
Chapter 406 Empire Age (Part 2)

"The wings are broader than the sky; the back is mightier than the earth; the tail is longer than the mountains..."

"All people worship together, the great Red Dragon from the heavens!"

"Flame is Your Majesty's robe, the sky is Your Majesty's curtain. The dark storm and rain follow Your Majesty's path. The earth suspends in space, filled with treasures and wonders..."

"How can we repay such grace? Your Majesty makes the mountain springs flow down and level the plains, and the timely rains nourish all places..."

The bard sat on a wooden bench, deftly plucking the lute. He opened his mouth slightly, and the melodious music and singing reverberated.

People surrounded the bard, their hands clasped together, eyes closed, singing with devout expressions.

—They sang the highly circulated "Cassius's Hymn" within the empire, said to be composed by a fervent Dragonborn bard, the melody extraordinarily sacred.