
Ashes of Rings

Two princes were to be chosen as the next kings but are soon to be on the run

WilddRedd · 奇幻
1 Chs

Choice (1)

He sat on a massive throne of skulls from many races such as elves, giants, orcs, ogres, goblins, dragons, and even humans including the bones. This was king Roderick IV Herabergen ruler of Issyria one of the 9 kingdoms in all of Eathern or also known as the East Continent.

Such a man was now stressing out over a meeting with his council on who should be the next king after all he has two sons. Of course the oldest sons should get the throne but his first son Raymond is a bastard while his second son Rodwyn isn't.

Now the second problem arose when Rodwyn was merely 13 while Raymond was already 17 so there was the problems in age, but these weren't the only problems. The third was the upcoming rebels in the mountains of Gelmir where the so called barbarians lived mixed raced from human to orcs. 

Yet king Roderick had to choose already which of his sons would take the throne after recently just losing his wife to an illness. Ideas ranging from good, bad , and to worse were coming from left and right from different council members all the while king Roderick IV still grieving about his wife's death after all it was only merely just a day after her death this council meeting was held.

The noise got louder with that king Roderick IV slowly snapped with each second growing louder and louder until finally.

"Silence!" king Roderick commanded.

"I will not sit here and let crows feast on my wife's corpse while my sons are grieving alone! This council meeting is put on hold!" 

King Roderick IV stood up as he slammed his hands on the table his eyes completely filled with sadness and rage he walked out of the council room.

In the training hall of the castle prince Raymond Herabergen striked a wooden dummy with a wooden sword his hands trembled with rage. With each strike he made to the dummy both the sword and the dummy got weaker.

Finally with one final strike the sword broke in half as the dummy fell down onto the ground.

"Fancy swords skills there prince Raymond." 

Looking back Raymond saw his mentor Ser Leonard Harwood one of the Harwood family's best swordsmen.

Leonard was the 3rd son of Terrence Harwood the current patriarch of house Harwood and the current commander of the King's Guard to be exact the 115th Lord commander.

Because of his swords skills and feats he was given the title "8th Godslayer" due to slaying 10 demigods of the southern continent a near impossible feat to achieve. Thus given there were only 7 Godslayers before Leonard was born and after the 7th Godslayer died it took 189 years before another rose.

This allowed House Harwood to become one of the Great Houses of the Issyrian Council.

Leonard walked up to Raymond and pat his shoulder with a proud smile.

"You're skills have gotten better but it is best if you get some rest after all."

Saying this Leonard proud smile turned into a sad one as he held Raymond's shoulder.

Looking at him with a stoic look Raymond replied coldly.

"I'm fine,"

The area around them was solemn the skies above clouded in dark edging to a great storm to come. Until Leonard broke the silence by unsheathing his sword named "Sunfyre".

He pointed towards Raymond's neck and spoke with a determined and cold stare.

"Show me then how strong you've gotten."

"Alright o great Godslayer." Raymond said with a mocking tone.

Winds got stronger, the temperature dropped, the heavens split just by the aura of this single man truly blessed by the Gods. 

Leonard Harwood, the 8th Godslayer, 115th Lord Commander of the King's Guard.

Meanwhile Raymond didnt care about the aura and still kept a stoic look he grabbed another wooden sword and went into a fighting stance.

Raymond Herabergen, First of his name, 80th Prince of Issyria, Prince of Bastards, 1st Son of king Roderick IV Herabergen.

In a just a second both were clashed their swords both of them had killing intent in they're eyes. 

"Impressive for a piece of wood." Leonard said.

Quickly Leonard dropped his sword and punched Raymond's stomach followed up by a slash to his cheek, but just barely dodging it.

Slightly smirking Raymond leaped into the air and swung the wooden sword in a downward arc towards Leonard's head.

In the bed chambers of king Roderick IV he laid down staring the ceiling of his own room. His mind was filled with only the love he had for his wife not even thinking about choosing his own hair.

His mind drifted into more memories of his wife Natalie Ouralson such as the day they met, they're first kiss, and many more. 


A assassin rolled through his window clad in cloak and hood he rushed towards king Roderick IV with a simple dagger. Rolling out of the bed king Roderick IV grabbed the oil lamp on his desk and tossed it towards the assassin's head.

The assassin stumbled upon the impact from the lamp hitting his head which allowed king Roderick IV to grab a chair and slam towards the assassin breaking the chair upon impact.

The assassin fell whilst trying to get up king Roderick IV picked up the broken leg of the chair and with fury in his eyes raised the chair leg and slammed towards the assassin's face.


Blood came out of the assassin's mouth as the chair leg was stabbed into his mouth and because king Roderick IV put so much force it went out the assassin's nape. Slowly the assassin slumped down to his side seemingly dead.

With Rodwyn the young 13 year old was playing with his pet wolf named "Rowan" that was colored grey with silver colored eyes.

 Until Raymond walked out of the training ground bruised and battered from his fight earlier.

Rodwyn looked up at his brother with a worried look and asked.

"What happened?"

"Leonard happened." Raymond replied with a look of annoyance.

Hearing this, Rodywn's feeling of worry disappeared as he laughed causing Raymond to roll his eyes.

"Boys! Your father calls your presence!" a curly brown haired boy shouted from the corner of the entrance of the training ground.

"Tell father it can wait Andrei." Raymond replied.

Andrei quickly responded with a worried look.

"It's about the throne."

Walking down the hallways of the castle Rodywn walked beside Raymond who instead of having annoyed and snarky look he instead was serious while Rodwyn was worried.

Reaching the throne room they saw their father king Roderick IV sat on the "Throne of Death" their father had a stressed and tired look on his face.

"Rodwyn, Raymond come closer" king Roderick commanded.

The two brothers already knew what their father was going to say after all it had been a long time coming.

"Tomorrow at dawn you two shall go to Xacaria to meet your uncle Errys and to also meet with your future wives."

Raymond chuckled then gave his father a rebellious stare and spoke with disdain.

"I'm fine with go but at least Rodwyn rest."

"I cannot do that Raymond your brother will be going with you and that is my final decision." king Roderick IV's tone was stern as he stared at Raymond stoicly.


Raymond lent out a sigh filled with annoyance as he walked away. Rodwyn awkwardly bowed towards his father before following Raymond to the training grounds.

"Brother you're going to train again?" Rodwyn awkwardly asked while fiddling with his fingers.

Raymond looked back at Rodwyn with a gentle smile.

"Yeah so go read or play with Rowan." Raymond said calmly.


Rodwyn nodded and just walked as Raymond dropped the act and punched the dummy with so much force he created a hole in its face.

"Damn it, dad," he muttered.

Far away in the mountains of Gelmir the tribe of Flesh Eaters led by Barbaric Lord Jhornn marches down with his army of humans, orcs, and ogres down to the nearby towns as they slowly reach Issyria.

As they pillaged the towns a bronze haired woman with freckles on her nose runs out of her burning village as she hides in the "Woods of Samarthara".

In the west of Issyria lies their allied kingdom controlled by king Maurice Zurovich planning a festival for the visit of king Roderick IV.

Now the two brothers stand on a large ship making their way to Xacaria where their uncle lives and controls the city of ships, and trade. Their uncle Errys Herabergen controls most of the eastern ocean and seas he even controls the sea serpent the half dragon called Leviathan..

Back with king Roderick IV he glances over his clothing as he prepares his arrival towards Temaria the kingdom controller by king Maurice Zurovich.

Knock! Knock!

The door to his bedroom was being knocked as he looked back and spoke.

"Come in."

The door opened and Leonard stood there with a worried look.

"Your majesty a message from your brother arrived," his voice solemn while his head was facing down.

"Your brother Errys Herabergen is dead and Xacaria has been usurped by his right hand Owen Reese."