

After school, Kenichi walked outside with Miu, strangely the school gates seemed more crowded today. Before Kenichi could make anything of it he saw an ambulance pass by the gates.

"What happened? Did somebody got injured or something?" Kenichi looked to Miu.

"I don't know." She replied.

"But I do." A familiar voice said from behind. The figure then snaked between Miu and Kenichi, it was Haruo Nijima, commonly known as Alien Nijima in school. He stood slightly tall for his age, with a solid physique, sharp fingernails and gangly limbs. His facial features are somewhat 'demonic': a long tongue with a sharp nose, long pointed ears, and teeth that switch between jagged, fanged, or even just normal. His nickname of his wasn't just for jokes.

"I know what happened." He said, grinning. "Do you want to know?"

"Go away, Nijima," Kenichi shouted. This bastard had only ever brought trouble.

"But I want to know what happened. Why is there an ambulance here?" Miu asked.

Nijima grinned. "You heard that Kenichi? She wants to know, now then you can move along."

Kenichi gritted his teeth and then sighed, "Alright, Nijima - What is it?"

Nijima's grin grew bigger and he pulled his phone out of his pocket. "Remember, Tsubaka's bother, the ex MMA guy? Yeah, so he was waiting for you outside the school gates and I was hiding with my camera for you know, collecting some data."

"Wait! You were just going to watch as he beats the shit out of me."

"It's not the time for that. Watch the video."

A video started playing on Nijima's phone, Miu and Kenichi watched steadily. It was the video of a boy around their age with dark curly seaweed-like hair fighting against the larger ex MMA fighter, the fight seemed hard but always in the boy's favour. Then quickly ended with a throw that even Kenichi with all the training from Akisame couldn't tell how it worked.

"You know the surprising part, he introduced himself as you for pissing that guy off."

"Ohma actually did it," Kenichi muttered.

"Ohma?" Nijima looked at him. "You know this guy."

Kenichi nodded. "We go to the same Dojo."


Days later in the Ryozanpaku Dojo. Kenichi had recently decided to live in the Dojo for weekends, today was his second day, he had just finished putting on his training gi and was ready to begin today's training.

"Nobody thought I'd last for more than three days but here I am!" Kenichi thought to himself, proudly. "I've endured their training now for a whole month!" He then slapped his face and said out loud. "Willpower!"

"Hey, Kenichi." Ohma addressed him. "Quit wasting time mumbling to yourself and let's go."

"Ohma you actually defeated that guy?" Kenichi asked.

"How many times do you have to ask this?" Ohma said.

It was true. Kenichi couldn't believe how Ohma did, he fought this large man, defeated him badly and all the little wounds he sustained were now gone while the man himself was still in the hospital. Ohma wasn't much older than him, so why is he so stronger than him.

Kenichi looked sheepish as Miu entered, in her purple spandex. "So are you both ready?"

Ohma looked at her suit, it hugged her body tightly and outlined her nipples. He sometimes wondered why would a fighter wear something so clearly impractical and uncomfortable, but he never cared to ask.

Kenichi's mood immediately brightened when he saw her. "Sure I am, let's do it!"

Ohma looked over at Kenichi's stare. "Normally I'd give him a hard time for always checking her out, but considering the way Miu is I don't think he's entirely to blame. At least he's snapped out of whatever funk he was in yesterday."

As they walked outside to the training hall, Kenichi went back to his thoughts.

'Well, some might think I've only held on for this long so I could be close to her.' He then noticed the should of punching and looked. 'There are a few peculiar things I've noticed while getting used to the Dojo.'

"APA! APA! APA!" He saw that Apachai was punching and kicking against a punching bag.

'These Masters never go a day without training.' Kenichi thought as he also saw Sakaki doing some Katas nearby. "They never stop, I'm starting to wonder if they even sleep at night."

Shigure was also outside as she put on a long overcoat over her usual outfit and sheathed her Sword. The others approached her.

"Hey Shigure, are you going somewhere?" Kenichi asked.

"…Um, no…" Shigure stoically answered.

"Even though you have your coat, Sword, and look ready to go on some secret mission that you can't talk about, you expect us to believe you actually aren't going anywhere?" Ohma asked, tilting his head.

"…Yes," Shigure answered.

"Okay then." Ohma somehow accepted that answer.

Kenichi had an uncomfortable smile. "I've also noticed how quickly he's adapted to the Dojo and the Masters." Shigure then walks off. "Also, some people will just mysteriously disappear and not return for a few days."

Ohma stared as Shigure departed. "I'll find out where she always goes off to, one of these days."


While they were distracted, Kensei appeared behind them and patted Miu's butt on her behind.

"Kya!" Miu shrieked at being touched.

"Stay sharp, " Kensei snickered.

"Good morning, Sensei." Kenichi awkwardly greeted him. "It's a nice day huh?"

Ohma looked at Kensei with half-lidded eyes. "You know there are legal women at the Red-Light district, right?"

Kensei's eyes shined. "Ah, but where is the fun is that?" He responded as he walked away.

"That man may be a master, but he is a legit creep."

"And, there are a few people that I can't figure out no matter how hard I try," Kenichi muttered as they continued their way to the training hall.

A few minutes later they were inside the training hall and Akisame met them inside as he prepared them for today's training exercise. While looking up at him, Kenichi continued his long train of thought.

'But time after time, this man has proven himself to be the most caring and empathetic of them all—'  Kenichi thought.

"Alright, Kenichi, it's about time for some serious training." Akisame declared.

"—At least that's what I thought."

"Um, Akisame-Sensei, what is this thing?"

Right now Kenichi found himself strapped to a wooden device that had three leather belts tied around his waist and back as if it was meant to hold his posture straight up, while each of his limbs had two and his hands and feet were strapped onto hand-sized wooden plates. The device looked like it was designed to push Kenichi's limbs outwards as if to forcibly split him apart.

"This device is a stretching machine, based on my own design," Akisame explained as he was tightening the belts. "I call it; The Great Leg-Divide." He then finished strapping Kenichi in. "I'd love to teach you how to fight right away but first we need to loosen you up, it's a basic fact that flexibility is just as crucial to a Martial Artist as his strength, a stiff body is restricted within itself." He informed him. "And frankly I've seen metal pipes more flexible than you."

"Are you going to train Ohma with this device too?" Miu asked curiously.

Akisame shook his head. "No, fortunately, Ohma is already very flexible, that's why…" He walked over to the right. "We'll be working on something else."

Ohma's eyes twitched in annoyance. "So what's the "great" idea this time?"

Ohma was standing on two wooden logs, in a leg-spread squat position as he had two heavy pieces of lead tied to his wrists and ankles while a piece of cloth was around his neck.

"I was thinking we would work on your muscular endurance today," Akisame informed him. "In order to fully take advantage of their strength, Martial Artists need to have tough and durable muscles that can withstand offence and defence." He then picked up a dumbbell. "So let's toughen you up."

Ohma narrowed his eyes at him. "Will this actually work?"

Akisame then took the cloth around his neck and tied it to the dumbbell. "To accelerate Kenichi's flexibility and strength your muscles respectively, we'll strap him in and keep the two of you in these positions for about a day." After he was done placed the cloth around Ohma's mouth and he was forced to hold up the dumbbell with his jaw. Akisame then turns back to Kenichi. "Go on Miu, give him a push."

Ohma felt the pain in his lower body from having to squat with the weight around his legs and his upper body with the weight around his arms and the dumbbell forcing him to pull his head and back upward. "Gah! Feels like my body's on fire!"

Meanwhile, Kenichi looked unsure about his own predicament. "I don't believe this, but I guess it's a little late to question him."

"We'll start nice and slow." Miu sat behind Kenichi and pushed his body forward.

Immediately, Kenichi now found himself in a world of pain as he felt his limbs being pushed too far apart and couldn't handle the pain of being forcibly stretched. Though Miu didn't seem to notice and Akisame didn't seem to care.

"Aaaahhhh! That's too much! I can't take it!" Kenichi cried out in pain.

As Akisame was about to leave, he turned to face both of them. "Oh, if it becomes unbearable then one of you call out….…" He whispered the last word. "This will be our safety signal to set you both free."

"Is he trying to be funny?!" Ohma angrily thought through his pain. "As if I can speak in this position!"

"What was the signal?!" Kenichi said through his pain. "You said it quiet so I couldn't hear it, didn't you!? WHAT WAS IT!?" He screeched.

"Oh and Kenichi, your device is designed so you can't get out on your own until your legs are fully split." Akisame gave him that last bit of information before he turned around. "All right, Miu, don't let up no matter how much he screams."

"No problem." Miu happily replied.

"And if you hear a breaking noise then don't be alarmed, it'll probably just be Ohma's spinal cord," Akisame added.

"Got it." Miu happily replied again.

"After this, you'll be able to split your legs a full 180 degrees, not to mention you'll feel like your muscles are made of iron," Akisame told them before he left. "And it should only take 16 hours or so."

With him gone, Kenichi and Ohma were left to their respective torturous training regimens with no one but Miu to watch over them, which might as well have been no one at all considering how Miu didn't seem to notice the pain they were in.

"If it starts to hurt too much, just let me know and I'll ease up on it," Miu told him.

"What do-What do you mean 'if it starts'?!" Kenichi snapped.

Then suddenly as Miu was pushing him forward, Kenichi could feel Miu's breasts pressing up against his back. Then, he was somehow able to forget the pain he was in and had his usual lustful grin like he enjoyed the pleasure of this feeling with a bulge in his crotch.

"More! More!" Kenichi shouted out.

"There you go. You got it." Miu didn't notice what was going on and just encouraged him.

Ohma was still struggling with his exercise but noticed what they were doing and looked at Kenichi. "Seriously? Sometimes I feel like punching him."

"Look at you, I'm surprised at how flexible you are." Miu praised him, she then looked at Ohma. "Ohma, did you know Kenichi could do this?"

'She's really not helping the stereotype that all blondes are stupid.' Ohma thought the same thought he had a little while ago.

Outside the Dojo, Kensei was watching what was going on and put a hand on his chin. "Torture and ecstasy? No wonder Kenichi's confused."

"At this rate, you can make 180 degrees in just 13 hours," Miu noted.

Meanwhile, outside the Dojo, a little girl was standing on top of a trashcan and looking over the wall with binoculars to see Kenichi inside of the Dojo.

"How terrible!" The girl gasped. "Those creeps have my Brother strapped to some kind of medieval torture device!" She then looks to the side to see Ohma. "Ho my Gosh, there is another guy too! They must have stopped him from helping Kenichi and now have him in that medieval execution method!" She then jumped down and ran inside. "I've gotta stop them!"

Back inside the Dojo, Miu was still pushing Kenichi forward. "Just a little further."

"Aaaaahhhhhh!" Kenichi yelled in pain. "No! No! No!" He then felt Miu's breasts press deeper into his back. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Please don't stop!"

"Wow, not bad," Miu noted, impressed.

Ohma's body was trembling under the strain as he felt his palms starting to bleed. "I'm glad they're having fun because if I don't get out of this soon my muscles will explode!" He shouted inwardly as he kept biting down the cloth with his teeth. "I just need to untie this knot."

"Let's try and take it all the way in one move," Miu suggested.

"GAAAAAHHHHH!" Kenichi screeched as he reached the limit of pleasure and pain. "GERONIMO!"

In that instant, the little girl burst in from the door and shouted. "You leave my brother alone!"

Distracted by a sudden voice she didn't know, Miu turned her head, lost her balance, and fell forward on top of Kenichi. Pushing him all the way down as his arms and legs were fully split.


The little girl gasped as Miu sweated a bit.

"Oops, I accidentally slipped," Miu whispered. "Sorry."

It was then that Ohma fully undid the knot of the cloth around his jaw, at the same time, Akisame walked back in.

"Am I hearing things or did he just shout Geronimo?" Akisame asked, surprised. "That didn't take long, I'm just surprised he actually heard the safety sign—Ah!"


The moment Akisame walked in, Ohma lifted the dumbbell by the cloth and held it in his jaw, he then rolled his head back and with all the strength he could muster, hurled it at Akisame. The Master dodged it as it missed his head and smashed a hole in the wooden door.

"Careful, you almost hit me with that!" Akisame complained.

"Just shut up and untie me!" Ohma snapped. "Fuck, even Niko's training wasn't so cruel."