
Ascension Road

I lived the most painful life as far as I could remember. Waking up everyday staring at the same white hospital ceiling got old after the first 2 years. From the time I was 9 until now I was frequently in and out of the hospital for strange pain throughput my body that was insistent on breaking down my body from the inside out. Eventually I became a cripple and I had to live in a hospital bed. Literally. Well that's in the past now.

Norf · 漫画同人
50 Chs


[2903 WORDS] I Think Author san deserves a few power stones for this no?

Forgive any mistakes I was sleepy, I'll fix later. ]


"Yanyan I'm taking you on a small date since we didn't have time together earlier....hold on tight" Yuji said with a smile as he looked down at her.

"Mm" She replied as she snuggled into him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Yuji wrapped Yanyan in his mental energy as he flew straight up into the sky.

"Aaahhhh!" Yanyan screamed out as they left the ground and shot into the sky.

"Yanyan you're safe in my arms." Yuji said as he coated himself in light to calm her down.

Thanks to his light she easily calmed down and started appreciating the scenery.

Yuji stopped quite high in the sky making to so that she could easily see the city below.

Yuji condensed his mental energy and made a platform for them to stand.

"Yanyan you can get down now, you won't fall." Yuji said

Thanks to the calming effect of his light she simply nodded and he let her down.

Yanyan stood in front of Yuji as she looked down at the beautiful scene of the lit up city.

After staring at it for a few minutes she turned to look at Yuji.

"Yuu-kun it's beautiful thank you for bringing me here." She held his hand as she thank him for showing him something so beautiful.

"I have something else for you Yanyan" As soon as he said that he removed the same black box he did with Liu Yue from his storage and held it in his free hand.

Yanyan was surprised to see him remove the small box out of nowhere.

Yuji released his hand from Yanyan's grip and opened the box revealing the same beautiful necklace with Angel wings as it's decoration.

The necklace is actually a protective charm that builds a barrier made of Yuji's light that will automatically activate if anyone with ill intent tries to touch whoever is wearing it using the angel wings as a medium to channel the light around forming a barrier

Unless the opponent is stronger than Yuji who is currently at Overlord 8th realm they won't even scratch the barrier no matter how much they tried.

"Yuu-kun this is mine?" Yanyan asked.

She had never seen such a simple yet beautiful necklace before. She came from a rich family so she was always able to get the best kinds of accessories but none never piqued her interest because they were too flashy.

Yuji removed the necklace from the box and put It around her neck.

"Yes it is and I made it myself....as long as you wear this no matter where you are I'll always be protecting you." Yuji smiled as he finished putting on the necklace and rested his hand on her cheek.

Yanyan was truly touched hearing that he made it himself.

She thought he would have spent money to get this for her but but hearing how he actually go it she felt extremely happy.

She could honestly say that she received the best gift ever.

Yanyan didn't use any words to thank him and instead tiptoed, wraped her arms around his neck and sealed his lips with hers.

Yuji wasn't surprised this time and immediately hugged her by the waist to deepen the kiss while using his technique a bit.

The two said them kissed for several minutes before separating.

Yanyan though was breathing deeply had a beautiful smile on her face.

"I love you Yuji" Yanyan confessed how she was truly feeling about him.

The extremely comfortable feeling that he gives her. His kindness, selflessness, she considered literally every aspect about him while she waited for him today and she could confidently say that she had fallen in love with Yuji.

"I love you too Yanyan." Yuji pecked her lips one more time as he confessed.

Yanyan was so happy hearing that he also loved her. She was worried he might not like her as much as she does him so hearing him confess she couldn't hold herself back and once again kissed him.

Yuji happily accepted the kiss and they went on for a few more minutes. "Let's get back down Yanyan, she might get mad at us." Yuji said as they separated from the kiss.

"Wait...Yuu-kun could you make Sister Rouxi one of your wives also? She's a good woman but she is lonely plus she is quite protective of me..." Yanyan said as she tried to convince him about Rouxi.

"Sigh...I knew you were trying to do this from earlier, not that I mind but...since you're the one telling me to do it when you think she likes me you'll be the one to talk to her about me having multiple wives okay? I've already registered you to the Fairy Gate so you can bring her in to meet everyone else when you think she's ready." Talking to women about such things may get you castrated in the process so he needs to leave it to at least one of his girls.

Yanyan nodded her head. "I will Yuu-kun"

Yuji then picked her up bridal style again and he flew back down to her house.

Yanyan wasn't scared this time instead was quite happy to fly in his arms.

Yuji took his time so they arrived a few minutes later and walked into the dorm.

"Sister Rouxi I am back!" Yanyan shouted out as they walked in. Yuji had already put her down by the door so she was walking on her own though she still wanted to be in his arms.

What Yuji saw next truly was a magnificent sight.

Hearing that Yanyan said only she was back Rouxi didn't think that Yuji was with her. She had been taking a shower while they were gone since she had yet to wash away her.....juices.

When Yanyan came back she had just got out.

She exited her room while still in a towel to ask Yanyan when Yuji would come treat her again and was shocked at what she saw.

Yuji was standing right behind Yanyan and was starting right at her.

"Sister Rouxi..." Yanyan muttered while blushing seeing her in a towel.

The towel hugged her figure tightly revealing all her curves and if you looked close enough even the nipples of her E cup breasts were visible.

"Your body is beautiful.." Yuji said with a smile as he released the full power of his KH technique and focused it on her.

Yanyan gave him the go ahead so he wasn't going to hold back.

"T-thank you" Rouxi said as she blushed hard.

Unlike Qingyu who has a pure yin body which also helps her mentality Rouxi was a normal woman so because of the influence of his full power KH technique she instantly became attracted to him.

They were only a few feet away from each other so Yuji walked up to her and pat her head but made sure to control the intensity so that she doesn't climax.

"Rouxi as much as I love your figure you should only let a man you love see you like that.." Yuji spoke in a sweet voice to the woman who was blushing as she looked up at him.

Since he was now touching her head her attraction to him only grew.

"Y-you saved my life so it's f-fine" Rouxi said as she hugged his body while still in her towel.

Yanyan who had been watching was shocked by how Rouxi was acting but soon regained her senses but because he was still using his KH technique she also felt how his aura changed and was also itching to hold him which she almost did because it was quite hard to hold back but she wanted Rouxi to have her moment.

'Sigh...I'm such a greedy bastard, Rouxi I swear to love you with all my heart' Yuji thought to himself

"Rouxi are you sure about what you are saying? You realise that I'm your student right?" Yuji at least wanted her to make the decision properly so he reduced his KH aura down to an amount that will only make her feel extremely comfortable in his arms.

Rouxi lifted her head to look up at him and since he reduced his aura she regained her senses and steam escaped her head as she remembered what she did.

She felt extremely comfortable In his arms so she couldn't bring herself to let go and instead went into her thoughts thinking about the little they spent together.

Him saving her from being paralyzed, his beautiful smile his amazing food. All of it was stuff that made her heart skip a beat at a single thought but she remembered something that dimmed her spirits.

It was the fact that Yanyan was his girlfriend.

"What about Yanyan?" Rouxi asked in a low strained tone because it hurt her to think of the fact she would have to let him go for Yanyan.

Hearing that Rouxi was conflicted because of her Yanyan decided it was about time to speak up. "Sister Rouxi do you like Yuu-kun?" Yanyan walked out from behind Yuji and asked with a straight face.

She could tell from the way Cliona and Yuechan talked to her that they would not accept a woman that isn't able be decisive with their feelings for him.

"Yanyan...I.." Rouxi looked at the ground when she heard Yanyan's question.

"Sister Rouxi if you don't tell Yuu-kun how you feel right now I won't let him accept you as his woman in future." Yanyan use the same ultimatum that Cliona gave her.

Either you accept your feelings right now and be with him no matter what or never think of being with him in this life.

"I....I like him..unlike other men who would have taken advantage of me while I was suffering he focused on helping me even while I...While I was m-moaning in p-pleasure. Though I've only met him not long ago I can't help but feel like he's someone irreplaceable to me, even right now as I hold him like this I'm extremely comfortable...I'm not stupid enough not to realise how I feel but I have been denying it since he was my student and your boyfriend...I'm sorry Yanyan." Rouxi poured her feelings into her confession.

Unknown to her Yuji had stopped using the KH technique so what she we saying right now was her true feelings.

The moment she was put on the spot with the possibility of never having the chance to be with him she stopped pushing away her feelings.

Yuji was shocked hearing that she already liked him.

He was feeling bad for using the KH technique on her like this at first but hearing that it only helped her realise her feelings he was relieved.

Yanyan smiled at her answer as she remembered her own answer when she was in the same situation.

"Sister Rouxi before I let Yuu-kun accept your confession you need to understand that he will have other women by side. Yuu-kun isn't a normal man you see" Yanyan proceeded to explain about cultivation and Yuji's body condition.

Yuji kept hugging her through the whole process and stroking her back so she could stay calm.

Rouxi was quite smart so it didn't take her long to fully understand everything but she didn't completely believe that such supernatural things existed in the world.

Yuji used his mental energy to lift the couch to prove everything that Yanyan said was true since she seemed skeptical.

Rouxi was shocked for a moment but soon calmed down. "So such things exist and Yuji will die if he doesn't get enough Yin from women, he also has 3 other wives except for you?" Rouxi was calm thanks to Yuji so she could calmly process everything.

"Yes, now what do you want to do Sister Rouxi? I chose to be his wife and support him no matter what and if you truly want to be with him then you have to accept the same conditions otherwise I can promise you that you will never get the chance to be with him again in your life." Yanyan said with a serious expression that surprised Rouxi.

Rouxi looked up at Yuji who had been silent all this time.

"Yuji are you okay with me? I'm not as young and beautiful as Yanyan or any of your other wives..." Rouxi said in a depressed tone.

"Rouxi do you truly like me?" Yuji asked as he looked into her eyes.

"In fact I-I think I love you, I-i've never felt this way with any other man. Other men honestly disgust me with their lecherous gazes and lack of respect but you're different." Rouxi said hesitantly.

Yuji smiled at her response " That's more than enough for me, I don't need anything else. As long as you feel that way about me and want to be by my side I promise to love you with all my heart as my wife just as I do the rest of them."

"Will everyone else accept me?" Rouxi worried whether all the great women she was just told about would loke her.

"I'm sure they'll like you don't worry, so what do you want Rouxi?" Yuji asked once again.

"I want to be you w-wife" Rouxi said as she blushed hard thinking of marrying him.

"Hehehe Yuu-kun she said yes. Sister Rouxi from now on we really are sisters who share the same man." Yanyan said with a wide smile on her face.

Yuji sealed Rouxi's lips before she could reply to Yanyan , at first she was shocked but since it felt extremely good she soon melted into the kiss and deepened it as she parted her lips for Yuji's tongue to enter.

Yuji happily took the invitation and stuck his tongue inside her mouth. She was sweet and it was nice and warm inside.

As Yuji stuck his tongue in Rouxi tasted the most delicious thing she had so far. His taste was even better than his food making her more aggressive.

They continued for a few minutes before separating since Rouxi was losing her breath.

Yuji smiled as he looked into her eyes. "From now on you are my wife Rouxi." Yuji said.

"Mm, I'll be in your care." Rouxi blushed hearing him call her his wife then responded.

"Now as much as I love hugging you, you should go dress before I can't hold myself back anymore..I only want to take you girls when you are ready." Yuji reminded Rouxi that she was still in her towel.

Realising how she was dressed Rouxi had steam come out of her head again as she let him go and walked back to her room to dress.

"That happened faster than I thought..." Yuji said as Rouxi's figure dissapeared behind the door.

"Yuu-kun I think you underestimate yourself too much... any normal woman would have long thrown themselves into your arms....Also is what you said about waiting until we are ready true?" Yanyan had been worrying that he didn't like her body very much since he only ever touched her breasts and ass for a bit and never went too far.

"Yes it is...I won't take you to bed until you tell me to." Yuji said as he nodded.

"Tomorrow night..." Yanyan whispered.

Yuji's eyes went wide hearing what she said. Yanyan you just met me today are you sure you want to be mine completely? " Yuji didn't mind but he wanted her to be sure about it.

"Yes I'm sure...I want to spend the rest of my life with you Yuu-kun so I'm sure I want you to make me yours completely tomorrow night.." Yanyan blushed but in her eyes her determination was clear.

"I understand." Yuji said with a smile.

Rouxi could clearly hear everything they were saying and was blushing quite hard.

She came out of the room a few minutes later in a night gown and saw them sitting next to each other watching TV and walked up to them and stood in front of the TV.

"Yuji...I also want you to take me too.." Rouxi murmured to Yuji who was looking at her.

Yuji's eyes went wide while Yanyan just smiled.

"Rouxi...its only been a few hours since we met are you sure you want to go that far already?" Yuji asked.

Rouxi nodded. " I intend to be with you for the rest of my life room so yes I am sure, Yanyan is sure of your character so I am not worried...besides a good wife should be prepaired to do anything for her husband." Her face was flushed but she had the same determination that Yanyan did.

"When?" Yuji saw no reason to waste time if that's what they wanted, he's decided to scrap the idea of developing their relationships.

Deciding that the moment they give the go ahead he won't hold back.

"Together with Yanyan." Rouxi said and immediately turned her head to the side to hide her embarrasment.

" Yanyan are you okay with it?" Even if he was fine with it he wanted to know if Yanyan was.

"I'm fine with it." Yanyan said with a smile.

"As you wish, now Rouxi come sit next to your husband" Yuji said.

Rouxi took a seat next to him while hiding her blush which only made her look adorable.

The three of them watched TV and walked about each other in Yuji's arms until 9 PM when Yuji had to leave.


AUTHOR-SAN: The three chapters of To Rule The Universe will be uploaded tomorrow...Author-san is tired.