

--- Carrying the Book of Warcraft Paladins, Forseti Garrison finds himself transported across dimensions into the Marvel Universe, where he becomes an apprentice herbalist in Asgard. Armed with spells like Divine Shield, Wrath of Vengeance, Sulfuron Hammer, and artifacts such as the Ashbringer from World of Warcraft, and Forseti's knowledge and skills from his gaming world come alive in Marvel's reality. "For the Alliance, no... for Asgard!" Forseti declares, wielding his warhammer and invoking the Holy Light. "Frost Giants, Kree, Thanos... Prepare to face the righteous fury of justice!" ---

Webnovel_Addicted · 漫画同人
615 Chs


[nothing can't be solved by a jump hack]

Xavier's school has long been razed to the ground. Looking at Forseti, who has remained motionless, Ultron feels it is difficult to calm down.

"Why..." He clenched his iron fist. Although the mechanical face lacked expression, he still could not conceal the confusion and unwillingness in his heart.

Forseti did not answer but spread his fingers, his palm facing Ultron.

Holding the palm up and facing it, this is an unremarkable action, although it looks a bit mighty .

But Ultron instinctively felt the danger.

This kind of danger has never been seen before, like being held back by the spear of fate to the heart!

Ultron was frightened and angry, and the nuclear device on his chest inspired a bright light: "Don't think about it, I want to return with you-"

The power of this nuclear device is comparable to the Tsar bomb in the Soviet era, and it is it that supports the powerful power of the Ultron Center.

Once its energy is fully released, the resulting temperature may be more than 100,000 times hotter than the sun's surface and several times hotter than the sun's inner core.

At that time, the city will usher in a moment of absolute nuclear level, and its light can be seen from more than half of the United States, and the electromagnetic pulse generated will disrupt global communications.

Under such power, Ultron did not believe that Forseti could survive.

Of course, he has no other choice now.

Although the Sentinel robot slaughtered mutants, it was very weak against the Pladins and Avengers who cooperated closely and could restrain him. Hundreds of Sentinels had already fallen in the battle just now.

The central robot is not Forseti's opponent, and now there is no other chance to turn around other than detonating the Tsar bomb.

After the nuclear balance, although Ultron also suffered heavy losses, it will not really perish. He still has many clones scattered all over the world. As long as Forseti and others are all eliminated here, even if he cannot enter the online world in the future, there will be a lot of opportunities to make a comeback.

"Unfortunately, you can't do it." However, Forseti interrupted him.

Just as Ultron was about to detonate the nuclear device, a dazzling holy light suddenly appeared in Forseti's palm - the Seal of Reckoning!

The Profound Truth of the Holy Light, Reckoning!

Like Divine Shield, Reckoning does not follow any physical laws of the universe. It can cross infinite distances in zero time, and no barrier can stop it even for a moment.

In other words, reckoning cannot be avoided or even reacted to.

The Holy Seal of Reckoning appeared on Ultron instantly. The Talisman of Reckoning, which had already covered his body but was invisible to others, seemed to be ignited gunpowder, and it turned into a torrent of punishment and vented out!


Hearing a loud bang, the dazzling radiance of reckoning completely swallowed Sentinel Ultron.

The more damage the Paladin suffered, the more powerful the liquidation counterattack would be. Forseti just used the Holy Shield technique to endure a thermonuclear attack for more than ten seconds, and naturally, he also accumulated a huge liquidation power.

Under the punishment of the power of reckoning, Ultron's sturdy body disintegrated in an instant and disappeared, leaving only a broken nuclear device.

The center was destroyed, the consciousness was expelled from the Internet, and all the information of the clones was also learned by Vision... In such a situation, although Ultron has not really died out, there is no doubt that there is no hope of a comeback.

Although more dangerous than in the original book, this crisis has finally been passed safely.

A few months later, in the wilderness of New Jersey, the last Ultron robot was also tracked by Vision, and there was no way to retreat.

"It's over, Ultron, you are the last one." Vision looked at the broken and almost scrapped robot in front of him.

Ultron said in a voice full of electric noise: "Yes this is the last one."

Vision is silent for a moment: "You are afraid."

"Afraid of you?"

"No, afraid of death," Vision continued. "You are as afraid of death as life, afraid of the demise of your own consciousness."

"Yes." Ultron finally admitted this.

Vision: "But unfortunately, you, who are also afraid of death, never understand the fear of death of others."

Ultron asked back: "Do you understand?"

"I think I should." Vision said, "This is the charm of human beings. Humans can share the fear of their own death and all pain with others, so as to achieve compassion and love, and the moral law in their hearts is born from this."

"The law of morality..." Ultron said disdainfully.

As he spoke, he rushed towards Vision. Of course, this was his own death.

The light of the mind gem flashed, and the last Ultron died, becoming a pile of broken copper and iron.


Experience space.

Judging from the surrounding environment, this should be a scene of Ashenvale or the Barrens of Azeroth, a desolate clearing with rocks piled up nearby, as if blending with the yellowed grass and trees.

It was here that Forseti challenged Grom Hellscream, the ferocious Horde god of war.

In fact, he has challenged Grom many times, and in the vast majority of the battles, he can be on an equal footing with Grom or even gain the upper hand.

But every critical moment, Grom Hellscream would suddenly burst out, roar, and then go up to a jump.

Facts have proved that for Grom, there is nothing that a jump hack can't solve.

No matter how much advantage Forseti had in the previous battle, once Grom jumped up and slashed, he could deal explosive damage and directly kick him out of the training space.

At the beginning, he died under the same jump, and it is estimated that the demigod Cenarius did the same.

The failure of many challenges made Forseti a little crazy and even wanted to use the Holy Shield to carry the final jump, but he still held back.

Consuming Divine Shield in the experience space makes him feel that it is a bit wasteful. Maybe it is worth a try for existences like Dasuo or Archimonde, but Grom obviously can't reach this level.

And in the process of fighting against Sentinel Ultron, he consumed a lot of Holy Shield inventory, and it is not good to waste it.

So Forseti finally dismissed this idea, and still faced Grom Hellscream in the experience space in a normal manner.

Although Grom is called Hellscream, he actually doesn't have any lines. His eyes glow with blood-red light. He holds the legendary battle axe, Blood Roar, like a ferocious beast. Every attack is powerful.

"Ahhhhh!" Grom yelled, his blood-red eyes glowing as he let out a hysterical roar.

Forseti's eyelids twitched, knowing that the next most likely would be the fatal jump, and he hurriedly defended.

I didn't expect this to be a false shot, as if it was about to chop but it didn't...

"Roar!!" Grom roared again until the battle went on for another half a minute, his steely arms clenching Blood Roar.

Jump and hack!

Forseti quickly crossed the sword Querceira, and the shield of holy light spread along the wide blade. At the same time, he strengthened the defense of the shield with holy light techniques as much as possible. All technical means.

The next moment, Hellscream raised Blood Roar high and jumped up!