
Chapter 19 - Destruction and Alliance

DISCLAIMER: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Harry apparated back to the Scorpion lair and made his way to the command center. He noticed that Blaise, Ginny, and Bill were up sipping on some coffee and talking. Blaise was the first one to notice Harry come in with a determined look on his face. Blaise had come to know that look and it seemed that more action was coming.

Bill looked at Harry and noticed how tired he seemed to be. Bill himself had been up most of the night thinking about Charlie. When he looked at Harry he said, "What's up mate?"

Harry looked at each of his companions one by one and finally asked Blaise, "Have you had a chance to brief them on our little escapade last night?"

Blaise replied, "I have told them everything up to where we split up after the portkey."

Harry nodded and said, "I have just come back from Potter castle making sure that our guest were made comfortable." He said that last bit with a malicious sneer. The other's looked at each other knowing full well what he meant.

Harry continued and said, "During my interrogation, I have come across some very interesting information that I think you should be aware of. I will need Theo, Neville, Brianna and Ginny to see this as well. I ended up making a significant memory withdrawal from one Malfoy Sr. I think you will find the information very interesting." Harry stood up to get the pensieve while Blaise went to wake up his comrades.

While Harry was engaged in putting his memories into his pensieve, Blaise was busy waking his fellow accomplice. After a short while, they all walked back together to the command center. When they were all present Harry said, "Now, that everyone is present, I need you to take a look at the memories that I have extracted from Malfoy Sr. When we are done, we will plan a major counter offensive. Bill if you don't mind, could you please call everyone in, I need to prepare our battle plan. Meet me at the projector."

Harry picked up his pensieve and headed to the projector area at the center of the main lair. He sat the pensieve down and booted up his computer. He then waited for everyone else to show up. When everyone was present Harry said, "Alright, I want you all to enter the pensieve and see the following memories. When you are done, we will go over our attack plans. I have a few surprises to show you. We will discuss the plan when you are finished viewing. "They all nodded at Harry as they put a finger around the rim of the pensieve. Harry then took out his wand and cast Memori-Exmume. Everyone found themselves floating down a narrow well until they found themselves in a room, and suddenly images started to flash by. They were all mesmerized by the images appearing before their eyes.

Blaise found himself looking at a meeting with the Dark Lord. He saw all of the death eaters planning their next attack. The one image that stood out was that of Snape suggesting to the Dark Lord whom the target should be from the Order of the Phoenix. Blaise looked at Ginny and Bill and saw hate the likes of which would make any Slytherin proud. The next scene showed memories of Malfoy and the Dark Lord discussing something called Horcruxes? They were able to see Malfoy Manor library along with the complete layout of the place. Due to Malfoy's close relationship with Crabbe and Goyle senior, they were all able to get a good feel on how those dwellings were laid out.

Bill had already committed the layout of the manors to memory. He was not paying attention to the last memories though. The thing that was on his mind right now was how to best take care of Snape. For far to long, that bastard had managed to skip justice. He was responsible for planning and executing Charlie's death. For that Bill would make sure that the slimy fucker would beg for mercy when he was done with him.

With this new information, Bill had no doubt that Ginny would want to race down to the potions classroom and confront the man as soon as possible. One of the many things Bill shared with Harry was patience. These days, Harry never rushed off into any situation without carefully considering all of the variables and planned accordingly. Bill had no intention to run off at the mouth. Snape was as good as dead in his eyes, the only thing to determine was the when and how. Bill felt some one touch his elbow and was brought out of his thoughts by Theo. Bill looked into his eyes and nodded.

While his troops were looking at his memories, Harry went to one of the obsidian boxes sitting on one of the labs and picked up six of his explosive devices. Nothing like a field test to see how new weaponry works. Harry walked back to the conference table and noticed that his troops had finished viewing his memories. Harry put his new invention on the conference table for all to see. Bill was the first one to regain his wits when he came out of the pensieve.

Bill found himself regaining his conscious sense and noticed Harry putting some kind of contraption on the table. The first thing that came out of his mouth was, "Harry, Snape is mine. The fucker is going to wish he never messed with a Weasley. I will be formulating the plan for his capture. Can I make use of Potter holding facilities?"

Harry looked at Bill and saw the fire and hatred in his eyes and knew all too well the hunger of vengeance and replied, "No problem Bill. Just let me know what you want. Snape is yours, just promise me that he is going to suffer for all the grief that bastard has caused?"

Bill answered back, "That scum is going to whish for death when we are through with him!" One thing that Harry knew for sure was that Bill's conviction on the matter was absolute. Harry looked around the table and found that even though Bill's anger was quiet and simmering at the surface, Ginny's was terrifying to witness. Harry saw her stand up in one quick motion with her chair flying backward. She took out her wand and bellowed, "I want Snape right fucking now! I want that sneering bastard castrated." She said the last bit with such venom that all the guys at the table gulped.

Ginny was about to portkey to the potions lab to confront Snape, when Bill yelled, "Ginny! Sit down right now. We are not going to rush this, do you hear me?"

Ginny turned back to her brother and with a sneer replied, "Why Not? The longer we wait, the more likely he is going to escape our clutches. I say we go down there right now and bring him in. Damn it, the bastard is a pro at escaping, and if we don't take action right now, we will loose our chance."

Bill suddenly realized that his baby sister had felt Charlie's death much harder that he imagined. Bill realized that due to her grief she was not thinking rationally. Bill looked at Blaise, and he inclined his head slightly indicating that he understood his intent.

Blaise looked at Ginny and knew she was hurting real bad. Blaise only had to go back 24 hours to remember how he felt when his twin sister had been attacked and knew what she was feeling. Blaise knew he had to calm her down, and make her think rationally. The passion that he so loved from her was also a beast to tame at times. Blaise wouldn't have it any other way though. In Ginny, Blaise had found his soul mate. During all the flux time they had shared, they had gotten to know each other very well. He loved her with all his heart. He pulled at her elbow and she looked into his deep blue eyes and knew that he wanted to talk to her in private. Ginny looked around the table and let Blaise take her to the North East corner of the command center to talk. Harry noticed this and nodded at Blaise to carry on.

Meanwhile Blaise said, "Ginny, believe me, I know how you are feeling, and Snape is going to pay. However, if we rush in there without a plan we are royally going to screw things up. Remember what Harry said? Planning is everything. When the time comes, I swear to you that Snape is as good as Dragon meat. You have to believe me." Blaise was looking deeply into Ginny's eyes willing her to believe him.

Ginny meanwhile was taking every word her boyfriend was telling her and absorbing them. She was fighting really hard with her Gryffindor side. In the end she knew what Blaise said was the sensible thing to do. She knew she had to use her head and not her heart. With tears in her eyes and anguished sobs she looked at her boyfriend and nodded her head. She ran into Blaise and buried her head into his chest.

Blaise let out a slow breath he didn't even know he was holding. He wrapped his girlfriend in his arms and held her tightly while she calmed down. He narrowed his eyes and deep down he sneered as he was thinking of Snape and the pain he had caused Ginny. When the time came, batboy, as Harry called him, would feel his wrath that much he promised himself. Like Neville kept saying, this year would see a lot of people get their just rewards. Blaise guided Ginny back to the group.

Harry waited for everyone to be sitting at the conference table and said, Well, now that you know what our next objective is, I want you to be acquainted with a little invention of mine. "

Neville picked up one of the strange balls and wondered what the hell he was looking at. He looked around and found everyone else wondering the same thing. Neville shrugged his shoulders and waited for Harry to explain his contraption as he finished drawing the different Manor layout and any pertaining information to each.

Harry was busy drawing three different top views of Malfoy Manor and a layout of the dungeons. When he was done, Harry explained what his new invention was and how it worked. He told them how to activate them and where to put them. The plan was for Theo and Blaise to hit Crabbe Manor and raid it for anything worthwhile, especially dark arts books and destroy the manor. Bill, Brianna and Ginny would take care of Goyle Manor and do the same thing. Finally, Neville and he would take care of Malfoy Manor.

Harry told them to portkey to the top floor of the manors and immediately sensor sweep the area with their watch to determine enemy location. Under invisibility blankets, they were to exterminate any opposition and raid the libraries for any decent books and magical artefacts. When they were done they were to conjure propane clouds on each floor and set up a bomb on both the upper and main floor. The bomb timers were to be set with a thirty-minute delay. Each team was to carry a shrunken storage trunk for books and artefacts.

Harry looked at his watch and noticed that it was already eight a.m. He looked at his troops and said, "All right, I want this to go smooth and by the numbers. Don't take any chances. Now, if you are in a tight fight, for god's sake portkey out of there! Remember we can always come back to finish the job you are doing, portkey back to Potter castle. There is still business to be finished there." He looked at Theo, Brianna and Blaise with his last words. They all looked into his eyes and knew that they were going to settle some scores.

Harry said, "Are there any last minute questions?" Everyone looked at each other, but it seemed everyone was quite clear on their objectives. Harry then said, "Meeting adjourned. Let's meet our objectives and get out safely." With that they went to their lockers and put on their full battle robes. When they were done, Harry noticed Akima walking towards him.

Akima saw Harry suit up and wanted to see if he needed some help. He approached Harry and said, "Looks like you are going for some fun, do you guys need any help?" Harry could see the eager look in his eyes, and Harry filled him on what they were doing and told Akima to suit up and gave him the coordinates to Malfoy Manor to program on his ring. He would join Neville and him at Malfoy Manor. When they were done, Harry gave the signal and they portkeyed to their destinations.

Harry arrived at the top floor of Malfoy Manor along with Neville, and Akima. They had landed in Lucius' master bedroom. They all activated their watch and completed a full sweep of the Manor. Just as Harry had expected, it was empty except for some elves. Speaking of elves, one showed up in from of Harry with huge tennis ball green eyes and said, "You is not Master? What is you doing here?"

Harry looked down at the little elf and said in his most dangerous cold voice, "Take the other elves with you to Hogwarts, because this place will be destroyed in about thirty minutes. If you stay you will die a painful death. I release you of you bond to the Malfoy family as they also will be dead very soon."

Kinky, looked at the strangers with a frightful look and squeaked, "Yes sir, Kinky tell the other's to leave and go to Hogwarts. Please do not hurt elves sir." Kinky could feel the power emanating from the strangers and she was truly scared. Harry looked down at her and said, "Go now!" The little elf immediately popped away. Harry told Neville and Akima to sweep the Manor and meet in the library.

Harry slowly made his way to the library and carefully looked for the master registry, which would show him the full listing of all the books in the main library. After a minute of searching, Harry found the book and began looking for any interesting books he thought might be useful. Harry took out one of his storage trunk and began loading the whole library. He would sort it out later.

Some of these books were ancient and would prove valuable to his troops. Although the main library contained some rather interesting and unique works on dark arts practitioner, Harry was far more interested what was hidden underneath the drawing room floor. Harry remembered what Malfoy had told them in the Slytherin common room in their second year. Harry also knew from scanning Malfoy's memories, that the secret room which, was hidden by wards, contained the really valuable manuscripts and dark arts objects.

Harry met up with Neville and Akima and said, "Status?"

Neville immediately replied, "All rooms have been swept and no hostiles have been found. All of the elves have evacuated the premises."

Harry smiled and answered back, "Good job you guys. Now I want you to look at the master registry and look for any books on Horcruxes, Dark Battle magic, Ritual Magic, Runes, Arithmancy and Necromancy. I want to know what our enemy is capable of. Take care of any wards that may be present. Some of these are pretty fucking nasty. If you are not sure, let me know. I will be trying to break the wards cloaking the room underneath the drawing room. You guys keep to the library." They both nodded to Harry and began their search.

Harry meanwhile brought up his aura reading ability and carefully began scanning the walls and floor in the drawing room. After a minute of searching he found the spot where the ambient energy changed. Harry cast his most powerful parseltongue ward breakers, and in no time he had dispelled the wards and curses guarding the room. Harry opened a trap door and cast a powerful Lumos spell. The room seemed clear enough and Harry carefully made his way down to the bottom of the chamber.

The first thing that Harry noticed, were the many shelves with books, scrolls and artefacts. Harry also noticed some pretty powerful curses similar to the ones he had detected on the objects he recovered from the snake statues mouth in the Chamber of Secrets a while back. Harry took out his wand and began chanting and weaving some complicated parseltongue charms. After about thirty minutes of casting spells, and drawing runic symbols, a soft popping sound was heard and the wards guarding the shelves of the chamber collapsed. Harry carefully made his way into the bookshelves first. He was surprised to see several shelves filled with some rare dark arts scripts and potions tomes. There were also many scrolls lining the top shelves with some objects along with a locket, a set of ritual knives, and some gemstones.

Harry riffled through many of the books and found a couple of tomes on soul magic. He recalled reading several references in his ancient dark arts training about soul magic, but failed to understand its true significance until riffling through this particular book. It went on to explain the intricacy of soul magic. The collection of texts and scrolls present in this section of the library was priceless to some degree. Harry decided to take it all. Harry completely emptied the contents of the hidden chamber and put it all into his storage trunk. When he was done, he got out of the hidden chamber and told Neville to go upstairs and conjure propane clouds through out the whole floor and set the timer on the magical bomb for forty five minutes instead of thirty five.

Harry told Akima to do the same thing on the main floor but wait until there was only fifteen minutes on the countdown. Harry decided to inspect the Dungeons and opened the cells one by one. He came to the cell before last and found two wizards and15 witches in various stages of torture. They all looked extremely famished and dehydrated. Even in their state, Harry could tell that these people had incredibly good looks.

Harry suddenly remembered the summer before his fourth year and the Quidditch game. He remembered the pure Veelas and these people reminded him of Veelas. Harry noticed that all of the prisoners had platinum blond hair with very regal features to them. Harry found his voice and bellowed, "I mean you no harm. I am here to release you from this cursed place. I ask you not to attack me when I release you."

Harry heard the sound of a woman who said, "You have nothing to fear from us wizard, as you can see we are in no condition to do anything even if we wanted to."

Harry immediately waved his wand and dissolved their chains. He then took out two rings and enlarged them. He programmed a coordinate, which would take the prisoners outside the Manor wards. Harry said, "Is there one of you who speaks for this group?"

The Veelas all looked at each other and then a gorgeous woman who looked to be in her thirties nodded at them and approached him and said, "My name is Tiara and I speak for my group. What is your intentions, wizard?"

Harry suddenly felt slightly dizzy in her presence but quickly managed to fight off the light headed feeling and answered back, "As I have told you, I only mean to release you from this place. I mean you no harm. I will create a portkey to get you out of here. In any case, you don't have a choice because I am about to blow this putrid shithole in about fifteen minutes. I don't have any time to waste."

The leader regarded him for a few seconds and turned to her group and spoke in a language that Harry did not recognize. They suddenly all approached him in a non-threatening manner. Harry looked at them and decided that they weren't going to attack him.

Harry had them divide in groups, and told them to touch the rings, and he activated them. All of the prisoners were immediately portkeyed to the southern edge of Malfoy grounds in a forest on a black pebble beach by a small riverbed. They were outside the influence of the manor wards. Harry then made his way to the next cell and this time found a bunch of prisoners who looked like they had been beaten and tortured. There were ten of them and something seemed a bit off about them.

Harry looked at the nearest girl. She seemed to have been spared from any beatings but she looked slightly emaciated. Harry noticed her delicate porcelain looking skin, bright ruby red lips and her electric blue eyes. Her hair was jet black and tied in a ponytail except for the locks which slightly obscured her face. Harry recognized her as a Vampire. Harry shook his head and realized that he needed to get some sleep fast. He should have known that there were prisoners in Malfoy's dungeon. He should have taken longer examining the memories he had taken from Lucius. Hi sensor sweep with his watch had not detected these people. Probably not powerful enough to scan through multiple wards he thought. Harry took out another doughnut shaped ring, enlarged it and made another portkey.

The girl whom he had noticed was now watching him when he said, "I mean you no harm. I will release you and give you a portkey to get out of this damn hole. You have no choice anyway, as this place will be destroyed in roughly fifteen minutes. "

Shauna of the Gangrel clan gave the wizard in front of her a good look over. After her countless centuries on this planet she had met many great people, and she recognized power when she saw it. This wizard standing before her reeked of power the likes of which she had never seen, that much she was certain of. She could not make out his face as he was wearing a hooded cloak and had numerous glamour charms, which hid two thirds of his face. One feature that could not be hidden was his glowing green eyes. Shauna had never seen such glowing green neon eyes before.

The wizard turned around and she was able to make out the two scorpions and the black phoenix markings on the back of his battle robe and suddenly her eyes grew wide. If she was correct she was looking at the famed Scorpion Sorcerer that has been making the news circle. The wizard before her intrigued her immensely. He was not arrogant like most wizards, which proved that he controlled his power and not the other way around. The Vampire clans were very much aware of this wizard's exploits. Their very capture at the hands of the wizard Malfoy proved to her that the Dark Lord was getting desperate. They actually thought that her father would obey their demands because they had his daughter in their grasps. Clearly they didn't understand Vampire culture.

Vampires were incredibly intelligent and one thing she knew was that if the Scorpion Sorcerer was here to destroy this Manor, then it seemed possible that Malfoy had met his end at this wizard's hand. She needed to know more about this wizard, and for that to happen she had to stay alive. She suddenly bellowed, "Kindred members of the Gangrel clan you will not harm this Sorcerer or you will face death at my fathers hands. May Nicademus have mercy on your soul if you dare disobey!" She looked at the Sorcerer and said, "My name is Shauna and we will follow your instructions, Sorcerer."

Harry nodded at her, and looked at his watch. He quickly made a portkey and told the group to approach and take hold of the ring. They did as they were told and within seconds they were gone. Harry quickly apparated back to the main floor where he saw Neville.

Neville had been looking at his watch and was getting worried that something had happened to Harry. He looked up and suddenly found Harry looking at him. Neville said, "I was getting worried what took you so long?"

Harry smiled at Neville and said, "I love living dangerously." Neville just glowered while Harry was smirking at him. "I'll explain my tardiness once we get out of here." Neville simply nodded. He knew there was a reason why he had been late and he would find out soon enough.

Akima smirked at the two of them and said, "I believe that it's time we exited these premises and watch the show." Harry nodded at his colleagues and made sure that they had the trunks in their possessions and then they all copied him in conjuring large propane clouds. With five minutes to spare they took Harry's portkey and found themselves appearing in between two groups of people.

Neville and Akima immediately whipped out their wands ready to fight when Harry grabbed their wand arms and lowered them. Harry quickly said, "I found these two groups of people locked up in Malfoy's dungeon. They have been severely mistreated and in good conscience I couldn't let these people be killed. The fact that they were in Malfoy's dungeons tells me that they weren't close to the Dark Lord."

Suddenly, they all felt the tremendous explosion, which shook the grounds and sent a pressure wave that knocked everyone off their feet even though they were a minimum of two kilometres away. Harry was the first on his feet and noticed a massive column of swirling electric blue fire. Harry noticed that the blue fire completely incinerated everything it touched. The foundation of the Manor where the dungeon would have been had turned into molten lava. Harry had not expected this kind of result and now wondered if two bombs had been too much.

Maybe he thought it was due to the fact that he had used the Naquadria bombs instead of the Naquadah ones. Harry had not had time to calculate a power output for the bombs. Thank God they had all been in a low-lying depression by the riverbed otherwise they would have been cooked. The grounds surrounding the now destroyed manor were completely burned over what looked like a kilometer radius. Holy shit Harry thought, these little babies pack one hell of a punch.

Neville and Akima came to join Harry. Neville whistled and said, "Damn! How the hell did you make those contraptions so powerful?"

Harry answered back, "I used a purified version of the mineral that makes up your new wand coupled with some creative charms and raw magical energy."

Akima said, "We have to get out of here shortly, the ministry goons are bound to get here soon. This magical explosion must have set off every ministry detector from the North coast of Scotland to London."

Harry replied, "Yes, no doubt the ministry will have Aurors crawling all over this place in minutes. However, it would be very impolite if we didn't leave our calling card, now would it?" Harry smirked and bellowed," Ahak-Nakeb," which sounded like a hissing noise to everyone else. Suddenly a large black shiny scorpion rose high in the sky.

Harry then turned around to find the rescued groups looking at him with some trepidation. The leader of the Veela group seemed too deep in thoughts, while Shauna of the Vampires group was giving him an almost lustful look. Shauna was the first to speak and said, "Interesting magic you have there?"

Harry replied, "I like being creative."

Shauna laughed and answered back, "Is that what you call it Sorcerer? Well I don't know about you but my group is tired and I also do not fancy staying here. You wouldn't happen to have a place where we could regroup and make some plans would you?"

Harry looked at both groups, and knew they needed some food and medicine. Harry also knew that making contacts and bonding with the other magical races which made up their world was crucial into bringing them into forming a political alliance. The only way that the other races would play an active part in the wizarding world was for them to have a say in how it was run.

Harry said, "I have a place that I can take you where you will be given food and medicine as well as take some time to recuperate. I swear to both of you on my magic that I will not harm you unless you mean to harm me first." Both group leaders talked to their clans and came back and told him that they trusted him after a fashion. Well, Harry thought, at least it's a start.

Harry took their portkey and reprogrammed them for the Trunk Manor by the lake. He was not going to reveal the Scorpion Lair until he was sure about them. Harry told his associate where they were going and Harry activated both portkeys and they were gone. A few minutes after they were gone, a lone figure with serpentine feature apparated about a kilometer from where Harry had been. The moment he looked into the sky, his face twisted in pure fury and confirmed his fears.

Flashback one hour earlier

Bellatrix entered the throne room with a very wary look on her face. Her sister, Lucius and her nephew had not reported back to headquarters. They should have been back over six hours ago. Now she had to tell her master that they their search had not found a trace of them. She had tortured some muggle fool whom she had captured and lived close to the general area where Lucius had last been seen.

The only useful information she got from the disgusting creature was that he had claimed to see a holo-ga-ram. She had learned from the fool that it was a muggle word for a three dimensional picture. The vermin claimed to have seen the image of a scorpion in the sky. If that were the case, then the situation was dire indeed.

She approached her Dark Lord and was about to kneel when he waived her off and said, "We can dispense with the formalities for know. Report!"

Bella answered, "My lord we have searched all of Lucius' favorite places, his home and finally the coordinates which you gave me. I was able to interrogate a muggle, and he told me he saw a scorpion floating above the house that Lucius had been at."

Bellatrix saw her Lord narrow his eyes and in a voice that could make a dementor shudder said, "How is it that this Scorpion wizard seems to know my plans? We have a spy in our ranks I am sure of this. Maybe Lucius is the traitor and decided to leave me." He spat the last with such distaste that Bellatrix almost jumped out of her boots.

In a quivering voice Bellatrix replied, "My-my Lord, Lucius had been your most faithful servant from the beginning, I can't think of a more loyal supporter for you, my Lord." She noticed that she had been holding her breath in and managed to slowly exhale.

Voldemort suddenly stood up and walked towards one of the gargoyles and lifted its head. He looked inside the head and saw the blue pulsing light being emitted by the ward crystals. Voldemort knew that Malfoy wards protecting his home were still intact.

Voldemort didn't curse Bellatrix because deep down, he believed her. He simply wanted to scare her a bit to let her know what he thought of treachery. At any rate, he could no longer afford to curse his troops for no good reason anymore. At the rate he was losing them, he would no longer have anyone left from his first rise power to serve him.

Voldemort had read Bellatrix's mind and found that she was telling the truth. This did not mean that Lucius was dead. He could simply be trying to evade the man. Voldemort was loathed to admit it, but even his most experienced inner circle members would meet their doom at this wizard's hand. He was the only one who could stand up to the little upstart. Even he didn't think that duelling this man would be easy. The only reason he didn't worry so much was that he could always resurrect himself if worse comes to worse.

He doubted that this man knew very much about the ancient magic he had used to safeguard his immortality. Only two other members' of his inner council knew of the measures he had taken and Lucius was one of them. If this Scorpion wizard had captured Lucius then it was absolutely vital that he rescue him. It wouldn't do for this wizard to find out his secrets.

Lucius knew the penalty revealing his secrets. Voldemort had put a binding curse on Lucius, which would cause him to die instantly if he ever tried to speak of his secrets. Voldemort had taught the man Occlumency himself and knew that he was as accomplished as Snape was in the art. He was pretty confident that Lucius would hold his mind intact, after he had taught him, and Voldemort never fails.

Voldemort felt that it was high time that he took back his dark items from Malfoy manor. He decided to pay a little visit to the Malfoy family home. Secretly he hoped that Lucius and family were back, so that he could properly punish the lot for failing to stick to the plan. Voldemort hated it when his minions failed to carefully follow his extremely well crafted plans. With those final thoughts, Voldemort the most feared Dark Lord of the century apparated just outside Malfoy Manors wards by the signet stone, which would open up a hole for him through the wards.

The sight that met Voldemort was one he would never have thought possible. The whole manor was ablaze, and a large Scorpion was twitching its tail in the sky. Voldemort face twisted in fury and apparated back to his manor.

End Flashback

Shortly after Voldemort left, a group of investigative Aurors appeared on site. One of these Aurors had a swivelling eye, which was currently examining the large scorpion floating above what was left of Malfoy manor. Alastor Moody suddenly had a wicked grin on his face. Justice has finally been handed down to that bastard family, he thought. Moody was truly impressed with the destructive energy that had been brought to bear on this attack. It looked like the molten rock was quickly solidifying, but they would have to wait a while to get near the site.

Auror Dawlish came running to him and said, "Moody, what should we do? The site is too hot to handle."

Alastor rolled his eye and sneered back, "Perhaps the use of some well placed cooling charms would be a good start." Dawlish just stood there like a cow chewing on cud when Mad Eye Moody barked, "NOW you imbecile! What are you waiting for? Christmas?" Dawlish snapped out of his stupor and ran to direct the other Aurors. Alastor was now surer than ever that he would be contacting Potter very soon.

Meanwhile, Harry and his group suddenly found themselves in the portkey room of the trunk manor. Harry told them to wait a minute. He made his way upstairs to the crystal room and deactivated the room wards except for the crystal room and the library. Harry came back to the portkey room and took the more injured guests to the infirmary.

Harry then called Xiana to tell her to get some healing potions, nutrient potions and tell Hinrich, and Fleur to join him at the trunk manor. He then asked Xiana to make sure that everyone was wearing their hoods with concealment charms. It wouldn't do for anyone to find out who they were yet. Harry then called Bill and Blaise to find out how their mission went.

Harry had to pull the receiver away when Bill was shouting about the bloody strength of his bombs. Bill told him that he had to get to Gringotts and meet with his boss. Blaise ended up doing the same thing and he had to remind them all, that these were experimental weapons and therefore some learning was needed.

Harry then told Blaise to bring Brianna and Theo and meet him at lunchtime at Potter castle on the North grounds. It wasn't long before Xiana showed up with Fleur and Hinrich carrying an assortment of potions with them. Harry met them at the portkey room and led them to meet Tiara of the Veelas and Shauna leader of the Gangrel Vampire clan.

Like a pro, Xiana didn't bat an eye but she turned to meet his eyes with an unspoken message that they would talk later to plan some strategies. Xiana gracefully walked to Tiara and Shauna and said, "On behalf of the Scorpion Sorcerer I welcome you to stay with us until you are ready to travel once again. If you could please show us to your wounded we will do everything we can to heal them."

Both Tiara and Shauna shook hands with Xiana and thanked them all for aiding them in their time of need. Xiana bowed her head to both ladies and went to the trunk's infirmary. They found Harry, Akima and Neville transfiguring more medical beds to take in all of the wounded. They all took their time settling the wounded and Hinrich and Fleur began scanning their injuries and casting spells.

Finally, Hinrich came to Harry and said, "We are going to need some fresh blood for the Vampires. The potions I have will work only if it is taken with blood. We don't have anywhere near enough blood for them. There natural healing abilities are starting to kick in, but this will go a lot faster with blood."

Harry's brows furrowed for a bit thinking of where he could get some blood and finally opted for the most obvious solution. Shauna came over and said, "Any problems?"

Harry answered back, "It seems that for your people to heal properly, their medicine needs to be taken with blood instead of beef Wellington. As we are very low on our blood supplies, I need to go make a withdrawal. If you will excuse me, I'll be back very shortly."

With that Harry silently apparated from the trunk to Surrey Red Cross. He decided to go there since he knew where it was and had seen his bitch of an aunt donate blood there on several occasions. Harry apparated in the back of the building and cast an invisibility charm on himself. Thirty minutes later, Harry apparated directly from the blood banks fridge to his trunk manor. He quickly made his way back to the infirmary and took out one of his storage trunks and enlarged it. He then emptied over forty litre bags of blood into the infirmary storage cabinet. All of the cabinets carried stasis fields for preserving potions, salves and other organic material.

Shauna's eyebrows were near her hairline and said, "Where did you get all of that?"

Harry answered back, "Well your friendly neighborhood muggle Red Cross of course. Will this blood the way it is packaged be a problem for you?"

Shauna answered back, "No, it will taste a bit stale but it is still quite usable for us. Thank you for all your efforts on our behalf. It is very refreshing to see a wizard treat us with respect. The wizarding world usually regards us as vermin."

Harry answered back, "You are welcome. As for the wizarding world, it is high time they receive a long overdue kick in the ass. Pardon my language."

Shauna laughed and replied, "We definitely need to have a long talk, Scorpion Sorcerer. You are most intriguing. Perhaps we can help each other out in the near future to our mutual benefit?"

Harry replied, "It would be my pleasure to form closer ties to the Vampire clans. I admit to you that my knowledge of your people is rather limited and I would welcome and exchange of information and ideas. If you will excuse me I need to meet up with some of my troops. My people here will see to your needs, Lady Shauna."

Harry nodded his head towards her and was about to depart when Tiara gently put her hand on his forearm and said, "I wanted to express to you my thanks for saving us from Voldemort's minions. Queen Tulia of the Veelas will hear of your kind act. On behalf of my people and as ambassador of the Queen's court, I would like to ask you if it would be possible to open up diplomatic channels with your group."

Harry answered back, "It would be my pleasure to take you up on your offer Lady Tiara." She smiled and nodded at him.

Harry couldn't believe his ears. Things were moving so fast it was starting to overwhelm him a bit. He needed to organize his negotiating team real soon. If he could get the Vampires and Veelas in his camp, he could start discussions on the formation of a new government. Immediately Remus, Xiana and Fleur came to mind as ambassadors. Lycans and Vampires were considered dark creatures and the Vampires would readily accept Remus. Fleur was part Veela and would know how do deal with them. Xiana was a natural negotiator and extremely flexible. With the help of Remus and Fleur she would be able to get them into an alliance. With that final thought, Harry apparated back to Potter castle.

11:30 A.M Potter Castle

Harry materialized on the North grounds of his estate, and walked toward the Gazebo. He met Blaise, Theo, and Brianna and told them to follow him. Harry walked to the castle and was met by Dobby at the door.

Dobby was bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet and said, "Oh, Master Harry is back home. You is looking very tired. Dobby will tell Winky to start lunch. Mistress younger Bini's and new stranger be hungry very soon?" Blaise was the first one to realize that Dobby was addressing him and replied, "Yes Dobby, we will be staying for lunch."

Harry then introduced Theo to Dobby and then they followed Harry until they were in the dungeons. Theo spotted the deep blue flames coming off the torches and noticed how much colder it was getting the further they went down. Theo had to admit that he was quite impressed with Harry's ancestral home that was not only beautiful but extremely functional as well.

They finally reached the lower dungeons and Harry began a series of hissing and wand movements across two doors. There was a crimson glow and a soft pop and Harry opened the massive steel door on the left. The sight that greeted Theo made was like no other he had ever seen in his life. Even his father's cruelties in the name of the Dark Lord did not approach this gothic nightmare. Theo looked up and saw Draco and a sneer appeared on his face. It looked like Harry had a real nice go at the bastard, but it seemed like a whole lot more needed to be done.

Brianna followed Theo's gaze and sneer and now noticed Draco hanging on meat hooks. Her face became carved in stone and a malicious glint shone in her eyes. Blaise looked at his twin and noticed the maniacal glint in them. Blaise looked around and couldn't help but admire his brother in law's thoroughness. The man did nothing in half, he mused.

Harry took his wand out and brought Draco down from his position, petrified him, moved him to the back wall and put him back in chains and then enervated him. Harry said in as cold a voice as possible, "You have two hours to do as you please. Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle are across the hall. You can kill those two today if you want. If you decide to kill them, please make sure that you lop their heads off and put a stasis charm on their bodies. I have a little surprise for our dear headmaster. As for Draco torture, him all you want but I want the pleasure of killing him. That little fucker has been the bane of my existence since I started at good old Hogwarts."

Blaise said, "Are we allowed to also torture Malfoy Sr. and his whore?"

Harry replied, "Absolutely! After all, I wouldn't want Lucius to get bored with my company. As you can see the Scorpion dungeons are well equipped, it would sadden me to see all of this fine equipment go to waste by simply using the Cruciatus. Now I'll be taking a quick nap, but I'll be back in two hours. Make sure that you are never alone with the prisoners. I will be putting my darkest wards just outside the entrance to the dungeons, so I strongly advise that you wait until I come back and pick you up."

They all nodded their understanding and Harry made his way back to out of the dungeon but put his ward up before he left. He walked up to the Potter library and took out two trunks and enlarged them and put them by the catalogue desk. He called Dobby and the little elf popped just beside him jumping excitedly as usual. Harry couldn't help smirking at Dobby and wished he had some of his energy.

He told Dobby to take the books out of the trunk, catalogue them both in paper and on the computer and to place them at their appropriated place on the shelves. He told Dobby to create more shelves and identifications categories for those subjects, which his library did not have. Dobby was all too happy to oblige. Harry told Dobby to wake him in two hours and that he was following his idea of getting some rest. Dobby nodded his head vigorously and Harry walked up to his bedroom and took his clothes off and the moment his head hit the pillow he was out like a light.

A while later, Harry felt something shaking him slightly, but kept mumbling "Gerrrooofff me. Sooo tiiirrreeed." He heard Dobby say, "Master must get up. Mistress Xiana has just arrived and is in the living room." Harry's eyes suddenly opened and told Dobby to tell her that he would be down in fifteen minutes.

Harry quickly got out of bed and had a quick shower. He put on a pair of black denim jeans, and a blue tartan flannel shirt. He put a bit of cologne and looked at the date Thursday, October 16. He changed his Scorpion earring to a ruby one and finally put on his Basilisk robe and boots and fixed his two Katanas to his back and made his way for the living room.

Xiana was proofreading her latest article for the Discovery and noticed her husband walking down the stairs. She noticed how tired he was this morning and he looked a little bit more refreshed. Bar any mishaps or fates demands, she was going to make sure that her family was resting for the weekend. They deserved it and her husband needed to recharge his batteries. Shauna and Tiara told her that they needed to talk to Harry tonight and she told them that he would be available from seven pm to whenever. She knew that Harry had been on some raids late last night and early this morning but did not have all of the details yet.

Xiana stood up and walked to her husband and gave him a hug and a kiss. Harry was the first to speak and said, "Let's sit, I need to bring you up on what has happened these last twelve hours." Harry didn't spare any details.

Inside he was scared to disappoint Xiana over his torturing of the Malfoys but she needed to know all of it. For her part, Xiana carefully listened to Harry's description of the Malfoy's family torture of the muggle family, Harry's attack on the death eaters, and his captures of the Malfoys, Crabbe and Goyle.

Harry explained his rage at what they had done to the little girl and boy and his torture of those, he finished detailing the destruction of the prisoners' homes this morning. Xiana could see the conflicting emotions he had over his torture of the Malfoys. She knew deep down that he was scared of her reaction.

Xiana was not a big fan of torture, but she knew that their enemy had tortured countless victims and although she felt that she did not have the stomach to do it, she wasn't about to reprimand her husband for doing it. She also knew that he would make a recording of his thoughts and send it to Voldemort and his death eaters to let them know that other forces could play at their game.

Like she had learned during their summer training, psychological warfare was an integral weapon in their arsenal. The only demand that she had was that anyone's torture not exceed two days. After two days, the prisoner had to be terminated. Her reason for this was that two days provided ample time for them to get information. The more obvious reason was that it provided less opportunity for the prisoner to escape, or his contacts to locate him.

Harry slowly let out his breath and readily agreed with Xiana. He had not thought that far but her reasoning was flawless. She was right. With legillimency, truth potions, and torture they could get all the information they wanted in two days time.

The quicker the targets were eliminated the less likelihood of a mishap. Harry then told her what was currently going on in the dungeons and asked her if she wanted to come. Xiana did not know if she had the stomach to witness tortured prisoner but then she had already witnessed the Dark Lord's tortured victims through Harry's memories during their bonding. She nodded at her husband and they left for the dungeon.

Harry and Xiana arrived in the dungeons. Xiana followed Harry and could hear screaming coming from Crabbe and Goyle's cell. Harry pushed the door and found Brianna holding Crabbe under the Cruciatus. Harry noticed that they had no upper body clothes and found that their chest had a large scorpion branded on their skin. Above the branded Scorpion letters had been cut into the skin, which read Death Eaters Your Time Has Come. Harry also noticed the empty eye sockets. Pussy yellow fluid was still running down their cheeks. Boy did they ever get creative Harry thought.

Xiana for her part was fighting very hard to keep the bile from leaving her mouth. She remembered what they had done to her sister and found herself not caring what happened to them. She noticed the dark blood stain where their privates used to be no doubt. No other curse except the castration curse could cause that much bleeding. Although the sickening feeling in her stomach was still there, it had become more manageable. She looked at Harry and said, "Let's get this over with. I'll be waiting for all of you in the library."

Harry nodded and replied "I'll see you there in fifteen minutes."

Harry watched Xiana walk out of the dungeon and when she was gone, he told the group about the new prisoner policy and the reason for it. He told them to finish off Crabbe and Goyle who were by now unconscious from the pain. Harry saw Blaise and Brianna take out their Katana and Harry went to take care of the Malfoys. Harry reached the Malfoy cell and saw the damage that had been inflicted on them. They too had been branded like Crabbe and Goyle. Both Narcissa and Lucius were bleeding from the mouth, nose and ears and Harry could see that they were suffering from the Cruciatus over use. Their brains had been fried like poor Neville's parents. Harry looked at Draco and he too had been branded with the same markings.

Draco managed to find Potter looking at him and said in his last defiant stand, "You can kill me Potter, but the Dark Lord will eventually get you! Why don't you just finish this little game of yours and get it over with."

Harry sneered and said, "You are incredible Malfoy. Even facing your death you can't even find the morale to repent for your crimes. "

Draco snorted while coughing up blood and replied, "That's a little rich coming from you Potter. You are just as criminal as we are. You can make yourself believe anything you want Potter but you are as cold a blooded killer as you make us out to be. "

Harry sneered and replied, "I am nothing like you inbred! I don't go out and rape, mutilate and kill innocent babies and children. I didn't start this fight, but I am sure as hell going to finish it one way or another you can count on that. If it means systematically killing every fucking scumbag pureblood inbred who follows the dark wanker, then so be it. That little golden boy you keep referring to died a while back, Malfoy. It was your world that killed him. Just like a Phoenix he was reborn from the ashes of betrayal, neglect, abuse and indifference. It's best if you die anyway Malfoy. The wizarding world as you know is about to be destroyed. Purebloods as you so aptly refer to yourself will have very little say on how it is governed. "

Before Malfoy could say another word, Harry quickly took out his wand and cast Abripio- Exoculo. There was a ripping sound and Malfoy screamed clutching at his face as the pain afflicted him. Harry then cast Saxificus- Collyrium Harry picked them up and put it in his pocket. He then took out his Katana and without another word he lopped Draco's head off. Harry then proceeded to do the same thing to Lucius and Narcissa. He put their heads on a pike stabbed the other end into their chest. He then cast a stasis charm on their bodies and said, "May God have mercy on your soul."

Harry then took Draco's pike and levitated his body to Crabbe and Goyle's cell. Harry met up with the others and put told Theo to transfigure pikes and put Vincent and Gregory's head on them, and fix the other end into their bodies. Harry then took out three obsidian stones and transfigured them into scorpions and implanted a small black diamond chip in them. He then created three-neutrino portkeys with a hologram charm. He put a sticking charm on their forehead and stuck the scorpion portkey to their forehead. He made sure to add a self-destruct charm to the portkey.

Harry then said, "Make sure you all show up for breakfast tomorrow. It's time to shock the lemon drop-sucking idiot from his morale high ground. It's time to show him that some things aren't worth second chances." Harry told them to meet up with Xiana in the library while he finished with Lucius and Narcissa. Harry did the same thing to them but programmed the portkey the Ministry cafeteria where most of the workers would be in the morning. Harry wanted maximum impact. With that done, he incinerated the prisoner's clothes and Scourgify the whole place. He did the same thing to the other cell and then went to meet up with Xiana and the others.

Earlier that Morning in the Great Hall during Breakfast

Albus Dumbledore sat in the great Hall paying little attention to his lunch. He was not even paying attention to the daily gossip, which usually provided him with much information and humor. The laughter of the children could be heard, but again he paid little attention to it. The only word to describe his current mood was frustration, plain and simple. The more he tried to reign in Potter, the worse things got. He had no doubt that Potter now knew who was responsible for the attack on his person. Since his plan had failed, Albus now definitely feared some sort of retaliation from the brat.

The young man had more then enough pent up anger towards him. He himself didn't really understand why. Every one kept telling him that his willingness to sacrifice him to Voldemort was a major factor. Albus considered the act of sacrificing one's life to destroy evil and save their world to be of the highest moral order. The boy would have been revered for all times. Instead the blasted boy grew a brain and now all of his careful plans were rendered utterly useless. The worst part was that Albus himself didn't even know what the boy was doing. He had not been able to find out where he had stayed throughout the summer much less keep track of his where about during this school year.

Albus was certain that Potter knew this Scorpion Sorcerer somehow. How long he had known him and his relationship to the dark wizard was a complete mystery to him. That is why he had looked forward to the success of his plan yesterday afternoon. Had it succeeded, he would have gotten Potter under his control once more and found out what he knew of this Scorpion Sorcerer. Instead it had turned into the complete humiliation of Granger, Weasley and the rest of the Defence Club. He felt he had again underestimated Potter's abilities.

Flashback Late Yesterday Afternoon

Albus looked at his watch and hurried his pace. For a man of over 150 he could really move when he set his mind to it. Albus looked around to make sure that no one was around and cast a bludgeoning curse at the knob on the Whomping Willow. Albus made his way inside the dark tunnel until he reached the isolated room on the second floor. The first thing that told him something was not right was the complete lack of sound from the other side of the door. Albus carefully opened the door but found the room empty. Albus sighed and decided to make his way to the Quidditch pitch. Maybe they were having a bit more problems subduing Potter. He decided to sneak unto the pitch. Perhaps he could assist Granger and Weasley subdue Harry and pay him back a little for the near constant excruciating headache he had given him in August.

Unknown to Albus however was that one Colin Creevey was coming back from taking spectacular pictures of a unicorn far out by the lake. Colin decided to cut across the Quidditch pitch to shorten his route. He had just rounded the North corner when he spotted some people in the distance and took out his muggle binoculars and found a naked Hermione Granger, Cho Chang and a hip swinging Ron Weasley all stuck to poles and incarcerated in some kind of metallic ropes.

Colin quickly made his way underneath the bleachers and got a good zoom angle on them and started snapping a flurry of pictures. He needed to get these out to his contact at the Daily Prophet. From his first year Colin had already figured out what he wanted to do in the magical world. He wanted to become a professional photographer for the Prophet. Getting pictures like this would go a long way in securing him a job with the Prophet in the future.

Colin was brought back from his musing when he found himself looking at a disgusting site. Eeeww he thought, Weasley creaming himself is just bloody nasty. He knew he was going to have nightmares for the rest of the week. Colin had to use all of his self-control not to burst out laughing. Granger and Chang pleading with Weasley to stop his erotic dancing was just too much. Suddenly, Colin saw a lone figure walking in the distance and when he took out his binoculars he found that the headmaster was coming his way. Colin decided to make a strategic retreat lest the headmaster find him out and confiscate these most fantastic pictures.

Albus was walking back when he looked up and saw a sight that he had not planned on. He narrowed his eyes and was now sure that Potter had been getting some secret training during the summer. If he had to wager, he would bet that this Scorpion Sorcerer was the one who had trained him. Just as he suspected in August, Potter had gone dark. Albus knew that he was a good dueller but even for him to overpower such a force meant he had to use some dark magic.

Albus took out his wand and cast several obscure revealing charms, and noticed that illusion wards reeking of dark magic had been cast. No wonder he had believed that the operation had gone flawlessly. He had never seen the effect of the real battle. As he approached the bleachers, the extent of the real battle damage became evident. To his shock he found three people stuck to poles. He cast Coegi-Visio on his glasses, which allowed him to get a close up view and found Granger, Chang and Weasley naked as jay birds. Weasley seemed to be doing some kind of erotic dance.

Albus was furious, what if they were found out. This could bring some very bad press to his school, and jeopardize his already weak reputation within the ministry. He quickly made his way to them and immediately conjured clothing for them. He then removed the sticking charm and banished the poles. He proceeded repair much of the damage done to the bleachers.

When he was done, he addressed Hermione and bellowed, "I am very disappointed in all of you. This should have been a very easy assignment. With all of the training that you have had this past summer and yet you all failed to contain him. Please see that your teams get to the infirmary for some much needed healing from what I can see. Make up any decent excuse that you need. I hope that this task does not overtax your abilities? When you are done I want you, Miss Chang and young Weasley here to come to my office for a full debrief. I want to see exactly what went wrong."

END Flashback

Albus was brought out of his musing, by the roar of laughter that filled the great hall. He looked around to see various members of all houses pointing to Granger, Weasley and Chang. Young Mulciber from Slytherin even stood on his table and started swinging his hips. Suddenly Albus was gripped with fear. He looked at Minerva who had gone white as a sheet, and noticed that she was looking at her daily prophet.

Albus had not even noticed the Owl's lunch deliveries. He took her copy of the daily prophet, and the picture that he saw made him loose all color from his face. The entire staff seemed speechless except for Severus, who looked almost gleeful. His typical sneer was replaced with a smirk that made his face look even scarier. The ministry would be all over him now, there was no doubt of that. He needed a strategy and fast. Perhaps he could work this to his advantage. This might be a chance to cast Potter in a different light, so he hoped.

Albus immediately stood and bellowed, "Enough! Your fellow students were attacked. You should be feeling ashamed for making fun of them. Mr. Potter will be severely reprimanded for his actions I can assure you of this." The effect of releasing the culprit did not have the desired result he was looking for. Instead someone from Hufflepuff yelled back, "I hope he gets nominated for an Order of Merlin." Nearly everyone once again cracked up.

Ginny who had just made it to lunch after leaving her boyfriend at Potter castle sat herself in front of Pavarti. She was thinking about the destruction of Goyle manor and Harry's new weapon, when she saw the Owl's deliver the mail. She thought nothing of it, but suddenly she heard Pavarti burst into laughter while pointing at a picture.

Ginny leaned over to have a look and nearly spewed her lunch. The last thing she needed was to see was her stupid brother come all over himself. Some things should never be shared within a family. She turned to Ron and put on her most jeering face and said, "Serves you bloody idiots right for ambushing Harry like you did. I hope mom skins you alive when sees that picture. I wouldn't be surprised if she pulls you from school. It's not like you are learning anything anyway." With that she stood up and walked off to go to the library.

Meanwhile Hermione, Ron and Cho ran out of the great hall intent on getting away as fast as possible. The one thing that was running through Ron's mind was revenge on Potter. Had they been telepathically linked, he would have noticed that the others were thinking the exact same thing.

Ron looked over and saw Hermione and Cho were as red in the face as he was. No other words to describe it, they had been completely humiliated. Cho was seething. If they ever caught the person responsible for sending these pictures, they would die from a horrible and painful death. Now that he thought about it, Potter was the only person who could have done something like this.

Ron said, "Guys, I am almost certain that Potter was the one who delivered the pictures to the Daily Prophet. What do you think?"

Hermione replied, "Well, who else could it be. There was no one else there who witnessed our battle except him. The secrecy charm I put on the rest of the team would prevent any of them from blabbing."

Cho had followed Granger's logic and said, "I agree with Hermione reasoning. Potter had to be the one. He is going to wish he was never born."

Ron nodded and kept thinking that when the time was right, the conceded little bastard was going to get it. First chance he got, he would pound the piss out of him. His martial arts training with the Aurors during the summer would be put to great use. He could almost relish the impact of his fist on Potter's face. Of course none of them seemed to have taken the time to analyze the battle. Had they done so, they would have prevented themselves from making another huge mistake.

Early Afternoon at Potter Castle

Harry was busy listening to Blaise and Theo's description of their attack on Crabbe Manor. It appeared that only Crabbe and Goyle's mother were having tea on the main floor when they popped in. Theo killed Elvira Goyle while Blaise iced Alexy Crabbe. They then looked around the family library but found very little dark arts books. After destroying the Manor they portkeyed back to Potter castle. Brianna's story was even more uneventful. Her group completed a full sweep of the area but found nobody. They burned the Manor to the ground, and portkeyed back.

Bill left soon after to go to Gringotts and Ginny had an early afternoon class so she also left before lunch. They went over some training schedule and when they would use time flux again. The rest of the groups had afternoon classes so Harry told them to stand down and relax for the duration of the weekend. He congratulated them on a mission well done, and some well deserved justice handed down. He told them to watch for the show tomorrow at breakfast. They were to meet up Sunday afternoon to carry out a post mission analysis.

When they were gone, Harry made his way to the bar and got himself a large glass of brandy and sat in front of the living room fire place. Xiana came over to tell him she was going back to the trunk Manor to check on their guests and see if they needed anything. She bent down and gave him a soft kiss. She then made her way to the trunk manor laid up against the South wall of the library and disappeared. Harry finished his drink and went back to the master bedroom to get more rest.

Harry woke up late that afternoon and felt a whole lot better physically and mentally. He looked at his watch and noticed that it was 5:30 p.m. He quickly got up and showered. He then got dressed and put on his full battle robe with weaponry. He passed by one of his calendars and noticed that it was time to take one of his bone and blood enhancing potions. He felt that this batch would probably be the last one.

The previous week he had entered a long meditative trance, which allowed him to reach his magical core and explore all of his magical channels. He no longer felt any pain or discomfort in bringing forth his body magic, which meant that he had attained maximum magical channel growth. He had also noticed that he could now do wandless magic silently up to six-year spells. He would always need his wand for advanced dark arts. However he could now cast silently and wandlessly several potent wards and shields. Offensively he could do the same thing with some of the more simple lethal dark arts spells.

This weekend Harry would devote lots of time practicing his body magic, martial arts and sword fighting with Akima. Harry looked at himself in the mirror and put his cloak hood on and cast the appropriate concealment charms. When he was satisfied, he apparated to the trunk manor by the great lake at Hogwarts. Harry made his way from the portkey room to the infirmary. He soon found Tiara and Shauna talking with his wife. Fleur and Hinrich were discussing the merits of some kind of potion. As Harry approached they all looked up and greeted him.

Harry turned to Xiana and said, "Status report."

Xiana replied, "All patients have been treated and most of them should be fine by tomorrow. The Vampires are recovering at an astounding speed. The Veelas are also doing very well. Both races are magically powerful. By tomorrow they should all be able to return to their homes."

Harry liked the news and answered back, "Excellent work from all of you." He then turned to his guests and said," I am glad to see that both your peoples have suffered no permanent casualties. When you are done settling your people for the night, you are welcome to meet me in the parlor for some talk and relaxation. We can get to know each other better. I know by now that you must be wondering who we really are but I must ask you to wait until we know each other better and have built up a mutual trust between our peoples before I divulge such critical information. "

They agreed to his idea and told him that they would be honored to meet him in the parlor. Harry then turned around to his colleagues and told them to also join in for some information sharing and relaxation. Harry was about to get some drinks ready at the bar, when Xiana gently approached him and put her hand on his forearm.

Xiana then whispered, "Neville left for his class after lunch, but came back with a copy of the daily prophet. I think you will want to see this. I think husband of mine that this might be the opening we are looking for to start putting some nails in the lemon drop sucker's coffin. It moves up our timetable slightly but I believe that we should seize this opportunity. Let me know what you think once you have had a chance to read the article. We will talk later at home." Every time Xiana referred to home she always meant Potter Castle. Harry knew that his wife had grown extremely attached to their home.

Harry answered back, "I hear and obey my, Lady." Xiana smiled and playfully slapped his shoulder. They made their way to the bar and Harry waited for his guests to arrive. When they showed up, he told them to make themselves comfortable, and asked them what they wanted to drink.

Xiana helped him distribute the drinks to everyone and they both sat together one of the love seats. Harry decided that honesty and candor would work best with these people. Vampires and Veelas had an uncanny ability to discern truth from lies and Harry wanted to have these people as allies. They didn't have to necessarily take part in the war although it would be great if they did. However, if he could deny both of these groups joining Voldemort, then that would be an even greater accomplishment in his eyes.

Harry decided to give them a good summary of who they were, what they were fighting for and what their final goals were. He told them some of his powers but was careful not to divulge everything. He told them that he had omitted some information to them at this point in time. Should they form an alliance they would get to know a lot more including whom he really was. Harry stressed that his identity would only be know to the leaders of the alliance, that way that was less chance for that critical information to leak out. Harry then explained the socio political structure of their group. He also explained how and why he was fighting the Ministry, Voldemort and Dumbledore. The last part he almost lost control of his aura, and it didn't go unnoticed. He finally explained his upcoming meeting with the Goblins in November. Harry left out a multitude of details, such as how he was going to overthrow the Wizengamot.

For their part Shauna and Tiara were completely shocked yet very pleased at the audacity of his plans and what he and his troops had already accomplished to date. Should this Sorcerer and his ideas succeed, it would allow their people to finally become equal partners in the magical world. This Scorpion Sorcerer didn't want to restructure the current system, he wanted to completely obliterate it and start from scratch. In the process he wanted every known magical race to become an integral part of the government and its underlying structures. This revolution for a lack of a better word had the potential to become the grandest social upheaval that the wizarding world had known for over two millennia.

Shauna had long ago learned how to recognize power and this Sorcerer had it in spades. She could literally feel his magical aura flooding her senses. Vampires were very sensitive to magic in general and she herself was an aura reader. She could tell that he was easily the equal to the current Dark Lord and the wizard known as Dumbledore.

This Scorpion Sorcerer had moved from inside the shadows. He held all the cards right now because his enemies didn't know who he was. The element of surprise was on his side. From where she stood, very soon this wizard would have a very powerful army at his side. If her people were to join, then the Goblins and then the Veelas, then nothing would stand in their way to reform the wizarding world. She had to get word to her father as soon as possible. A meeting between her father and this Sorcerer was paramount.

Shauna met the Veela's eyes and knew that she was thinking the same thing. This opportunity was far too great to pass up. Fate must be at work. How else had the random events of the last week culminated into where they were?

It was Shauna's turn to explain who she was and whom she represented. She explained the true history of the Vampires starting with Cain from the muggle bible. The real truth was that Cain had been a wizard 5000 years ago. He had been turned immortal by a failed experiment from a powerful dark wizard named Seth. In the process Cain had become so powerful that he had become immortal. The price for his immortality had been the constant need for blood. Eventually Cain met a witch named Lilith who helped him discover all of his new powers. Cain gave birth to the first, second and third generation of childer. He eventually founded the ancient city of Etosha where he created his thirteen grand childer.

Over three thousand years ago, Cain's childer eventually squabbled for power, and once again the mortals were used as pawns in their feuds. Finally the ancient city was thrown down - some say a natural disaster was the cause. Others say that a spurned childer's vengeful sorcery precipitated the cataclysm. Cain vanished into the unknown plotting his return. Up to now, he has not been heard from. The three Vampires of the Second Generation likewise disappeared into the mists of legend. But Cain's 13 grand childer, free from restraint, began breeding new vampires with abandon. The 13 vampires became known as the Antediluvians, and their childer, were created in there. The Antediluvians' magical gifts and curses thus were the clans formed.

Shauna then explained the socio political structure of their clans. She explained all of the different factions and went into some details of their powers. This included blood magic, soul magic, physical attributes, strengths and some weaknesses. She told them that her father was the notorious Nicadimus and that he was a Methuselah. He was an ancient Vampire who was over two thousand years old. He ruled the princes, who in turn ruled the territorial Camarilla.

Shauna then explained that the prince is often served by a council of advisors chosen from powerful elders of the various clans. These elders are collectively called Primogen. Though, in theory, a Prince's rule is absolute, a prince who fails to heed his Primogen often finds himself deposed or killed in short order. The Primogen are formidable forces in their own right, and ceaselessly intrigue against each other and the Prince.

Harry was by now absolutely fascinated by Shauna's explanation of her people. Harry could tell that the others thought so as well. The more he learned directly from the source the more he began to realize how much garbage his learning at Hogwarts had been. Binns with his constant fucking Goblin rebellions had probably caused numerous Wizards and Witches to commit suicide from sheer boredom. Why the hell couldn't' they bring in real teachers from the other races so that they could properly learn real wizarding history. Harry realized that it probably stemmed from the pureblood wizard and witches' fears that other races were more magical than they were.

Shauna seeing that she had a very captivated audience was emboldened and continued with her explanations. "The Elders are vampires who have existed for 300 or more years. They have mastered many magical powers during this time. Most Elders are deadly and formidable creatures. Elders tend to be scheming, ruthless and paranoid beings. They will do anything to hold onto their power structures, oppress or manipulate the younger upstart vampires, and destroy their rivals."

Shauna took a sip of brandy and continued, "Below the elders are the Ancillae. Ancillae are most often vampires who have lived from 100 to 300 years of unlife, though certain ambitious younglings may achieve the rank prematurely. As their name suggests, Ancillae often serve as aides and agents for Elders or the court. They usually play their own power-games as well, though these are of lesser consequence than the manipulations of the elders."

Seeing no interruptions, Shauna continued with the history lessons. "Lowest in rank are the Neonates. Those are Vampires who were created less than a century ago. Though occasionally cherished, scheming Elders often deploy Neonates as pawns. This callous treatment, combined with the value recent generations place on individuality, often causes Neonates to resent their Elders. After all, when one came of age during the Summer of Love, it is hard to empathize with a reactionary old tyrant who grew up amid feudal oaths and Divine Rights."

Harry was the first to speak and said, "What exactly is a Camarilla, and what clans make up its structure?"

Shauna was genuinely pleased by his interest and replied, "The Camarilla is a great sect of vampires that formed in the late medieval period. A vampire "United Nations" of sorts, it was formed to protect Vampires from the purges of the Inquisition, to uphold the Traditions of Cain, and to enforce the great Masquerade. Many Camarilla Vampires, remembering the nights of fire when Vampires were uprooted and destroyed, uphold the Masquerade fanatically. Camarilla vampires reject the idea of vampires as monstrous predators, instead preferring to live clandestinely among mortals and feed cautiously."

Seeing no interruption Shauna continued, "The Camarilla is the most populous sect, and (in theory) the most powerful. But it comprises seven clans of vampires, each with its own culture and agenda, and this renders it prone to discord. Ruled as it is by a fractious sort of parliamentarians, the Camarilla is slow to act and often indecisive in the face of threats. When it brings its combined might to bear, however, the Camarilla is virtually unstoppable."

Shauna finished her history lesson by saying, "The clans that make up the Camarilla are Brujah. They are a clan of violent, antiauthoritarian vampires espousing freedom from societal restrictions. The next clan is the Gangrel, which I am a part of. We are a clan of solitary, nomadic shape shifters who prefer the wilderness to the confines of the cities. The next clans are the Malkavian. They are a bizarre clan of lunatics whose members are infamous for their insanity - and insights. The next clan in the structure are the Nosferatu. They are a loathsome clan of deformed monsters who skulk in subterranean tunnels and sewers. Their ferocity and battle abilities however are unmatched anywhere in the Vampire world. Most other clans try to avoid them. The next clan is the Toreador. They are a clan of elegant, passionate vampires who patronize artists, musicians, actors and the like. The next clan in the cartel is the Tremere. They are a secretive, treacherous clan of vampire warlocks who practice blood magic. Finally the last clan is the Ventrue. They are a clan of aristocrats and nobles who consider it their duty to lead the Camarilla."

When she was done Harry found his voice and said, "Lady Shauna, this was the most amazing history lesson that I have ever had. In one night you have outshined six years of magical education from Hogwarts. This is again another great example of how badly run the current magical world is. I thank you once again for this unique opportunity to learn about your people. "

Shauna was pleased and answered back, "You are most welcome. It is refreshing indeed to find a group of wizards and witches who are willing to listen to other magical beings." Harry and the rest of his group inclined their heads as a show of respect to Shauna and Tiara.

Harry took the time to refill drinks and let Tiara explain her position. Just like Shauna, they all got a crash course on Veela social structures, politics, and etiquette. She described their current status and where some of the better-known clans were located. The biggest population was in France, then Russia, Germany and Italy.

By the time 10:30 pm rolled around they were all tired but very satisfied with their exchange of information. Harry then decided to introduce his diplomatic group by first name basis only. They were the one's who would handle the negotiations between their peoples and would arrange any further meetings. Shauna for her part told Harry to expect an invitation from her father, while Tiara said that she would consult with the Queen and arrange for a meeting to discuss a potential alliance.

With that done Harry said, "I will be back early tomorrow and create portkeys for your groups. Let me know where you want to go and I'll get you there. I will also give each of you two cell phones. They are a muggle invention that will allow you to contact me even in highly magical places. I have found them to be far superior to Owls. "

Harry then showed them how they worked and the code to reach him. When he was sure that they fully understood how to operate a cell phone, he told his people to retire for the evening. With that Harry escorted his wife to the floo and when she was gone he apparated to their home. By the time he reached the library at Potter castle, his brain was beginning to hurt from information overload.

Harry and Xiana went to bed, where his wife gave him the article from the Daily Prophet. When Harry looked at the picture, he burst out laughing. Harry had an inkling of who might have taken the pictures but he sure as hell was not going to say anything. While he was testing his new Raptor broom, he remembered seeing Colin Creevey taking pictures by the lake.

After some thought Harry then said, "I think you are right sweetheart. I think I'll go pay Madame Bones a little visit at the department of Magical Law Enforcement tomorrow afternoon. I think it's time for Dumbledore to lose his post on the Wizengamot. "

Xiana smiled and replied, "This will move up our time table, but like I said before this is far too big a plum to let go. Now how about we practice our Occlumency skills and then go to bed?"

Harry smiled and got himself into a lotus position like his wife and they both took half an hour to sort out the day's events and new knowledge. This was followed by a complete scan of the strength of their mental shields. After re-enforcing their metal defences, they both stripped bare and snuggled together. As much as they both wanted to make love, they were just too tired.

Harry spooned close to his wife with his chest against her back and proceeded to gently rub her tummy. Harry could now feel a slight bulge on her abdomen. He smiled at the new life that was growing inside her.

Harry pictured pouring all of his love for her and their unborn child. A warm white glow emanated from his hand, which created an incredible sense of well-being and protectiveness. Xiana suddenly felt so happy and contended. She felt a slight flutter in her tummy and smiled. Only her husband could make her feel this way. She pushed her self even tighter against his body. The warmth was intoxicating to both of them and soon they were asleep.

Friday Morning October 17, 1997

Harry and Xiana woke up felling refreshed and ready for another day. Xiana still had some deadlines for this week's Discovery News Paper print out. Harry's biggest objective for the day was to meet Amelia Bones and arrange for Dumbledore to be summoned to a court hearing. It was time to start paying back the bastard for his past transgressions. Harry and Xiana had a very early breakfast and made their way back to the trunk manor. Once they got there they noticed that their guests were waiting for them.

Harry stepped up to both women and said, "Good morning Lady Shauna and Lady Tiara. I hope that you are feeling rested. I see that most of your people have recuperated well."

Shauna replied, "These fine facilities and your generous care have made for a quick recovery. I wish to thank you once more for all of your help. Had you not rescued us when you did, we would most likely have died. Hare are the coordinates to the Gangrel clan." Harry nodded at her and her clan member and told them to follow him to the portkey room.

Once there, Harry took out two doughnut shaped ropes, which he enlarged. He then took Shauna's coordinates and concentrated on the black crystal imbedded in the rope and programmed a voice activated neutrino signature portkey.

The ministry could never find his special brand of portkeys, since they had no means of detecting its particular energy signature. When his was done, Shauna told him that she would contact him very soon. She then called forth all of the other Vampires who thanked him in turn and grabbed hold of the rope. When they were all touching the rope, Harry told Shauna to tap the dark crystal with her finger and say freedom. She did as she was told and they were gone in an instant.

Tiara was next with her people. Harry took the coordinates from her and programmed the other portkey. When his was done, she told her people to hold on to the rope. She then told Harry that she would also contact him very soon.

With that, the Veelas portkeyed back to their home. Harry looked at his watch, and noticed that it was 7:30 a.m. He kissed his wife and apparated to Myrtle's bathroom and cast the appropriate concealment charms on his Basilisk robe. It would now look like any ordinary cloak to everybody else. Harry made his way to the great hall. As Harry walked into the great hall he carefully looked at the Slytherin table and noticed the smirks on Theo, Brianna and Blaise. Harry smirked back at them and made his way to the Gryffindor table. As Harry passed by the Ravenclaw table he noticed that Tonks was not there. He went to sit by Neville, Luna, and Ginny.

He noticed that whispers were erupting all over the hall and some people were even pointing at him. Harry didn't pay any attention to any of it. He supposed that he had not been going to the great hall very often lately. Harry also noticed the loathsome looks that Granger and Weasley were giving him.

He deigned a look at the chilli pepper and noticed that Ron was looking back at him and making a fist while slamming it against his hand. If he thought he was scarring him, he was more demented than he ever thought. Just to add water to the fire, Harry stopped in front of them and started gyrating his hips without saying a word. The whole hall erupted into laughter. Naturally, the chilli pepper lost it and was about to come across the table for him when the beaver stopped him cold. She in turn gave him a sneer worthy of Snape. Harry snickered at them and slowly made him way to Neville as if he didn't have a care in the world.

Harry made an effort to not look at his watch, but he knew that shit would hit the fan very soon. Let's see how Snape and Dumbledore handle their little victory about leaving death eaters in the school. Harry was brought out of his musing when he heard high-pitched screams coming from all around the hall. Harry needed to keep pretences up so he gave a couple of feeble screams. His troops noticed his lead and gave feeble screams as well, just to make it look like they were surprised. Blaise had warned the others about the little breakfast interruption. Many students were already losing their breakfast to the floor.

The heads of Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle were perched on pikes, which were in turn planted in their chest cavity. The body acted as a pedestal of sorts. The eye sockets were empty except for puss like yellowish liquid, which was running down their cheeks. Their mouths were opened and a scorpion was tattooed to their foreheads. The upper part of their body was bare of any clothing thus showing the branded letters on their skin. The bodies looked lacerated and gaunt. Suddenly fiery letters began to appear in the air that read Death Eaters Beware. You will not escape the Scorpion Sorcerer's Wrath.The Revolution Has Started. The flames disappeared and a three dimensional picture of a large scorpion appeared in the air attacking with its tail.

The hall then erupted into complete pandemonium as everyone rushed for the doors. Harry took that time to look at the main table and noticed that all the teachers were as white as sheets. Dumbledore's face was all scrunched up and angry looking. His face looked like someone had just pissed in his porridge. Snape was almost milk white and was clutching his left arm. Harry couldn't have been happier. Let the bastard worry, he thought. Harry then glanced at the Slytherin table and noticed many sixth and seventh year students who were white as sheets. Pansy Parkinson and Millicent Bullstrode were passed out, no doubt from the shock at seeing their future lords decapitated.

Albus finally found his voice and said, "All house prefects will lead their houses to the dormitories. Classes will resume after lunch. This will give the staff time to deal with this crisis. Now go in an orderly manor." Albus sank back in his chair with a thousand thoughts running through his head. Albus looked at Potter and found him giving him an innocent shrug. Albus narrowed his eyes but kept his face devoid of emotion. Albus got the distinct feeling that Potter knew what was going on. This Scorpion mess was spiralling out of control.

Harry finally got up and followed his year into the dormitory. This should be good he thought. This would be the first time he would be locked in a room with the traitors. Ginny and Neville would watch his back though.

Harry followed the others and until they reached the fat lady. He just crossed the threshold when he was confronted with Chilli Pepper and the Beaver. They had their wands out and had their eyes narrowed at him. Harry wandlessly cast a shield on himself pushed by them to go sit in his favorite chair when he heard Petrificus-Totalis.

Ron wanted nothing more then to get back at the bloody-boy-who-lived. He wanted to pound his face in and win one for once. He didn't care if he was attacking him in the back. He had utterly humiliated him and he would get his pound of salt. Ron smirked and cast his spell, serves the fool right for turning his back on a potential confrontation.

The spell hit Harry's shield but Ron's utter shock, rebounded back towards him. At this close range and not expecting a shield to be there, he didn't stand a chance as was petrified by his own spell. Hermione was about to cast a much more powerful spell to break his shield when Ginny beat her to the punch and cast Expelliarmus at her. Not expecting the attack from her rear, Hermione was blasted back against the wall with her wand sailing into Ginny's hand. Neville had his wand out, daring anyone to pull theirs out.

While Harry went to sit in his favorite chair, Ginny went and picked up her brother's wand. She then cast Finite-Incantatum and Ron immediately raised himself to his feet and screamed, "You are nothing but a bloody traitor. Give me back my wand." He was screaming so hard that his spittle was flying in her face.

With a sneer on her face, she swiftly kicked him in the balls. He never saw the hit coming and dropped like a sack of potatoes. Ginny then grabbed him by the hair and said, "As far as I am concerned we are no longer family. You and your little sycophant girlfriend are all pissed off and humiliated and you blame Harry for it. However, let's set the record straight, you were the ones who went and attacked him on Dumbledore's orders no less. You are blind to what is really going on. That winkled ass, lemon drop sucking fool has so pulled the wool over your eyes that one thousand Lumos spells wouldn't penetrate the veil he has pulled over your 's funeral is this weekend, I highly recommend that you stay as far away from me as you can if you don't want to get castrated."

Harry heard Seamus, and Dean go white at the word castration. Well, Harry thought, this went better than he thought. Ginny and Neville came to sit by Harry as they discussed their upcoming class. They finally heard Ron weakly say, "This isn't over by a long shot." He went over and helped Hermione get off the floor. She was rubbing her head. They then made their way to the boy's dormitories.

Meanwhile Dumbledore had just entered his office when the head of Cornelius Fudge appeared in a roaring green flame calling his name. Albus came around his desk so that Fudge could see him and said, "I am rather busy at the moment Cornelius. What do you need?"

Fudge in a shaky voice replied, "It would seem that this Scorpion Sorcerer had been busy of late. The decapitated bodies of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy appeared in the Ministry cafeteria. There was a massage and a scorpion mark floating in the air." Fudge sounded like he was about to have a nervous breakdown. He kept muttering about having no other choice. Fudge found his voice again and added, "Just yesterday morning Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle Manor were utterly destroyed. It appears that I will have to give the Aurors authority to use the unforgivables."

Dumbledore frowned and replied, "Cornelius, let's not be hasty in our distress. I agree that we have a very evil wizard circumventing the law and killing people, but I believe we need to pull our resources and stop fighting each other. "

Fudge sneered at Dumbledore and said, "Why? So you can keep tabs on me. I know deep down you are vying for my job. I won't play your little games Dumbledore. I think the current level of cooperation is as much as I can handle from you. I was calling because I just received notice that the body of young Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle have been found in Hogwarts, is this true?"

Dumbledore sighed and replied, "I'm afraid that the news is true Cornelius. As for your job, you will recall that I turned it down which allowed you to step in at the time. I have never wanted that bloody job. Quit thinking about yourself for a moment and think about the wizarding world. I have to leave now, because there are preparations that I need to make on behalf of the deceased. "

By lunchtime, things had quiet down enough for everyone to return to class. Harry looked at his timetable and found that he had DADA. Well he thought this would be the ideal time to unnerve batboy even more. Harry made his way to class with five minutes to spare. Snape came billowing soon after that and slammed the door shut. He made his way to his desk and started roll call. He finally came to Harry and looked up to see that he was there. With a sneer on his face he moved on to the next person.

Snape told them to turn to page 287 of their book and study the incantation for the tight body shield. Harry took a look at it and immediately noticed how utterly fucking useless this shield would be in a real fight. For one thing the incantation was way too long. The power curve for this shield was way too pronounced for the effect that it gave. Harry started looking at other curses and shield in the book and found most of it to be utterly useless. Harry decided to relax and took out a set of Chinese dexterity balls. The balls made a slight tapping noise every now and then that seemed to cause people to turn around and look at him. Harry paid them no mind.

Towards the end of the class, Snape must have had enough when he bellowed, "Potter what do you think you are doing making these annoying sounds. You are just as annoying as your blasted father was. For some unknown reason, you don't seem to understand the word quiet."

At that moment the bell rang and Harry was about to walk out of the classroom when Snape sneered and said

"Oh no, you don't. Come here this instant you arrogant little twerp. What do you have in your hands?"

Harry looked into his hands and sneered back, "They are called Chinese dexterity balls, and they help me relax. Now if you don't mind keeping your overly large honker out of my business I have far better things to do then stand here talking with you professor Snivellus." He spat the last bit with pure venom.

By that time Snape's face had turned into a very interesting shade of puce and bellowed, "I will not be talked to this way by James Potter's spawn. 100 points will be taken from Gryffindor for your cheek, and your muggle balls will be confiscated." He said the last with a gleam of satisfaction.

Harry smirked and replied, "Very well. I can always get more of these. Come to think of it, they were a present." Harry walked to the front of the class and dropped the balls onto his desk. Snape ripped the balls from his desk to have a closer and found himself looking at a pair of silver gray eyeballs. His face suddenly turned white and dropped the balls back onto the desk as if they were contaminated. He knew those eyes very well. These were Draco's eyes.

Snape swirled onto Harry with his wand drawn and sneered, "Where did you get these. You will tell me right this second or you won't see your next birthday!" Harry had been ready for this and with amazing speed he snatched Snape's wand from his hand and threw it across the room. He then grabbed Snape by the throat in one hand and slammed the man as hard as he could against the wall and heard a satisfying crack.

Harry whispered softly so that only Snape could hear and said, "A friend of mine gave them to me. He particularly hates death eaters. Now that I think about it, those balls look an awful lot like little Draco pooh's eyeballs don't they? I really must thank my friend for all the extra effort he puts into his presents. Now listen very carefully. If you ever mess with me, my friends or revile my father in my presence again, I am going to lobotomize your ass. You may have been able to fool that senile old fucker of a headmaster and have somehow fooled his turkey club into accepting you. However, we both know that deep down you are nothing but a stinking coward of a death eater. Don't worry though, sometime soon you will be joining your death eater friends and sucking cock in hell I can promise you that Snivellus." Harry released Snape, and walked out of the classroom.