
Assassins Pride: Vivo

William Quezon is a Filipino office worker living in Makati City, the Philippines. He seems to be living an ordinary life with a loving family and thoughtful company to boot. But, behind closed doors, he is an otaku and loves anime. One day, while on his way home from work one evening, he got hit by Truck-kun, ending his life. But then, he was given another chance to live by being reincarnated into a world of assassins and… lancanthrope? Before he knew it, he was reincarnated into the world of “Assassins Pride” as Tyler Vivo. In that world, he decided to create his own civilization instead of living in a domed place like Flandore. Using his skills in survival and worldbuilding, he created and established the Shogunate of Terayashi, which was founded on the valleys east of Flandore. He will also use his stuff and technology from his previous life so he can live a bit more comfortably while working as the Shogun, a title he chose. Also, he was almost killed by a lancanthrope named Raqua Tana, who soon became his commander of the army. With his efforts, he managed to get the humans and the lancanthrope to live and coexist in harmony and unity. It seems that his new country would prosper and rival Flandore. It’s not just that, however, because he soon discovers that he is the older brother of Melida Angel, of the royal house of Angel. He found out that he was her long-lost older brother. Knowing what would happen to her if she didn’t prove herself worthy, he would do anything to prevent that from happening. So, he decided to become an assassin for her while maintaining his duties as Shogun of Terayashi.

Roxas0702 · 漫画同人
4 Chs

Chapter 2 – A new world, but assassins and…lancanthrope?

Third person POV

 William woke up, only to see that he was in a different place. He then got up. "Where am I?" He was also reincarnated with his backpack containing his stuff like his laptop and phone. He looked around and saw that he was in some sort of shed. Curious, he stood up, grabbed his backpack, and walked around, seeing that the place seemed to be abandoned. Then, he went outside, seeing a strange new world.

 "Woah…" he commented.

He then stepped outside, breathing in the fresh air while wearing his backpack on his back.

It was daytime, unlike in Flandore.

Then, now walking around, he was wondering what he should do in this new life.

He knows that it wasn't a dream, but rather, a new life in a new world.

 "I wonder what opportunity is knocking on my door..." he wonders in his mind.

But then, he heard something from the bushes and looked at it, only for a lycanthrope to shoot from it and lunge towards him.

 "Woah!" he managed to dodge it.

The lancanthrope misses him.

 "What is that?" William said to himself.

He looked at it and analyzed its appearance, and then, he remembered the monster that was depicted in the anime "Assassins Pride".

 It was a match, so he was very shocked that he was reincarnated into that world. "No way?!" And so, he wants to fight back, but he has no weapon or equipment. "Oh, no, how am I supposed to fight back?" He doesn't want to die on his first day in that world, so he decides to do his best to avoid its attacks. And he did, multiple times until, a dagger came to the scene, stabbing the lancanthrope into nothingness. William was stunned to see that, and then, he saw someone, dressed in a red and black assassin's outfit, looking at him with an outstretched hand, as if she was the one who had thrown that dagger to save him. She, a lancanthrope named Raqua Tana, then approached him with a sword in her hand, before pointing it at his neck. 

 "What are you doing here?" she asked him while narrowing her eyes in suspicion. "Are you a human?"

Her red eyes match with her long, smooth hair.

William was nervous and had no idea what to say next.

So, he improvised by saying, "Um…yes, I am a human, and, I am trying to survive here, that's all. P-Please don't hurt me!"

Then, Raqua was convinced, and she removed the blade from his neck. "You shouldn't be here. The outside is dangerous. You must be living in a domed place like Flandore."

 "Oh, you know that place?" William raised a question as he stood up straight and dusted his clothes.

 "Yes, I do," she responded back while cleaning her blade. "It's the only safe place humanity can live and thrive. If you want, I'll lead you there."

 "Is it far away?"

 "Yes, but I'll protect you along the way."

With that William began to think, considering the pros and cons of living in Flandore.