
Assassin's Creed [YURI]

A Citrus AU

KangJungAh · LGBT+
4 Chs

Chapter 3

"Why are we leaving again?" Harumin asked.

"Because that bastard need to start treating us like his daughter and divorce his new woman who's a gold digger." Mitsuko said and grabbed her suitcase.

"I see, well. I guess you won't be free til we find someplace to stay huh?" Harumin said.

"Why? How was your talk with Aihara-san?" Mitsuko asked.

"She has a new stepsister that needs training so I told her I'll ask you if you are free and fine training her." Harumin said.

"Oh, I'm free. Let's just stay at Mom's company and move when we find someplace to stay." Mitsuko said.

"You sure, I mean I told her that I'll ask you if you are free but you aren't right?" Harumin asked.

"I will be if we finish putting this things up before those thugs arrive again." Mitsuko said took the second suitcase while Harumin took hers.

The two teleported at the company and they were greeted by their mom's friends.

"Ahh, you guys grown pretty quickly. You were just this small the last time I saw you with your mom." The maid said as she smiled.

"Yeah, haha. Can we stay here for awhile Auntie?" Mitsuko asked.

"Of course, this is your house now. After your mom died. She told me to keep this place going." Their Auntie said.

"I just wish she was still here then none of this would've happened." Mitsuko said as she put the suitcases down.

"Where shall I put this Ma'am?" Their Auntie asked.

"Just in our room Auntie. I just need to go somewhere first then we could go out to eat together." Mitsuko said.

"Where are you going?" Harumin asked confused.

"I forgot something in my office. I'm going to get it. I'll be back in a bit don't worry." Mitsuko said and left.

"Please excuse me, ma'am. I'll put this upstairs." Their maid said then left carrying the suitcases.

Harumin's phone rang and she answered it.

Harumi- Momokino-san, is their something you need?

Himeko- Uh, I was calling Meimei but she didn't answer so I was going to ask you if you are with her.

Harumin- I'm at home, should I call her sister to check up on her?

Himeko- Sister?

Harumin- Ah, Mei didn't tell you yet but she has a new step sister so if you want I could call her.

Himeko- No need, I'll just go there tomorrow and see what's going on.

Harumin- I might go there with you. Should we go together?

Himeko- Sure, I'll just go there and pick you up.

Harumin- Alright, see you tomorrow. Bye bye!

Himeko- Bye, Taniguchi-san.

Yuzu watched as Mei is sleeping beside her.

No wonder she hates her life so much...She can't think and do things for herself....how could she survive this long without complaining? You really are something Mei....

"Just do want you want Mei, we'll all be here...I'll be here." Yuzu said as she kissed her forehead and slept.

Yuzu didn't know that Mei was half-asleep and heard everything.

If you knew what kind of people we are you would hate me for it...

The Next Day

Yuzu went downstairs to cook breakfast and she went to the kitchen and cooked some omelette.

"Haah, so many things has happened that I never realized that it's Dad's deathday tomorrow. I should go visit him in the cemetery." Yuzu said and flipped the bread.

"What's that smell?" Shigeko said as she went down the stairs.

"Good morning, Shik. Did you sleep well?" Yuzu said and looked at Shigeko.

"They have maids here, Yuzuko! Why are you cooking?" Shigeko asked.

"Why you don't like my cooking? Besides it's about time we eat. Remember we have school today so we need to get things ready." Yuzu explained.

"Right, I'll get ready and help you set up the table then." Shigeko said then hurried upstairs.

"I forgot that Yuzu-chan has a school today. How will she train and get baptized in the same time?" Matsuri asked when someone bumped into her.

"I'm sorry..." The girl apologized and started running again.

Matsuri only shrugged and went to her own school. She met up with Gianna.

"You look down did something happen?" Gianna asked when they reached her.

"Nothing, the errand I ran into was really tiring so I'm just tired that's all." Matsuri replied and kept walking.

"You sure? You don't look and sound good. Can you tell us what happened?" Jakob asked.

"Nah, besides you won't be able to help me." Matsuri said as she looked at the sky.

Mama, what do I do?....

Yuzu, Shigeko and Mei both went to school together but when they reached the school Mei excused herself and already went inside.

"Wonder where she's off to?" Yuzu said to herself when Harumin was dropped off by a woman on a motorcycle.

"Yuzucchi!" Harumin shouted and the woman behind her followed.

"This is Yuzu, the girl I was talking about with you last night." Harumin said.

"Ahh, you look like the person I saw on the portrait on the Shadow Clan meeting. Are you related with them?" The woman asked.

"How rude of my sister. This is Mitsuko. Mitsuko, Yuzuko." Harumin said and introduced the two to each other.

"Nice to meet you?" Yuzu asked not looking at her eyes.

"Very well, are you ready to start your training?" Mitsuko asked.

Yuzu shook her head and Shigeko stepped in.

"She hasn't been baptized yet so until that...she can't start her training." Shigeko answered. "I'm Shigeko by the way, Yuzu's cousin." Shigeko said.

"I see. Well, I should get going. I still need to do something. Just call me if you need anything." Mitsuko said as she looked at Harumin then went back to her bike.

"Bye bye!" Harumin shouted and her sister nodded then drove off.

"You're sister is scary!" Yuzu exclaimed.

"Yeah, I know." Harumin replied.

"Yeah, she's the first Student Council President if you can remember." Mei said and Harumin jumped and slightly blushed.

Yuzu only looked at the two worriedly and started walking.

"I'll see you guys later, I better go to my class as I'm still going to do something. Bye!" Yuzu said then headed off.

Shigeko also left going to her class. She bumped into unexpected old friend and they hugged each other.

"Hey! Rina!" Shigeko said as she hugged her.

"It's been so long since the last time saw each other! How have you been?" Rina said as she let go of her.

"Doing good as always how about you?" Shigeko asked.

"Yeah, I'm doing alright. What classes do you have for today?" Rina asked.

"I have Physics, Literature and Mathematics." Shigeko replied.

"Oh men! I have Physical Education on my last period." Rina said as she complained.

"Don't worry, we get to have 2 classes together and we could spend the time together during lunch so it's not that bad." Shigeko said and Ria only hugged her again.

Shigeko only smiled and hugged her back.

Yuzu sat on her place and opened her textbook to do a slight reading.

I should do my best this is the only way that's keeping me of this "new world" I'm stuck in.

Yuzu kept reading when a girl tapped her shoulder.

"Is that you, Yuzuko?" A girl asked and Yuzu turned to look at the girl.

"Khione? Since when did you like studying?" Yuzu asked as she grinned.

"Oh shut up! We both know that we studied together." Khione replied. "How have you been? It seems like you're thinking deeply..." Khione asked.

"I'm just adjusting to this transfer so it would take more time." Yuzu replied.

"Well, don't worry too much. I'll be here if you need anything." Khione said.

"I know, you really are a great friend!" Yuzu answered and went back to reading. Khione only felt her heart ache as she held onto her chest.

Just friends huh? When will you notice me?

Yuzu looked up to see Harumin waving at her on the door. She pointed next to her seat so Harumin went to sit down next to her.

"Hyah, you already studying?" Harumin asked shocked.

"Just light reading why?" Yuzu asked.

"Just asking, I've never seen anyone like this." Harumin replied.

"Well, this is the only time I get to keep this "new world" away from my mind by studying." Yuzu whispered to her.

"I'm sorry, if I have known then I would've told you. But don't worry we'll all be here." Harumin replied when the teacher and Mei went inside.

"Good morning class! This is a very lovely day so I will ask you all to greet each other a wonderful day." Their teacher said and the students obediently did what was told.

"The SSG President is here to say a few announcements." The teacher said and Mei went to the center.

"Welcome to Aihara Academy. I'm Mei Aihara your Supreme Student Government President. I'll be here to help you get used to our rules and make your way to your future." Mei said.

"Also the SSG is open if anyone wants to join the group, that's all thank you teacher." Mei said then bowed. Mei left the room and the teacher started the lesson.

Yuzu looked at Mei outside confused as to what she wants to tell her so she excused herself and went outside to follow Mei.

"I want to be honest with you so I'm telling you this. Please don't get shocked or anything." Mei started.

"Can you just tell me? I promise I won't." Yuzu said.

"Our family was the cause of the war 100 years ago and I'm sorry." Mei said and left before Yuzu could say anything.


"What the hell is that about? Cause of war 100 years ago?" Yuzu asked herself but just went back inside.

She sat back down and Harumin immediately whispered to her.

"Did Mei want to tell you something?" Harumin asked. "She tried to tell me to tell you to go out but you're already out." Harumin said.

"Yeah, it's kinds weird though. I'll just tell you later because this involves the "You know what" and I don't want to be the cause of mundanes hating each other." Yuzu said as she smiled a little.

"That's a bit true, really. We our forbidden to tell about the Shadow World to anyone." Harumin said.

"I see, we should listen to the lecture so we won't get detention on our first day!" Yuzu said and went to get her textbook.

Matsuri only looked outside the window as she put her headphones on. She didn't bother if the teacher sees her on not because no one bothers to care in her family except for her mom who died years ago.

A tear fell from her eyes as she remembered what happened 10 years ago.


"Matsuri! Run!" Her mom shouted as Matsuri ran away. .

"You need to hide! Don't let your father get to you!" Hikaru shouted as she stopped and turned to fight the men chasing them.

"Just give up, Mrs. Mizu- I will never be one! My name is Hikaru Kakashi!" Hikaru shouted and ran up to the men as she fought back.

"We don't want to hurt you!" One of the men said but got kicked on the head by Hikaru.

"Like hell I'll believe you! Just leave me and my daughter alone!" Hikaru shouted and got attacked on chest directly.

She stumbled on her knees as she cried.

"I never wanted anything so please leave us alone, Kaoru." Hikaru said as she begged.

"I tried telling you but you didn't listen. You must pay the consequences, Hikaru. The Law is The Law." Kaoru said and raised his sword aiming i t at Hikaru. She only looked down as she mumbles Matsuri's name until the sword stab her through her chest.

Meanwhile Matsuri kept running until she bumped into Maiko.

"Ah, Matsuri. What are you doing here?" Maiko asked.

"Mama, in danger... People chasing after us.... Mama said to ran and said papa is a bad guy." Matsuri explained while crying.

Maiko only sighed softly as she called Mitsuko who came running to her.

"Take Matsuri inside and go to the emergency room and don't let anyone inside until I get there." Maiko said and Mitsuko was about to say something.

"I'll explain later, take Matsuri inside." Maiko said and ran.

End of Flashback

"Mizusawa! Are you okay?" Their teacher asked and Matsuri looked at her confused.

"Call the nurse!" Their teacher said and took a toilet tissue and wiped her face.

Matsuri's eyes widen as she saw blood on the tissue. She saw Gianna running outside and went to her.

"Just what were you thinking how did this happen?" Gianna asked as she looked at her worriedly.

"Just leave me alone...." Matsuri mumbled then stood up as she walked toward the door.

"And don't bother chasing after me...." Matsuri said as she looked at everyone including Gianna who looked at her worriedly and confused.

Matsuri ran out of the school and headed back where she thought she last seen her mom years ago.

Matsuri's feet gave up as she saw what's left years ago. It's like it has been forgotten.

'Mom, please tell me what should I do? I'm tired leaving with Papa.'

Suddenly a soul came and touched Matsuri's cheeks. She looked up to see her mom smiling at her.

"Mom!" Matsuri shouted and tried to hug her but fell back.

"I'm only a spirit, darling. I can't stay for long as I can't do this frequently...." Her mom said.

"What's going on, mom?! Why did Papa attacked us 10 years ago?" Matsuri asked.

"Ah, Kaoru. He was really a nice young man when I met him. I just never noticed him changing." Hikaru said.

"You didn't answer my question, mom!" Matsuri shouted.

"I'm sorry, darling. I can't say anything because it will change the Fates. I'll always be here watching you....I love you, my baby." Hikaru said as she dispersed into air and turned to nothing.

"Ah! Why do this world hate me so much!" Matsuri shouted as she cried.

Yuzu's day was just getting better and better until she met but with her childhood bully.

"Hey, crybaby. Gonna tell momma? Oh right, you don't have a mom anymore." Ryn said as she laughed with her friends.

"Just leave me alone." Yuzu said as she kept walking.

"Oh, but you don't. You stay with us. Then maybe I could get a deal with you." Ryn said as she held Yuzu's hand.

"Or you would want something to happen to your cousin? Hm?" One of them added and Yuzu trembled.

"Is it a yes or no? 'Cause you're wasting our time." Ryn said and Yuzu nodded as she trembled.

"Well, then. Come on. We're going somewhere and I want you to come with us." Ryn said as she wrapped her arms around her shoulder and they started walking.

They walked through the town and Yuzu only looked at them with fear as she didn't want to happen the incident years ago.

"Why are you so quiet?" Ryn asked as she looked at her.

"I-I don't kn-know what to say." Yuzu said as she stuttered.

"Well, we're going to ask you then you should answer, okay?" Ryn asked and Yuzu nodded.

"How was your summer without us?" One of them asked.

"Ah, uh....it was b-boring without y-you, guys." Yuzu answered.

"Hmm, I see. Beats me, you are the new girl who's part of the Aihara family with your cousin right?" Ryn asked and Yuzu's eyes widen but nodded. Ryn only looked at Yuzu and smirked.

'Ditching me like that, Mei? You'll pay for this!'

Ryn led Yuzu in a club in which Yuzu has second thoughts about if she should get going when her phone rang.


Ryn noticed her and took her phone. She looked at it and mouthed the words "you know what to do" then handed the phone back to her. Yuzu then answered the phone.

Y- Hey, Shik.

S- Where are you? Why aren't you home yet?

Y- I'm hanging out with my friends. You guys should go ahead.

S- I see, I got worried there. Just be careful okay?

Y- Of course. I'll see you later.

S-Yeah yeah-

Mei- Come home now, Yuzu.

Y- Mei?...I'll be fine, don't worry.

M-Alright, we'll just have your baptism tomorrow. Make sure you'll be here.

Y- Hmmm, bye.

Ryn took her hand again as she looked at Yuzu. "Shall we get going?" Ryn asked and Yuzu just forced a smile then started walking softly.

Shigeko was pacing in Mei's room as they were worried about Yuzu. "How stupid of me to let Yuzu go like that?!" Shigeko shouted as she grabbed her head. "I shouldn't, I wouldn't have done that to her! She was the one who always protected me! I need to save her from them!" Shigeko shouted as she started going out but Mei stopped her.

"You can't go there without a plan! Do you know where they are?!" Mei shouted as she hed her arm.

"No, but I know a place where I might find them." Shigeko answered.

"We need to have a plan before going there. I should call the others for backup." Mei said and took her phone out and dialed Himeko's numer first which answered immediately.

H- Hey, Meimei.

M- Hey, Himeko. Are you free?

H- Sure, is something wrong? You sound like there's somethi-

M- There's one actually. Y-Yuzu is m-missing.

H- You're sister?

Himeko could hear Mei sniffing in the other line so she hanged and took her bag then left heading to the Aihara Mansion.

She teleported and saw Harumin was already on the porch. She was also wore the face of worry.

"Mei called you too?" Harumin asked and Himeko nodded.

"Did Mei explain anything to you?" Harumin asked.

"No, she just told me to go here because something happened to Yuzucchi." Harumin replied.

"Yuzucchi?" Himeko asked.

"Yuzuko Okogi, It's just a nickname for her that's all." Harumin said.

The door opened and Shigeko opened the door.

"Come on! Come in!" Shigeko exclaimed as she opened the door for them. They quickly went in and they saw Mei in the living room pacing.

"Meimei, hey there." Himeko greeted.

"I don't know, what do I do?" Mei answered,

"Wh-What happened?" Himeko asked.

"Y-yuzu, She...she's g-gone. I don't kn-know." Mei answered.

"H-how goe? Like g-gone-g-gone or just missing?" Himeko asked.

"Missing, but I know who took her. Ryn, she has been evil to us. I don't know the reason why she does that." Shigeko said.

"Ryn? Ryn Scofell?" Mei asked. Shigeko nodded and Mei sighed.

"I knew the reason why she does this and it's not gonna sound good..." Mei said.

"Revenge." Mei and Harumin in unison.