.

Fireflies and little orbs of light particles filled the air, casting a soft glow that illuminated the dimly lit space.

Despite the ethereal beauty of the surroundings, it was dangerous. Shadow bats, bats whose bodies are formed by shadows and live within the darkness, are small, agile, and deadly. Especially since they hunt in swarms.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of searching, Perseus stumbled upon a hidden chamber concealed within the depths of the dungeon. The entrance was obscured by overgrown foliage and twisted roots, but he knew that this was it as the system's notification alerted him of its origins.

[Secret dungeon found!]

[Please proceed inside.]

[Time left before relocation: 17:38:13]

As he stepped into the secret room, the dim light revealed a sight both unexpected and wondrous. At the far end of the chamber stood a graceful figure, her ethereal form bathed in a soft glow.

A fairy with long black hair, golden eyes, a height about as tall as a head, was shimmering with otherworldly luminescence, regarded him with curious eyes that sparkled like stars. Her lips then curved up into a smile, something that Perseus hadn't seen too often.

"Welcome traveler." she greeted him, "Or shall I say, the assistant hero...I have been waiting for you."

"You know of me?"

"The gods had me wait for you after all this time. What is your name?"

"Perseus Silver."

"Was that the name granted to you from this world or your previous?"

"Previous. Something about Perseus being a hero who got a happy ending...doesn't look like my life is leading toward that ending yet."

"Sorry to hear that." the fairy replied solemnly, "My name is Elpis, it's wonderful meeting you."

Drawing his gaze away from the fairy, Perseus' eyes fell upon the two swords that lay before him. Both were of the two-handed variety, their gleaming blades were adorned with intricate runes that seemed to pulse with mystical energy.

"Assuming that they're either both for the hero or one for me." Perseus guessed

"One of them is for you." Elpis confirmed, "And unlike the others, you may lift both of them and wield them both temporarily, however, you may only claim one...which would then change its shape to fit a weapon of your desires as these were the shapes they took for their former owners."

"Were their owners Sam Wyatt and Jayden Hawk?"

"These particular ones? Yes."

"There were other heroes?"

"Yes, as the god of demons has attempted and succeeded in breaking out of the depths of oblivion many times, though the weapons disappeared along with their owner...these weren't as they were the firsts. And it seems that fate worked in strange ways as the current hero and assistant heroes are descendants of the same heroes."

"Who was the assistant then?"

"Back then, both were the heroes, however, the assistant role was given to one after their time has passed."

"Where will you go after this? Back to the gods?"

"No...I shall be accompanying you." Elpis answered