
A Day to Remember 1


He'd had a shitty night's sleep and it wasn't hard to figure out why. He'd spent most of the night trying to get to sleep but his mind just wouldn't allow it, there was too much to think about, too much to worry about. The little sleep he did get was in increments, half an hour here half an hour there, just enough to get him through the day but not without making him feel shit for the majority of it.

He groaned as he sat up from his bed, best get up and see if Jon's awake. He got ready for the day and left his sleeping quarters, stifling a yawn as he passed a few of his brothers.

Not the brothers he'd like to be seeing right now. He mused. He still couldn't believe what Ned had done, what possessed him to do such a thing was beyond him. He wouldn't believe it if it weren't for all the mounting evidence that seemed to all but confirm what he'd done. The way he didn't speak about their sister but talked about their brother had been the first red flag right away, Aemon's evaluation and reaction had really blown air onto the embers and then the fucking dragon had all but lit that fucker up, a blazing inferno of truths and lies.

He couldn't imagine how Jon's night had been when he left him. The lad looked lost, betrayed, distraught and all in all, fed up with everything. When he'd broken down at the top of the wall, he'd become rightfully concerned, he'd never seen Jon cry, it was like he was letting out 17 years of pain.

Jon wanted to hurt Ned and Benjen was inclined to join in with him.

He shook his head as he headed for the common hall to break his fast, hopefully Jon was in there already. He'd have to check his room after he'd eaten if he wasn't, he really didn't want Jon to be alone right now. After last night, that wolfs blood of his, that he now knew he got from Lyanna, would probably get him or somebody else into trouble if the wrong thing was said.

He entered the common hall, it was full of boisterous talk and laughter but he ignored all that, he was looking for that head full of curls as he scanned the room.

"Lookin for someone eh?" Someone said to his left, Edd, one of his brothers he realised as approached the table he was sat at with a few other lads.

"Edd." He nodded to dour man "Lads, hope you aren't talking nonsense again, I know what your like Grenn." He said as one of the other brothers, Pypar, smiled and nudged Grenn in the arm. "Fuck off would ya." Was Grenn's reply to Pyp.

"You sitting?" Edd asked.

He waved his hand "Nah, just gonna grab something quick." He said as he carried on scanning the room, Jon nowhere in sight.

"If you're looking for that lad you were with yesterday, he's not here. We've been waiting to meet our new brother." Edd said as he bit into some bread.

He looked back and shook his head "He's not joining the watch, that's my nephew. He's just visiting his favourite uncle that's all." He explained.

Edd's face scrunched up for a second then went straight back to his food "Shame, was hoping for somebody new and interesting to talk to instead of listening to these pair of pricks." He said as Pyp stole a bit of Edd's breakfast.

Before he could even open his mouth to reply the door to the common hall burst open, Satin entering the hall seemingly out of breath.

"Brother Benjen! Thank god." He said as he caught his breath.

"Slow down son, too early to be running about like." He said to the lad.

"Need your help, can't find the Lord Commander so you're the next best thing." He said as his breathing finally evened out but the look of concern on his face was still there.

Now he was concerned.

"What's happened?" He asked as the table that had Edd, Grenn and Pyp all started to stand due to the commotion. Now everybody in the hall had gone quiet and was looking towards Satin.

"There's fighting in the yard...Jon's there as well." Satin said as a funny look took over the boy's face.

He didn't even think, storming straight towards the door to make sure Jon wasn't in some sort of trouble. He wasn't naïve, these were his brothers but most of them were here because they were criminals. Murderers and rapists shared these halls with him, men that had done unspeakable things, men who could be doing said things to his nephew right now.

The whole hall seemed to get up to their feet to follow him as he headed outside, the wall was a terribly boring place to live so any form of entertainment was like gold to these men.

He met the Lord Commander on the way to the yard, Satin had run off ahead and seemingly located the old bear.

"The fucks happening Stark? Satin said there was trouble in the yard." He exclaimed as the pair of them walked through the hall to get outside, a lot of the brothers were already outside on the balconies watching whatever was going on when they arrived at the yard.

Please don't be involved Jon, please don't be involved. He thought.

He stopped dead and leant against the balcony railing.

Jon was involved...

...and he was in awe with what he was seeing.

What the fuck?

Karl and Rast, two of the biggest trouble makers in this entire castle were currently receiving a humbling experience from his nephew. The pair of them were attempting to strike Jon with the training swords in their hands and were failing miserably.

A man of Jon's size and height did not have any right to be moving so quickly and fluidly, every movement was a correct prediction of the pair of twats attacks as Jon avoided a swing at his head and followed it up into a counter, gripping Rast's arm, locking it behind his back and essentially using him as protection from Karl's strikes.

Wait?...Jon's unarmed...they were attacking his unarmed nephew! He had to stop this before something regrettable happened.

Before he could even say anything, Jeor opened his mouth "ENOUGH!" He bellowed out as Jon all but threw Rast into Karl, sending the pair of them into the dirt in a heap, spitting into the ground with a look of disgust on his face.

He followed Jeor down the stairs to the yard, "ITS OVER, GET BACK TO YOUR DUTIES MEN!" The Lord Commander yelled out as the crowd dispersed in a cloud of chatter.

"And what the hell was all this in aid of?" He asked as they approached the three men. Jon looked Jeor right in his eyes with a cold look of indifference "Ask these cunts." He said as he looked at the two idiots who were just collecting themselves off of the ground.

So much for keeping that wolfs blood quiet.

Jeor looked annoyed with the reply but still looked at the two brothers with a stern look "Well?" He asked.

Karl raised his chin with false confidence but it was Rast who opened his mouth "We were just sparring mi lord, wanted to see if he could fight for ourselves that's all." He said.

Jeor looked back at Jon "Is that true lad?" He asked as Jon glared at Karl and Rast.

Fuck me, who taught him to glare at a man like that!? He thought.

Jon opened his mouth but the answer he wasn't expecting came from it "Yeah, just sparring." He said, still glaring at the pair, Karl looked affected but held his ground and Rast just straight up looked away.

"Just a word of advice for them though." Jon said as he moved closer to them, looking down at Rast like he wanted to gut him. "The next time you try to intimidate me, I'll use cold steel instead of my bare hands." He finished as he walked away without another look back.

Jeor looked back at Karl and Rast "Put those swords away and get out of my sight, you're on trench duty for the week." He said as Rast looked stricken.

"Oh, what? That ain't right." He idiotically suggested.

The Lord Commander's eyebrows rose at that "A month?" He asked.

Rast wisely shut up.

After they'd both put their swords away and fucked off, Jeor turned to him with a raised eyebrow.

"That was something wasn't it? Is he the son that went missing for a few years?" he asked as they both made their way out of the yard.

He nodded "Yeah that's him. I've not gotten the entire story of where he'd been for so long but it's clear he wasn't wasting his time while he was there." He said.

He was unarmed and he looked dangerous, what the fuck is he like with a sword in his hand?

"And your positive he's not interested in joining us? A lad with his talents could really help get these wastes of space into shape. Probably give your old arse a run for your money." Jeor japed as he nudged his shoulder.

He chuckled but quickly sobered "Nah, he doesn't belong here, he's got some things he needs to sort out before he makes any permanent life choices like joining the watch." He said.

"Shame. The offer is there though, a young and clearly talented lad like him could be the revitalisation this place needs." Jeor finished as he nodded to him before going his separate way.

Rotting away in this shit hole was the last thing that was on his nephew's mind right now.

Speaking of Jon, he needed to find him and make sure he wasn't getting into any more trouble.